Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2323 He will come back! (2 updates)

"What, Ling Feng is dead?"

When he heard the news, Jun Jiuyou felt like the world was spinning and he almost fell to the ground.

The next moment, anger surged in his eyes, and he punched the wall. The entire cave made a loud "rumbling" sound, as if a magnitude 18 earthquake had occurred.

He just disliked the delay in starting the war on the front line, so he practiced in seclusion for a few days. Unexpectedly, when he came out of seclusion, such a big thing happened.

Ling Feng is actually dead?

Then who else would he take back to heal his father?

Even if he had the Fountain of Youth, it would only be able to extend his father's life a little and linger on.

"Damn it!"

Jun Jiuyou clenched his fists tightly, stared at Xiao Juanyun in front of him, and said in a cold voice: "What's going on?"

Xiao Juanyun was so frightened by Jun Jiuyou's murderous intent that he trembled and quickly told the truth everything he knew.

However, he didn't know much. He just recounted how the heads of the Long family pushed each other aggressively, and how Xuanyuan Longteng was forced to take action.

As for whether Ling Feng was poisoned, he didn't know.

But he believed that Ling Feng had no reason to poison the elders of Longjian Tianfu for no reason.

"Damn it! A bunch of turtle bastards dared to force Ling Feng to death!"

After Jun Jiuyou heard this, he immediately started to curse, "I must pay for it with your lives!"

Jun Jiuyou was furious. Ling Feng was related to his father's life and death. Not to mention that Ling Feng could not poison him for no reason. Even if he was poisoned, so what?


With a flash of his figure, Jun Jiuyou rushed out of the cave. His first goal was to find Xuanyuan Longteng's camp.

The person who personally kills Ling Feng must be the first to die!

At this time, Xuanyuan Longteng was in the camp, writing quickly at his desk. On one side of the camp, Yu Junyao was lying very quietly on a soft couch padded with tiger skin.

After she was knocked unconscious, Xuanyuan Longteng ordered people to take her to his camp. Only by watching her could he feel relieved.

After all, there may not be any moles in the One Moon Heavenly Palace!

"When Ling Feng entered the void passage, he left a message, be careful of Sun Guangyi. There may be poison in the water source!"

Xuanyuan Longteng frowned. From a personal perspective, he was naturally biased towards Ling Feng.

Since Ling Feng said that the water source was poisonous, I'm afraid it was not groundless.

"After this incident, there must be the participation of the demon clan. Huh, when did the demon clan become so cunning and cunning, and actually use such a vicious trick to deal with Ling Feng?"

Xuanyuan Longteng held the brush in his hand and wrote one letter after another, thinking about how to inform his ancestors, but he crumpled the letter paper again and again.

There were so many threads that he didn’t know where to start.

"Old man, come out and die!"

At this moment, a roar came from outside the camp, and then two screams were heard. The disciples guarding outside the camp had been punched away.

The next moment, a tall and majestic figure appeared in the tent, and it was Jun Jiuyou.

Anger surged in Jun Jiuyou's eyes, and he stared angrily at Xuanyuan Longteng, "Old man, you are quite leisurely!"

Xuanyuan Longteng seemed to have expected Jun Jiuyou to come to his door, but he was not too surprised.

Putting the brush in his hand on the inkstone, Xuanyuan Longteng raised his head slightly, looked at Jun Jiuyou, and saluted him with a cupped fist, "Young Master Jiuyou, you are here."

"Humph, don't do this!"

Jun Jiuyou snorted coldly, "Show your strongest tricks. I will kill you just as you killed Brother Ling!"

Xuanyuan Longteng sighed softly and said slowly: "Young Master Jiuyou, please be patient."

He walked out from behind the desk, and with a thought, he directly placed several layers of soundproof barriers, and then slowly said: "Young Master Jiuyou, Ling Feng, is not dead!"

Immediately, Xuanyuan Longteng told Jun Jiuyou the specific situation that happened that day.

"What? You let him directly enter the temporary void channel formed by the void crack?"

Jun Jiuyou frowned and said angrily: "What's the difference between this and letting him die?"

"If you don't go in, you'll be dead. If you go in, there's still a glimmer of hope."

Xuanyuan Longteng smiled bitterly, "The situation at that time, our sect..."


Jun Jiuyou took a deep breath and said, "I'm not indifferent to right from wrong. I won't kill you! It's just..."

Jun Jiuyou shook his head and sighed, "Brother Ling, Brother Ling, you gave me a glimmer of hope, but why did you die like this!"

"No, he must not be dead!"

At this moment, it was Yu Junyao who got up. She had actually been awake all along, but she was just pretending to be unconscious, hoping to find an opportunity to kill Xuanyuan Longteng in one fell swoop.

But after hearing Xuanyuan Longteng's words just now, a glimmer of hope suddenly rose in her heart.

Perhaps ordinary people, trapped in the void, only have a narrow escape from death.

But Ling Feng is different.

When they were in Miluo Continent, Ling Feng had already taken her to escape from the void once.

And this time, he can definitely save the day!

"Miss Jade?" Jun Jiuyou turned to look at Yu Junyao, her eyelids twitching, "Why are you so sure?"

"He has a way to escape, I know it!"

Yu Junyao looked determined, and a hint of joy appeared on her pretty face.

"If that's true, that would be great. Hopefully, he can escape."

Xuanyuan Longteng was also obviously relieved, but he was not entirely sure yet.

"It's just that, who knows where he will be sent from this unstable void channel? If he is unlucky, he may not be able to return here in his life."

Jun Jiuyou frowned, his father didn't have that much time to wait.

"He'll be back!"

Yu Junyao clenched her fists, "I believe he will be back soon!"

"Since you are so confident, then I will wait for him for one more month!"

Jun Jiuyou took a deep breath. One month was already the limit.

"Wait a minute."

Xuanyuan Longteng interjected: "Young Master Jiuyou, given Ling Feng's current situation, even if he comes back, it will only provoke a new round of siege. If he wants him to truly sit back and relax, he must find out who is the real one." It’s the person who poisoned him, and the real cause of death of the Dragon Sword Master!”

"According to the rules of Longjian Tianfu, the masters of all generations will be sent back to the ancestral tomb of Longjian Tianfu. Outside the ancestral tomb, there are many institutions and are guarded by ancestor-level experts. If you want to find the Dragon Sword Palm, It’s so difficult to teach a corpse!”

Xuanyuan Longteng looked at Jun Jiuyou and said in a deep voice: "I hope that Young Master Jiuyou can help steal Master Longjian's body back. Perhaps, we can also find some clues from his body to help Ling." Feng cleared his name.”

"Stealing corpses?"

Jun Jiuyou glanced at Xuanyuan Longteng, and after a while, he nodded, "Okay, for the sake of Brother Ling, just steal!"

Yu Junyao gritted her silver teeth and said, "I'll go too, lest you make a mistake!"

The reason why Yu Junyao said this was because although Jun Jiuyou was powerful, he did not dare to compliment him in other aspects.

It seemed that he only cared about martial arts training and almost forgot about other things.

Maybe, as he kept stealing, he would forget whose body he wanted to steal, and he might bring back someone else's body.

Just in case, Yu Junyao had to come forward in person!

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