Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2346 The oriole is behind! (1 update)

The main camp of the One Moon Heavenly Palace is within the handsome tent.

Sun Guangyi, the elder of Sun's family, was summoned by the headmaster and came to the commander's tent.

However, he felt a little uneasy in his heart. This uneasiness came from the guilty conscience of being a thief.

Although he did not succeed in poisoning, judging from Xuanyuan Longteng's measures to completely change the water source, it was obvious that the headmaster had some doubts about himself.

Therefore, these days, Sun Guangyi has been as low-key as possible and rarely even expresses his opinions.

But today, Xuanyuan Longteng suddenly summoned him privately, which made Sun Guangyi somewhat panicked.

"I'm old enough to see my master."

Taking a deep breath, Sun Guangyi bowed to Xuanyuan Longteng. Although Sun Guangyi was one generation higher than Xuanyuan Longteng in terms of seniority, the headmaster was still the headmaster, and naturally he could not overstep his authority.

"Elder Sun."

Xuanyuan Longteng raised his eyes and glanced at Sun Guangyi, with a dull expression on his face. He just said slowly: "Now is the critical period of confrontation with the demon clan. However, Longjian Tianfu has been reluctant to form an alliance. Elder Sun That’s how you look at it.”


Sun Guangyi's expression changed slightly, he pondered for a moment, and then said slowly: "Old Man and Longjian Tianfu have no private tutors, and they are not very clear about their deployment. However, Longjian Tianfu has always had this attitude since the two clans fought. It’s not strange anymore.”

"Having said that..."

Xuanyuan Longteng glanced at Sun Guangyi, "But the matter is related to the Shenhuang Picture Book, but Longjian Tianfu still has this attitude, which is somewhat intriguing."

"This old man doesn't know."

Sun Guangyi was cautious, fearing that he would make too many mistakes and reveal his flaws.

"I wonder if Longjian Tianfu has some other information."

Xuanyuan Long Teng walked up to Sun Guangyi, took a deep breath, and sighed softly: "Elder Sun, the alliance has been delayed again and again. As the saying goes, it will be exhausted again and again. Now I am alone. The morale of the troops in Yuetian Palace is also low. At this time, we still need a pillar like Elder Sun to stand up. "


Sun Guangyi was stunned for a moment, then raised his eyes and glanced at Xuanyuan Longteng, "I don't know what the headmaster means?"

"This sect hopes that the elders can go to the west of the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain Range to secretly inquire about the information and confirm that the matter of the Shenhuang Picture Record is not groundless."

Xuanyuan Longteng said, raising his hand and patting Sun Guangyi's shoulder gently, "Elder Sun is the elder of my One Moon Heavenly Palace. He is loyal and loyal. He shouldn't refuse this task, right?"

Sun Guangyi glanced at Xuanyuan Longteng and thought that this should be a temptation and test for him by the headmaster.

If you refuse, wouldn't it prove that you have two minds?

"Since the headmaster thinks highly of Lao Chen, he should live up to his mission."

Sun Guangyi nodded, "I'm going to find out the news now!"

"Okay, Elder Sun is indeed loyal to the One Moon Palace! But there is no need for the elder to be so anxious. It will not be too late to set off tomorrow morning."

"I take my orders."

Sun Guangyi nodded slightly and thought to himself: At the critical moment, Xuanyuan Longteng still has to rely on veterans like me.

"Elder, please go back and have a good night's rest."

Xuanyuan Longteng sent Sun Guangyi away again. When Sun Guangyi left, Xuanyuan Longteng murmured to himself: "Lingfeng boy, the next step is up to you!"

Early the next morning.

After besieging Ling Feng and cleaning up the family, Sun Guangyi, an old turtle with a shrunken head, finally walked out of the camp for the first time.

"Old guy, you're on the move!"

Jun Jiuyou leaned against a big tree and took a nap lazily.

For the past few days, Jun Jiuyou has been hiding in the tree, almost becoming one with the tree. Even if someone passes under the tree, they will never be able to find him hiding in it.

It has to be said that the Jiuyou God Clan's method of concealing their aura is indeed powerful.

"I want to see who are you going to find?"

Jun Jiuyou didn't know the news about Ling Feng's return. In fact, when he was hiding, even Yu Junyao and Xuanyuan Longteng had no idea where he was hiding, and it was impossible to contact him. easy.

And he only knew that his mission was to keep an eye on Sun Guangyi.


Because it was a secret mission, Sun Guangyi did not take other subordinates with him and flew out of the camp alone.

Jun Jiuyou followed very carefully, keeping a certain distance.

The Jiuyou God Clan is very sensitive to the flow of wind, so there is no possibility of losing track.

I saw Sun Guangyi going deeper and deeper into the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain Range, with Jun Jiuyou following closely behind, thinking to himself: "Is this old guy really colluding with the demon clan?"

Suddenly, Jun Jiuyou faintly noticed that there was another figure behind him, about a few thousand feet away, tracking him!

"Play with me like a mantis stalking a cicada, with the oriole behind?"

Jun Jiuyou snorted coldly. Although the man's aura was completely hidden and could not be sensed even with the power of his spiritual consciousness, through his perception of the wind, he was able to detect a high-speed moving object that was keeping pace with him. Same direction.

Wind is invisible and formless, but when any object moves, it will inevitably generate wind force.

Jun Jiuyou is the most outstanding genius of the Jiuli Divine Clan. He has already mastered the rules of wind above the eighth level. Unless the opponent's control of wind power is better than his, otherwise, with him as the center, within a radius of dozens of miles, All the movement of wind cannot be concealed from his perception.

"I want to see, who are you?"

Jun Jiuyou landed on a big tree and quickly disappeared. Through the flow of the wind, his aura was invisible.

It seems that hiding in the breeze has become invisible and formless.

After a while, a fat figure also passed by.

This figure is naturally Ling Feng.

Ling Feng landed on a big tree, frowned, and murmured in a low voice: "Why did you disappear suddenly?"

He kept following Jun Jiuyou's trajectory and caught up. Unexpectedly, halfway through, he lost track of Jun Jiuyou.

Taking a deep breath, the yin and yang fish floated in Ling Feng's eyes, preparing to open up infinite horizons.

At this moment, a strong wind blew towards his face, Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, and a sense of crisis swept through his heart.


A sword energy struck, and when there was no time to escape, Ling Feng used his amazing reaction to step aside, but the overbearing sword energy had already scratched his left sleeve and left a bloody scar on his arm. .

"What a fast sword!"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched and he quickly shouted: "Brother Jun, wait a minute, it's me!"


Jun Jiuyou snorted coldly, "Who knows you, a damn fat guy, but you dare to follow me secretly? You are not a good bird!"

Jun Jiuyou didn't believe Ling Feng's words. His aura wavered around him and he drew his sword again.

He sensed that Sun Guangyi's aura was getting further and further away, so he had to fight quickly to resolve the battle here before he could continue to track him.

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