Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2312 Something weird! (2 in 1 chapter)

"What a great move to kill someone with a borrowed knife!"

Sun Guangyi took a deep breath and looked at the Ming Fei Wing in Xiao Hen's hand, "Does this thing really not affect warriors below the Saint level?"

If this is the case, only some senior elders will be poisoned, while most disciples will still be able to resist.

Even if the demon clan sends troops, it still has a certain ability to protect itself and will not be wiped out.

"Of course, the most critical part of the plan is to use these ordinary disciples to force Ling Feng into despair. If they are also poisoned and turn into cartilaginous worms, it won't be fun!"

Ming Zhi sneered, "You two, those who want to achieve big things don't stick to trivial matters! I might as well reveal another piece of news to you. The Golden Dragon Great Sage is currently looking for a treasure and has no time to deal with you humans. As time goes by, the monsters will sooner or later We have to withdraw our troops, and when the time comes, you will no longer have such a chance to kill Ling Feng."

"Humph, with Ling Feng's talent, given time, once he breaks through to the Saint level, even if ten of you are tied together, you will not be his opponent. By then, will you still have a good life?"

Ming Zhi's words made Sun Guangyi and the head of the Long family even more shaken.

Yes, this is a great opportunity!

It’s also the last chance!

If you want to get rid of Ling Feng, how can you not take a little risk?

"The poison in the wings of the underworld will be automatically eliminated within ten days?"

Sun Guangyi stared at Xiao Hen and asked again.

"Of course, although the poison of the underworld fly wings is severe, it is not fatal. It will be eliminated automatically after ten days. If you two are worried, I have two antidotes here."

Ming Zhi smiled faintly, took out two more black pills, and said calmly: "As long as you swallow this pill and adjust your breath for about ten breaths, you can detoxify immediately. If you don't believe it..."

Ming Zhi raised his hand, picked up a Ming Zhi Wing, opened his mouth, bit off a piece, and swallowed it directly into his belly.

Then, he saw a cloud of black energy surge up on his face, and his whole aura suddenly became sluggish.

The faces of the head of the Long family and Sun Guangyi changed. This Xiao Hen dared to test the poison with his own body. He was indeed a ruthless person.

Moreover, the severe toxicity and rapid onset also made them deeply fearful.

After all, Xiao Hen is now at the Saint level and has considerable resistance to poisons, but he is completely unable to resist the poison of the underworld fly wings.

"You two have seen it, the poison of the Ming Fei Wing is enough to make even a powerful saint-level person unable to resist!"

Ming Zhi trembled violently all over, and quickly swallowed the black pill. After adjusting his breath for a while, his complexion returned to its original state.

"Now, you two should have no worries anymore, right?"

Ming Zhi smiled faintly, "If you are willing to cooperate, you two will each take a portion of Ming Zhi Wing and Jidu Pills. If you don't want to, don't force it, but I think you two won't give up such a good opportunity, right?" "

The head of the Long family and Sun Guangyi both took a deep breath. As high-level experts in the human camp, they knew exactly what this meant.

But their resentment towards Ling Feng made them almost lose their minds.

a long time……

For a long time...

"Okay, I will believe you once!"

Sun Guangyi took away a piece of Ming Fei Wing and an antidote pill, "When it's done, I'm going to kill that kid with my own hands!"

"Of course, when Ling Feng falls into the hands of the demon clan and he needs to be killed or chopped into pieces, it's not up to us to do whatever he wants."

Ming Zhi grinned and looked at the head of the Long family, "Head of the Long family, how do you decide?"

The head of the Long family didn't say anything, but took away the remaining wings and detoxification pills.


Ming Zhi smiled and said: "Wise choice! Then, I will wait for the good news from you two!"

"Hmph, you'd better stop playing tricks!"

Sun Guangyi stared at Xiao Hen and said slowly: "Otherwise, even if you escape to the ends of the earth, I will leave you with no way to go to heaven and no way to go to earth!"


With a thought from Sun Guangyi, a wisp of sword energy burst out and immediately exploded a stone pillar in the cave into powder.

Then, in a flash, Sun Guangyi disappeared into the cave.

The head of the Long family also put away the Mingying Wings and Antidote Pills and left the place without saying a word.

After the two left, Mingzhi showed a sneer, "Two stupid old guys, really think that Mingzhiyi has an antidote? Hahahaha!"

The wings of the underworld, as the name suggests, are the wings of the underworld. They are originally something owned by the underworld itself. The poisonous hair and detoxification he displays are all just an act.

Once poisoned by the poison of the Darkwing Wings, there is no cure, and there is no automatic detoxification after ten days.

However, one thing he said is indeed true, that is, the toxin of Mingzhi Wing is only effective on those who are above the Saint level.

"Interesting, really interesting. Next, there should be exciting dramas in the human camp!"

Ming Zhi Jiejie laughed strangely. He just took advantage of Sun Guangyi and the others' selfish motives, and he was able to turn the entire human race upside down without spending a single soldier.

"Within ten days, just wait for Ling Feng to surrender."

Ming Zhi smiled faintly. In these ten days, Ling Feng would definitely fall into the hands of the demon clan, and the top leaders of the two major sword houses would also fall in the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountains due to the poison in their bodies.

And next, those old antiques in the Single Moon Palace and the Longjian Palace who are unable to escape from seclusion will no longer be able to sit still and start a complete war with the monster clan.

At that time, it can be regarded as a war between the two races in the true sense!

In the entire martial arts world of the West Sword Region, no one can stay out of the matter and will be involved in this war.

This is the true purpose of Shen Buliang.

Only in such troubled times was the era when he came out of nowhere and changed the entire pattern of the Western Sword Region!

Belongs to him, the era of infinite gods!

"As for you..."

Ming Zhi narrowed his eyes, and a silver-white shadow floated in front of him. This was the origin of Xiao Hen's soul.

Because he has condensed a silver fighting soul, the origin of his soul also has a faint silver glow.

"Such a pure silver fighting spirit is enough to be sucked for a while. Not bad, not bad..."

Inside the cave, the dry and hoarse laughter of Mingzhi came out, which was creepy!

One Moon Heavenly Palace Camp.

After Ling Feng deliberately revealed the news that the "Pictures of the Divine Desolation" might appear in the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountains, he wanted to use this to promote the alliance of the three major sword houses, join forces to fight against the demon clan, and resolve the war in the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountains as soon as possible. .

But he didn't know that a conspiracy centered on him had quietly begun.

"Miss Yu, I'm going to the other two major sword houses to discuss business this time. Are you sure you want to go with me?"

Ling Feng turned back and glanced at Yu Junyao. After the high-level meeting of Single Moon Heavenly Palace, he was sent by Xuanyuan Longteng to the other two major sword houses to discuss alliances.

I believe that using "Shenhuang Picture Record" as bait, I don't believe that the other two major sword houses will remain indifferent.

"Why, can't this girl be bored when she is doing nothing?"

Yu Junyao gave Ling Feng an angry look. With her restless temper, she naturally couldn't stay in the camp.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. In desperation, he could only take Yu Junyao and Lan Yan, the young master of the Azure Fire Tribe, to set off together.

This Lan Yan is currently his follower. The role of the follower is naturally that wherever he goes, Lan Yan must follow him.

At this moment, a figure flew from a distance at an extremely fast speed.

Flying closer, Ling Feng suddenly discovered that the figure was none other than Sun Guangyi, the elder of the Sun family!

"Elder Sun?"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes slightly. When Xuanyuan Longteng convened a high-level meeting of the nine major families, Sun Guangyi was nowhere to be seen. Unexpectedly, he went out privately?

At this juncture, where will he go?

Sun Guangyi flew extremely fast, and soon he flew to the front of the camp, right up against Ling Feng.

Ling Feng glanced at her, and Sun Guangyi suddenly showed a guilty expression. He snorted coldly, ignored Ling Feng, and flew back to the camp.

"This old guy is weird!"

Ling Feng frowned and murmured in a low voice.

"What's weird?"

Yu Junyao couldn't help but ask.

"On a normal day, this old guy would have scolded me aggressively, but today he didn't even fart. It's really strange!"

Ling Feng curled his lips and said lightly.

"Tch!" Yu Junyao glanced at Ling Feng with a look of disdain, "You guys, don't you feel uncomfortable even if you don't get scolded? What a shame!"


Several black lines suddenly appeared on Ling Feng's forehead, he rolled his eyes, spread out his body skills, and flew away in the direction of Tianchuan Jianfu, too lazy to talk to this woman again.

"Hey, brat, why are you running so fast!"

Yu Junyao glared at Ling Feng's back angrily, snorted softly, spread her body skills, and followed him.


Lan Yan sighed softly, "To think that I, the majestic young master of the Azure Fire Tribe, with a jade tree facing the wind, a dashing and suave person, could have fallen to this level! However, this kid is really extraordinary. Even that guy Jun Jiuyou is willing to be his The thugs and this girl named Yu, the aura of the original divine pattern seems to be more powerful than me! What is the origin of this kid? "

Lan Yan shook his head, how could he be so obsessed with lard before that he could provoke such a freak!

About an hour later.

Ling Feng flew out from the Tianchuan Jianfu camp.

The negotiation with Tianchuan Jianfu can be said to be very smooth.

As soon as Ling Feng released the news about the "Shenhuang Atlas", the headmaster of Tianchuan Jianfu immediately agreed without hesitation.

Unlike Longjian Tianfu, Tianchuan Jianfu's position is relatively firm. They are on the same front as Duyue Tianfu, and they both want to repel the demon clan as soon as possible.

However, Tianchuan Jianfu did not want to suffer a loss, so it was unwilling to take the lead.

And now, since it is related to Shenhuang Tulu, in order to prevent the demon clan from monopolizing the opportunity, it is imperative to form an alliance.

"I didn't expect things to go so smoothly. Now there is only one Dragon Sword Heavenly Mansion left!"

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows. As long as Longjian Tianfu nodded, the power of the three major sword palaces would be twisted into one force. With the current strength of the demon clan, it was impossible to withstand the human clan's offensive.

When the time comes, the war between the two clans will turn into a battle over ownership of the Divine Desolate Catalog. This is what Ling Feng wants to see.

The most favorable situation for him to fish in troubled waters.

In his opinion, there are basically no problems with Longjian Tianfu.

Everything is proceeding step by step according to his plan.

(PS: It’s not easy to divide it into chapters. This chapter has more words, so 2 and 3 are combined into one chapter.)

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