Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 237 If you want to incriminate yourself, why bother!

"Smelly Lingfeng, listen to me, the first thing I want you to do is help me get rid of these annoying flies!"

Qin Wanwan's words immediately silenced the crowd.

Not because Qin Wanwan actually called these talented teenagers flies, but because this beautiful girl with both talent and appearance actually seemed to have some kind of agreement with a young man named Ling Feng!

Ling Feng's head darkened, and he regretted once again that he had actually agreed to Qin Wanwan's three conditions. This first condition almost made him a "public enemy"!

However, he had something to say first, so he had no choice but to walk out of the crowd and slowly walked to Qin Wanwan's side. Although he didn't say a word, he expressed his position with actions.

His gaze was as sharp as a sword, and his aura seemed sharp and killing due to the half-step killing sword intent.

The "wild bees and butterflies" around him couldn't help but shudder. How could the murderous aura in this young man be so amazing!

However, many people feel very displeased with Ling Feng, a boy who is only at the sixth level of Pulse Condensation Realm (PS: as mentioned before, opening six pulse gates means the sixth level of Pulse Condensation Realm).

Such a "rookie"! "Weak chicken"! "Toad"!

Still thinking about being a flower protector?

"Hey, who do I think you are? It turns out to be the famous Chief of the East Campus!"

A harsh voice came out from the crowd.

Ling Feng was no stranger to this voice. It was He Zhonglei who had been severely punished by him in the sword fighting arena that day.

After that time, He Zhonglei did not provoke Zhou Yun again, but this did not mean that he was convinced by Ling Feng.

Tonight, with his brother He Zhongjie, a disciple of Tianzi, by his side, he naturally gained the confidence to dare to yell at Ling Feng.

"Why, you weren't beaten enough last time? Do you still want to relive your old dream today?" Ling Feng's mouth curled up and he glanced at He Zhonglei with ill intentions.

Suddenly, He Zhonglei felt a dull pain in his cheek. He had been beaten into a pig's head in the sword fighting arena. Even if he borrowed three more courages, he would not dare to fight Ling Feng.

"Brother, you must stand up for me this time!"

He Zhonglei knew that he was no match for Ling Feng, so he could only turn to look at He Zhongjie and ask for help from the elder brother of Tianzi disciple.

He Zhongjie narrowed his eyes. Last time in the cafeteria, he was already angry because of Gu Tengfeng. Even if He Zhonglei didn't say anything, he wouldn't let Ling Feng live too freely.

"Ling Feng, originally you and Zhong Lei were competing in a sword fighting arena. Whoever loses will win. Injuries are inevitable and understandable. But..."

He Zhongjie stared at Ling Feng and said in a cold voice: "Hitting someone doesn't mean hitting someone in the face. If you hit Lei in the face, it is equivalent to slapping the face of the He family of our imperial capital and the face of our Tingwei Mansion! If I don't do it for this tone, If the He family takes it back, the world will still think that I, a member of the Tingwei Mansion, are timid and afraid of getting into trouble!"

It turned out that the two brothers He Zhonglei were young masters from the Tingwei Mansion. Tingwei is also among the nine ministers. Although his status is far inferior to that of the three princes, he is also an important minister of the empire.

"I will use my fists to teach you how to respect the people of our Tingwei Mansion!" He Zhongjie's eyes burst out with an icy cold light.

"Hahaha! If you want to incriminate yourself, why bother!" Ling Feng raised his head and laughed, "If you want to take action, I will accompany you at any time!"

Ling Feng himself is also very curious about how far he has progressed during this period of time and whether he can compete with a Tianzi disciple like He Zhongjie.

"Ling Feng, calm down!"

Qin Wanwan frowned. It was no longer a trivial matter as it concerned Tianzi's disciples.

In her opinion, no matter how powerful Ling Feng is, he cannot be a match for Tianzi's disciples.

What's more, He Zhongjie is not an ordinary disciple of Tianzi, behind him is the Tingwei Mansion!

Qin Wanwan gritted her silver teeth and actually stood in front of Ling Feng. She gritted her teeth and said: "He Zhonglei, you are so shameless. If you can't beat me in a fight, just move out of the family behind you! Okay, don't slap people in the face, you guys You slapped my cousin in the face. Are our Dongdu Liu family easy to bully? Cousin, let me come out!"

As soon as Liu Yunfei heard Qin Wanwan calling out his name, he knew that he could not escape, so he had no choice but to stand up and salute He Zhongjie: "Brother He, He Zhonglei did slap me in the face that day. If you press For the reason that your Tingwei Mansion despises me, Prince Jiang Ling Mansion, I’m afraid it can’t be justified.”

He Zhongjie frowned, he didn't expect a Jiangdu Liu family to appear on the way.

The ancestor of the Liu family was named the King of Jiangling, and under the influence of his ancestors for generations, he became the king of Jiangdu. Although it was not an official position with real power, in name, he was equal to the royal family and nobles.

Tingwei's Mansion has great reputation, and Prince Jiang Ling's Mansion has even more respect!

However, Qin Wanwan's actions greatly surprised the surrounding students who were watching the excitement.

Unexpectedly, this stunning girl with both talent and beauty would step out of Prince Jiang Ling's palace to suppress He Zhongjie brothers for Ling Feng.

"Liu Yunfei, are you sure you want to stop me, He Zhongjie, for this kid?"

He Zhongjie stared at Liu Yunfei, and his eyes released a terrifying and ferocious aura, frightening Liu Yunfei to the point where he took three steps back.

Although the status of the two is almost the same, there is a considerable gap in their cultivation.

"Brother, it seems that this little prodigal is determined to protect Ling Feng. Hum, I thought she was some kind of chaste and fierce woman, but she actually hooked up with such a wild boy who didn't know where she came from. Watching them get intimate Looks like this, I’m afraid it’s already been... tsk tsk tsk..."

He Zhonglei was so angry that he actually used such filthy words to maliciously slander.

The guys around who were watching the fun immediately began to boo.

"How is it already? Hehe..."

"Hehe... Needless to say, it's just that kind of thing!"

"I didn't expect that Miss Qin is really open-minded!"



At this moment, a crisp slap sounded, and everyone suddenly became quiet and silent.

I saw a blood-red palm print stamped hard on He Zhonglei's face. The force was so strong that he was whipped away, and even knocked down a group of shameless dogs who were making noises next to him.

Although Ling Feng has always disliked Qin Wanwan, reputation is undoubtedly the most important thing for women in the Tianbai Empire.

He Zhonglei's slander and slander were simply obscene to a certain level.

"Misfortune comes from the mouth. This time and the time in the cafeteria, you have said things you shouldn't have said twice. It only lasts three times. If there is another time, no one can save you!"

Ling Feng's eyes were filled with murderous intent, and he said word by word: "I will do what I say!"

Everyone was stunned!

In public, in full view of everyone!

Ling Feng actually slapped his brother He Zhonglei hard in front of He Zhongjie!

"I don't think anyone can save you today!" He Zhongjie was so angry that he was shaking all over. He had already planned to settle the matter, but Ling Feng actually dared to do it, and he did it in front of him!

He Zhongjie stared at Ling Feng, his eyes as sharp as sharp knives, and his voice seemed to come from the Nine Nether Hell, cold to the bone.

"Boy, if you have the guts, follow me to the sword fighting ring! Fight to the death!"

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