Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2344 Autopsy! (2 updates)

Not long after, Tie Jing walked out from a tent in Huotou Camp with a calm expression.

However, this iron thorn is not the previous iron thorn.

"Brother Tie, I'm sorry!"

It turned out that in the camp, Ling Feng took advantage of Tie Jing's inattention and knocked Tie Jing unconscious with a hammer, and then stuffed him directly into the firewood pile.

Then, Ling Feng transformed Qian Ji into the appearance of Tie Jing, and then slightly changed his body shape. An "Iron Jing" exactly like Tie Jing was born.

It is naturally much more convenient to use Tie Jing's identity to act outside.

At the same time, Ling Feng had a great creative skill and created a "dragon flying", which stayed in the tent and slept soundly. In this way, it was naturally perfect.

After a while, Ling Feng arrived in front of Yu Junyao's cave, coughed a few times, imitated Tie Jing's voice, and called softly: "Miss Yu, Miss Yu, are you there?"

Yu Junyao was waiting for Ling Feng to come in her cave.

Last night Ling Feng said not to waste time, but it was already noon and he didn't show up yet.

At this moment, I suddenly heard Tie Jing's voice, and my brows suddenly furrowed.

"Is it that guy again? He's not here to deliver a message, is he?"

Yu Junyao quickly walked out of the cave and saw Tie Jing standing outside the cave. He looked completely different from the awkward and helpless look he had yesterday.

"why is it you again?"

Yu Junyao glanced at "Tie Jing" with a hint of displeasure. She was waiting for Ling Feng to have something serious to do!

"Why can't it be me?"

Ling Feng grinned, "Didn't I say yesterday that I would come to find you?"


Yu Junyao suddenly realized it and stared at Ling Feng for a long time, "It turns out to be you!"

Ling Feng winked at her and said solemnly: "Let's go and find the headmaster."

Yu Junyao nodded quickly, muttering secretly in her heart: I didn't expect that this kid's disguise method was so powerful, even she couldn't tell it at all.

At this time, Xuanyuan Longteng was inside the camp, looking at the terrain sand table in front of him with a frown on his face.

Since the disciples of Longjian Tianfu came and caused a big fuss last time, because he took action in time to "clean up the door", everyone was convinced.

After that, the alliance between the three major sword houses was relatively smooth.

However, Xuanyuan Longteng's proposal that the disciples of the three major sword houses jointly launched an active attack on the demon army had been unanimously approved, but just yesterday, something went wrong again on Longjian Tianfu's side!

The reason is that another high-level elder in the Longjian Tianfu died of poison.

In Longjian Tianfu, the morale of the army is now slack and unable to send troops.

Even though Xuanyuan Longteng was not angry, he still couldn't push too hard on Longjian Tianfu.

But now is the best time. The demon clan has allocated most of its troops to search for the catalog of divine wilderness. If they launch a surprise attack at this time, the demon clan will definitely lose their troops.

But it happened that at this time, Longjian Tianfu was holding back the Jianfu Alliance again and again.

In just a few days, Xuanyuan Long Teng's white hair on his temples had grown a lot more.

"It would be great if that guy Ling Feng was here at this time."

Xuanyuan Longteng sighed softly. Looking at the entire One Moon Heavenly Palace, at this moment, no one could help him share his worries.

Not to mention the Dragon Sword Heavenly Mansion, even within the Duyue Heavenly Palace, everyone is not united.

It is difficult to be a human being, and it is even more difficult to be the leader of a sect!

"Report to the headmaster, Tie Jing, a disciple of the Tie family, and..."

At this moment, the guard disciple's announcement came from outside the tent, but was interrupted by another voice the next moment.

"What kind of rumors are there? I'll just go in myself!"

"Jade...Miss Jade, you...oh!"

The next moment, Yu Junyao was seen breaking into the tent, followed by a rather tall and burly man.

Xuanyuan Longteng had a little impression of this man. After all, Tiejing was also a child of the nine major families, and Tiejing was a rising star among the younger generation of the Tie family, so Xuanyuan Longteng had met him several times.

"Girl Yu, why are you..."

Xuanyuan Longteng glanced at Yu Junyao and couldn't help but shake his head. Although this mysterious woman looked like a fairy, she had a fierce temper. She was really...

I'm afraid only that guy Ling Feng can control her.

"Headmaster, Miss Yu insists on breaking in. Disciple...disciple can't stop her at all..."

The guard disciples looked at Xuanyuan Longteng with aggrieved expressions.

"That's all..."

Xuanyuan Longteng shook his head and smiled, "From now on Miss Yu comes to our sect, there is no need to stop her. Just retreat!"


The guarding disciples felt as if they were being pardoned and hurriedly left the tent.

Xuanyuan Longteng then looked at Yu Junyao and said with a wry smile: "Yu girl, why do you want to come to this sect?"

"Old man Xuanyuan, didn't I leave the body of Master Longjian to you for safekeeping last time? Now I'm asking someone to do an autopsy!"


Xuanyuan Longteng glanced at Yu Junyao, and finally his eyes fell on "Tie Jing". He pondered for a moment and said slowly: "You are a junior of the Tie family, right?"

"He is..." Yu Junyao spoke frankly and was about to reveal Ling Feng's identity, but was interrupted by Ling Feng.

He saw Ling Feng holding Yu Junyao's shoulders, taking a step forward, bowing and saying: "If I return to the headmaster, my disciple is Tie Jing of the Tie family."

"The Tie family is a family of blacksmiths, but I have never heard of it. There are still people in the Tie family who can do autopsies."

Xuanyuan Longteng frowned and glanced at Yu Junyao with some blame. The matter of stealing the body of the Dragon Sword Master was of great importance. How could Yu Junyao find Tie Jing, a junior from the Tie family?

Could it be possible that she also informed more people about this matter?

When Xuanyuan Longteng was puzzled, Ling Feng continued: "Thank you so much, Master, for giving guidance to the disciples. There is only a thin line in the sky!"


Xuanyuan Longteng's eyelids twitched, he looked at the Iron Jing again, and he immediately came to his senses.

This Tie Jing is probably Ling Feng in disguise!

This kid is really back!

"Haha, you are also very enlightened!"

Xuanyuan Longteng was so smart that he knew everything at once. Since Ling Feng hid his identity, he didn't reveal it. He just took out a coffin and said calmly: "Since you are proficient in autopsy, let's take a look at it!"

"Well, disciple, do your best!"

Ling Feng nodded, walked up to the coffin, and slowly opened the coffin lid.

Because Xuan Bing Soul sealed the body, the body of the Dragon Sword Master did not continue to rot.

However, the corpse stench became even stronger.

Ling Feng frowned, but did not stop his movements and took out the body of the Dragon Sword Master from the coffin.

"Wow, you guys can really tolerate this!"

Yu Junyao's eyes narrowed, and she pinched her nose tightly from a distance, not daring to get close.

Ling Feng shrugged. For an alchemist, enduring the stench is just a basic skill. After all, there are not only the fragrant spiritual flowers and spiritual herbs in the world, but there are also some spiritual flowers and spiritual herbs with stench. It smells bad. If he couldn't bear even a little bit of the stench, Ling Feng wouldn't have the alchemy attainments he has today.

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