Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2315 Curing Poison! (3 updates)

On the other side, Ling Feng staggered out of Longjian Tianfu's camp after a great battle.

In this battle, he was seriously injured.

Among the senior elders of Longjian Tianfu, which one is easy to deal with?

And these powerful men actually joined forces to deal with Ling Feng alone!

In addition, those elite disciples, although not strong individually, could still leave a wound on themselves by killing a dozen of them due to their huge advantage in numbers.

And in order to protect himself, he killed no less than a thousand people, and the wounds on his body can be imagined.

Especially the internal injuries left to him by the senior elders were extremely serious.


After walking less than a hundred miles, Ling Feng suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground on his back.

He felt like every muscle in his body was torn apart, and the pain was so severe that he almost began to lose consciousness.

"Who on earth wants to harm me!"

Ling Feng clenched his fists tightly and quickly locked the target.

The head of the Long family!

That old guy's attitude was too abnormal from beginning to end!

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng regained his strength slightly, and with a thought, he teleported himself back to the Five Elements Heavenly Palace.

Although his injuries were serious, he could not die yet, but the situation of Yu Junyao and Lan Yan...

Not to mention Lan Yan, he didn't have any good impressions of him. At best, he just wanted to use his identity as the Blue Fire Clan to intimidate the Demon Clan.

After all, with the descendants of the two major gods by his side, the demon clan naturally did not dare to go too far after receiving the news.

Ling Feng doesn't care whether Lan Yan dies or not, but Yu Junyao...

Unknowingly, Ling Feng regarded Yu Junyao as one of his most important companions.

"Miss Jade, how do you feel?"

Ling Feng helped Yu Junyao up, and when he saw the black air floating on her face, his brows suddenly furrowed.

Yu Junyao looked extremely weak. She opened her eyes slightly and saw Ling Feng covered in blood. She frowned and said, "Smelly... boy, you... are you okay? I saw them besieging you, but I...I can't help you..."

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

Ling Feng gritted his teeth, and a warm current surged into his heart.

At this time, Yu Junyao’s first words were actually about caring about herself...

"Then... that's good... I... I feel so cold... so cold..."

Yu Junyao's body was trembling a little. Due to the poisoning, she felt that her whole body was cold, and the original true fire in her body was completely suppressed in her dantian, unable to escape.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine!"

Ling Feng hesitated for a moment, and finally held Yu Junyao in his arms, using his body temperature to bring a trace of warmth to Yu Junyao.

"We still have Fluttershy, and as long as Fluttershy is here, any poison is nothing!"

Ling Feng hugged Yu Junyao and shouted loudly at the same time, "You bitch, you've had enough of watching the show, why don't you bring Xiaodie over here!"

"Hey hey hey..."

At this time, a burst of extremely obscene laughter came from the distance, and it was the bitch donkey who walked over quickly with Xiaodie and Xiaoqiongqi.

"Aren't you afraid of hindering your ability to see the truth in times of need? How embarrassing! Hehe..."

The bitch flicked his tail, looking like he "doesn't understand good people", and glared at Ling Feng resentfully.

"True love, you big-headed ghost!"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes at him angrily, looked at Xiaodie, took a deep breath, and said slowly: "Xiaodie, can you suck the toxins out of Miss Jade's body?"


Yu Xiaodie has just been born, and her wisdom is not very high, but fortunately she listens to Ling Feng's words very much.

Moreover, she seemed to like Yu Junyao quite a lot. She walked up to Yu Junyao, flapped her little wings behind her back, and then picked up one of Yu Junyao's fingers and said, "Ah!" He bit her fingertips and then began to absorb the toxins from Yu Junyao's body.

After a while, Yujunyao's complexion gradually recovered, but Xiaodie turned black. After she completely absorbed the toxins from Yujunyao's body, she fell directly on her back to the ground and began to fall asleep.

Just like the previous form of "Red Eyed Ice Silkworm", once she is full of toxins, she will fall into a deep sleep and dissolve the toxins into her own power.

However, it can actually turn the evolved form of Xiaodie into this appearance, which shows that the poison in Yujunyao's body is extremely toxic!

It might be a bit difficult to rely on Xiaodie to detoxify so many elders in Longjian Tianfu!

However, after Xiaodie wakes up, the toxin will have a much smaller impact on her. Maybe she can try to detoxify a few more people.

Although he has no interest in repaying evil with kindness and saving those fools from Longjian Tianfu, the current situation still requires those strong men from the human race to contend with the monster race.

After the toxins in Yu Junyao's body were completely resolved, her mental state quickly recovered. She suddenly realized that she was still lying in Ling Feng's arms, and her ears suddenly turned red.

"You brat, you actually took advantage of me!"

Yu Junyao gritted her teeth and pushed Ling Feng away.


With this force, she immediately pulled the wounds on Ling Feng's body, causing him to grimace in pain.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, I..."

Yu Junyao suddenly became confused, "Are you okay?"

"If you come here a few more times, I'll be in trouble!"

Ling Feng covered the wound on his chest. Fortunately, he was thick-skinned and had reached the stage of physical sanctification. Otherwise, the hard battle in Longjian Tianfu might have cost him his life.

"Ling...Boss Ling, save me, save me!"

Lan Yan, who was on the side, saw that Yu Junyao had miraculously recovered, and immediately climbed up to Ling Feng and begged, "Boss Ling, for the sake of my being a cow and a horse for you these days, you can Don’t leave me alone!”

Ling Feng glanced at him, took out a few pills, and said calmly: "Xiaodie has fallen into a deep sleep now. You take these antidote pills first, which can suppress the toxins for a while. When Xiaodie wakes up, I will try again." Let her detoxify you."

"Thank you, boss! Thank you, boss!"

Lan Yan swallowed the detoxification pill whole, and then he thanked her profusely.

Ling Feng took a deep breath and boasted at Longjian Tianfu that he would find out everything within three days. He didn't have much time and he had to recover from his injuries as soon as possible.

Fortunately, as an alchemist, I don't have much else, but I can manage enough elixirs.

Combined with the elixir, his internal injuries can be fully recovered in the shortest time.

About an hour later, Ling Feng slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air, and his injuries had recovered by about 60 to 70%.

Fortunately, he had practiced the "Eight Desolations Body Forging Technique" before, and in the Sunset Ancient City, he obtained the second stage of the "Eight Desolations Body Forging Technique" from the Great Wilderness Sword Master, condensing the Eight Desolations Immortal Body Technique. , in terms of resilience, it can be called a monster level.

No matter how severe the trauma is, as long as you don't die, you can quickly recover as before.

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