Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2302 Immortal Monument! (1 update)

With the departure of the Sky Clan Leader and the Giant Demon, the remaining Demon Clan were either dying or running away, and were defeated by the elite disciples of the three major sword houses.


This last line of defense in the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain Range was finally defended!

However, no one could get excited.

Even though this battle was won in the end, the price paid was extremely heavy.

Looking at the mountains and plains, the corpses lying in a pool of blood, even most of the corpses, were mutilated and devoured by the monsters.

In everyone's heart, a sense of desolation and solemnity arose spontaneously.

Although the demon army was repulsed, will the Golden Dragon Great Sage let it go?

However, no one had any extra energy to think. They just fell to the ground exhausted. At this moment in the battle, both physical strength and energy had reached their limits.

The war finally ended. Under Xuanyuan Longteng's order, the first step was to recover the bodies of the disciples who died in the battle.

They are all heroes who fought for the human race. Their corpses should have a resting place and erect immortal monuments.

Perhaps their bodies are so mutilated that their faces cannot be recognized, and they may not know who they are, but their heroic souls will live on forever.

Thousands of miles away.

The giant demon and the Sky Clan leader fled in panic with less than ten thousand remaining demon clan troops.

With 200,000 demon troops, they surrounded the One Moon Palace defenders on the front line with lightning speed. They thought they could swallow them whole, but in the end they were beaten and fled.

The faces of the giant monster and the Sky Clan Leader were both very ugly.

"It's all your fault, you old bird, for being so smart. It's all because of your poor command this time that we suffered heavy casualties! When we get to the Great Sage Golden Dragon, how are you going to explain it?"

The giant monster glared angrily at the Sky Clan Leader. His huge body had shrunk to about two feet. After all, in the ten-foot form, although the power was greatly increased, the target was too big and was not conducive to escaping from the battlefield.

"Don't shirk your responsibility. If you hadn't followed the plan and quickly beheaded Xuanyuan Longteng, which disrupted the morale of the human army, my plan would never have failed!"

The Sky Clan Leader also stared at the giant monster, tit for tat.

"How can you blame me? If a strange boy hadn't suddenly appeared. Although his cultivation level is not very high, his strength is slightly better than Xuanyuan Longteng, how could I have been unable to attack for a long time!"

When the giant demon thought of Jun Jiuyou, his teeth itched with hatred. Under the joint efforts of Jun Jiuyou and Xuanyuan Longteng, not only did he not get any advantage, he was even passive in everything. If it weren't for his rough skin and thick flesh, , I am afraid that I will be hit hard by the opponent instead.

"In short, the reason why my plan failed is because of the boys who suddenly came out, one actually has the strength of a great saint, and the other one is as cunning as a fox!"

The leader of the Sky Clan finally understood that Ling Feng had settled everything from the beginning, and his real purpose in gathering the human race was to attract more monster armies.

What really turned the tide of the entire battle around was Ling Feng's use of the Destruction Sphere, which killed and injured tens of thousands of demon clansmen in an instant!

It can be said that the reason why he suffered a complete defeat this time was completely at the hands of Ling Feng!

"That damn boy!"

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the Sky Clan leader. When he sent his subordinates to surround Ling Feng, he vaguely felt that something was wrong there. Unfortunately, it is too late to regret it now!

"If I'm not mistaken, the kid who used conspiracy to trick and kill tens of thousands of our demon clan's elites is Ling Feng!"

The leader of the Sky Clan snorted coldly, "No wonder the young master fell into the hands of this man. This man is indeed quite capable!"

"Humph, do you still have thoughts about this?"

The giant monster took a deep breath and said, "You and I have done something wrong this time. We have suffered heavy losses under the control of the human race. We should think about how to appease the anger of the Great Sage Golden Dragon!"


The leader of the Sky Clan sighed. With the temperament of the Golden Dragon Great Sage, the two of them were not able to do things well. They led the monster army and lost troops and generals. I am afraid they will be severely punished.

Dusk is approaching, and I don't know whether it is the dried blood of the earth that dyes the clouds red, or the clouds on the horizon that reflect the earth red.

On this day, the sky and the earth were all a bright red.

On an empty land not far from the battlefield, irregular stone tablets were erected. Some had names written on them, while others were just hastily piled huge rocks to compact the grave soil.

The dead are buried underground, while the living are remembered outside this forest of steles.

Some of these deceased people were their relatives, some were good brothers who were close friends in life and death, and some were the most beloved lovers...

Although they are already accomplished martial arts masters, in the face of life and death, they may not be much different from ordinary people.

Xuanyuan Longteng, as well as the masters of Longjian Tianfu and Tianchuan Jianfu, stood at the front of everyone, bowing towards the tombstones at the same time.

These people may have been ordinary in life, and they may not even be qualified to say a word to big figures like Xuanyuan Longteng and the others, but on this battlefield, they are heroes.

They deserve everyone's condolences.

"Some people may have died, but their will will be passed down forever! We will never forget those heroic spirits who died for the righteousness of the human race!"

Xuanyuan Longteng said his last eulogy in a deep voice, bowed deeply towards the dense forest of steles in front of him, and then led everyone back to the camp.

As for the front line of the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain Range, the three major sword houses each sent 10,000 elites to continue to garrison.

This time the monsters suffered heavy damage. In a short period of time, they may no longer be able to gather a large-scale monster army to dispatch, and the human race finally took a breather.

About an hour later, inside the handsome tent of the One Moon Heavenly Palace.

Xuanyuan Longteng was sitting on the main seat. Although his expression remained calm, everyone could see that there was a hint of fatigue and sadness hidden in his eyes.

What makes me tired is the mental and physical exhaustion from fighting that giant monster for a long time.

And the sadness is because this battle caused heavy losses to the One Moon Palace.

Although the battle turned around at the last moment, the One Moon Palace lost at least more than 50,000 elite disciples. Such losses can be said to have severely damaged the One Moon Palace's vitality.

Perhaps the foundations of the nine major families are still there, but if they want to return to their peak, I am afraid it will take hundreds of years of recuperation.

As the leader of the One Moon Heavenly Palace, he was naturally extremely saddened by such a loss.

Taking a deep breath, Xuanyuan Longteng stood up slowly and saluted the masters of Longjian Tianfu and Tianchuan Jianfu with cupped fists, "Thank you to the two masters for rushing to the rescue in time, otherwise the consequences of today's battle would be unpredictable."

"The three major sword houses are connected by the same spirit. What's more, when faced with the invasion of foreign tribes, we are all human beings. We should abandon our sectarian opinions and help each other!"

Headmaster Tianchuan waved his hand and said in a deep voice: "It's a pity that I, Tianchuan Sword Mansion, came a little late. I hope Headmaster Xuanyuan won't be surprised."

Master Longjian also said in a deep voice: "The demon clan's invasion was too sudden. I didn't expect it. It's still too late!"

Although these two leaders were half sincere and half false, they still came with reinforcements in the end.

Xuanyuan Longteng knew it well, but it was hard for him to get angry.

After saying a lot of thanks and sending away the people from the two major sword houses, Xuanyuan Longteng sighed softly, his face full of exhaustion and helplessness.

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