Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 234 The second stage of training!

After arranging a group of students to continue weight-bearing running training in the martial arts field, Leng Jianfeng brought 16 elites including Li Bufan, bypassed a densely packed building, and came to a hall at the northernmost end of the martial arts square.

"We are here. Your second stage of training will be carried out in this Tianwu Hall."

Tianwei Academy is divided into five colleges: East, South, West, North, and Central. Except for the teaching building, library, and canteen, all the facilities related to martial arts training are separated.

This is also related to the competition among the five colleges. After all, without knowing how hard the competitors are working, all the colleges can do is to work as hard as possible, work hard, and work harder to keep up with others.

Leng Jianfeng led Ling Feng and others into the Tianwu Hall and went directly to a quiet room at the end of the left.

On the door of the quiet room, the words "gravity room" were posted.

The so-called second stage of training is what the old birds call "gravity training".

Although the training contents of the five academies are somewhat different, generally speaking, they all have the same goal, which is nothing more than training speed, strength, reaction, physical body, and martial arts.

The first stage of weight training is only the most basic training. Although some people have a high level, if they can't even complete the first stage of training easily, their actual combat ability can basically be seen.

"Little bastards, you will definitely live a life worse than death in the days to come!"

Leng Jianfeng grinned, looked at the rows of weapon racks at the door of the gravity room, and said lightly: "Go, each person chooses a weapon, and you can spin more if you like, anyway, whatever you like."


A group of academies entered one after another and chose their favorite weapons on the weapon rack.

These weapons are not heavy, about one or two hundred pounds, and they seem to be made of some kind of rock, which is very bulky and not suitable for combat.

"Haha, I want this!"

Wang Yishan was muscular and immediately fell in love with a pair of stone hammers. He held one in his left hand and the other in his right hand, and waved them vigorously for a few times, grinning and saying, "This is the best for me!"

After a while, all the students had chosen their weapons. Most of them chose swords, and a few chose knives. Of course, the most bizarre one was the big guy Wang Yishan, who had a pair of double hammers, which were very sharp.

"Well, we have chosen everything, so let's go in together."

Leng Jianfeng glanced at everyone, and when he saw Wang Yishan, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he immediately led everyone into the gravity room.

The entire gravity room is about 800 square meters, and it looks very empty with more than a dozen people entering it.

There are chandeliers made of special crystals around the gravity room for lighting, so the whole hall is shrouded in a soft light, which is very comfortable.

"Teacher Leng, is this the gravity room? There is nothing special about it?" Wang Yishan couldn't help asking.

"You'll know in a while." Leng Jianfeng pursed his lips and said lightly: "The entire gravity room is divided into three levels. The gravity in the first area is one to ten times, the second area is ten to fifty times, and the third area is fifty to one hundred times!" "The area you are in now is just the first area." Leng Jianfeng said, pointing to the purple bricks on the ground, and continued: "These purple bricks represent a gravity array. Wang Yishan, I see that you are still strong, how about giving everyone a demonstration first?" "Haha, it's a piece of cake!" Wang Yishan waved the copper hammer a few times and strode onto a purple brick next to him. As soon as he stepped on it, a purple light curtain immediately rose around him, covering him completely. "Wang Yishan, you can choose the gravity multiple by yourself, just shout it out!" Leng Jianfeng raised his eyebrows and laughed: "After opening the gravity array, you only need to do one thing inside, that is, waving the weapon in your hand, waving it as you like, but you are not allowed to put it down and be lazy!"

"Got it!" Wang Yishan put on a confident smile on his face and shouted directly: "Ten times!"


Before the voice fell, everyone heard a loud noise, and this guy who was as strong as a bison fell directly to the ground, unable to move even a finger.

"Help - help -"

Wang Yishan shouted weakly, and a group of students rushed up and tried to pull him out in a hurry, but they were blocked by the purple barrier and could not enter.

"Hehe, do you know what it means to overestimate your own abilities?" Leng Jianfeng walked to the front of the purple square brick where Wang Yishan was with a slap on his face, and said loudly: "Gravity training, canceled."

The next moment, the purple light curtain dissipated, and the gravity in the square brick returned to normal.


Wang Yishan exhaled a few foul breaths, and all the bones in his body seemed to fall apart.

This is because this big guy's body is strong enough, otherwise, if it were someone with a weaker physique, he would have to lie in bed for a whole month.

"Did you see it? Anyone who dares to underestimate gravity training will end up like this!"

Leng Jianfeng snorted coldly and cursed: "Okay, each of you choose a gravity area and choose double gravity. No one is allowed to come out until you stay in there for two hours today! Otherwise, hum--"

Leng Jianfeng glared at everyone with ill intentions, scaring everyone's neck.

There is nothing this "ruthless" guy dare not do!


Everyone nodded quickly, each looked for a purple square brick, stood in it, and chose double gravity.

"Uh-huh!" Leng Jianfeng glanced at Ling Feng and Li Bufan, curling his lips and said: "You two, start with five times the gravity. As for how high you increase it, it's up to you!"

There was a trace of disdain on Li Bufan's face that was as cold as ice and he said directly: "Ten times the gravity!"

In an instant, a purple light curtain rose, and the power that almost distorted the space ten times soared instantly.

The stone sword that weighed more than a hundred kilograms in Li Bufan's hand became a full thousand kilograms. He thought that because the stone sword was very heavy, it was as if it weighed two thousand kilograms, which was very awkward to hold.


Li Bufan obviously snorted, but he stood firmly on the spot, grabbed the stone sword with both hands, and began to do chopping training.

He glanced at Ling Feng provocatively, as if asking: Huh, what would you choose?

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows, walked into the gravity area, and said without hesitation: "Ten times gravity!"

Suddenly, there was a huge pressure that almost broke every bone in the body. Ling Feng quickly opened the first Hunyuan Lock. The pressure eased slightly, but it still made it almost impossible for him to stand firmly.

This Li Bufan has obviously done similar training before, but this should be his first time with ten times the gravity.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng also grabbed the stone sword with both hands, squatted down on horseback, and began to practice the basic movements of chopping, chopping, stabbing, chipping, and picking with basic swordsmanship, gritting his teeth and training.

The students around were all stunned.

It was extremely difficult for them to even double the gravity. These two "perverts" had ten times the gravity as soon as they started!

Wouldn't it be so exciting?

When Leng Jianfeng saw the two people secretly competing, a smile appeared on his lips. He raised his hand and looked at the palm of his left hand. The scars on it were already scabbed.

This was the wound caused by Leng Jianfeng grabbing the sword blades of Ling Feng and Li Bufan just now when he stopped them from continuing to fight.

Li Bufan made his right arm tremble a few times, and Ling Feng broke through his protective aura.

Leng Jianfeng secretly sighed in his heart: "It seems that Ling Feng is better! This kid is probably more than just a hidden dragon..."

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