Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2355 The third hexagram! (1 update)

"Senior Xiaoxiao'er!"

Hearing this laughter, Ling Feng immediately calmed down as if he had taken a reassurance.

The reinforcements he asked Lan Yan to go to the Valley of the Evil finally arrived!

Moreover, it came very promptly!

Immediately afterwards, three or four figures were seen, one in front and three in back, appearing in the direction of the cave entrance.

The one who rushed to the front was none other than the Smiling Killer Xiaoxiaoer.

In addition to him, Shura Cooking Saint, Crazy Wulang and Blood Demon Shou also appeared in front of everyone.

Ling Feng was determined in his heart, if there was only one Xiaoxiao'er, he might not be able to deal with the ancestor of the Long family and Xiao Tianji.

But with Shura Cooking Saint present, even though he didn't know how strong Xiao Tianji was, with four against two, at least he should not fall behind!

Seeing so many strong men from the Valley of Evil appearing here at the same time, the expressions of the ancestors of the Long family and Long Guihai changed.

There are only ten evil people in total. Unexpectedly, five of them suddenly gathered in this small broken cave!

Fortunately, Lord Mu Shen did not appear, otherwise the first thing the ancestor of the Long family would have done was to flee.

The strength of the Shepherd God can be said to have exceeded the peak of the Great Saint level, but the Saint level!

The Golden Dragon Great Sage is also the Supreme Saint!

As for the ancestor of the Long family, although he has lived for a long time, he has only touched the threshold of the saint level. He is still at the door of this threshold, and there is not much comparison with the Shepherd God and the Golden Dragon Great Sage.

"Several seniors!"

Ling Feng's figure flashed and flew to the side of Shura Kitchen Saint and the others. He was secretly glad that he had escaped a disaster today.

"Haha, little madman, can we get there in time?"

Xiaoxiaoer grinned and patted Lingfeng's shoulder heavily with his big hand.

"Timely, so timely!"

Ling Feng nodded repeatedly. If Xiaoxiao'er and the others failed to arrive in time today, even if he invited Jun Jiuyou, they might not be able to escape.

"By the way, where is the young master of the Azure Fire Tribe who I sent to the Valley of the Evil to bring reinforcements?" Ling Feng glanced at the crowd, but did not find Lan Yan.

"Hey, we arrived a step ahead of schedule."

Xiaoxiao'er still looked like she was laughing wildly.

It turned out that they were secretly helping Ling Feng under the orders of the Shepherd God. In fact, they arrived at the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain Range before Chu Chaonan and Lan Yan.

Originally, they had never found any trace of Ling Feng. After all, Ling Feng had changed his appearance before, so even if he stood next to them, they might not be able to recognize him.

However, as luck would have it, just when they were at their wits' end, Shura Cooking Saint sensed a familiar aura.

It was this breath that guided them to this place.

This breath is exactly the breath of Xiao Tianji!

Xiao Tianji used to be the second child in the Valley of Evil, and he and the other ten evil people had been getting along day and night for a long time, so they were naturally very familiar with each other.

However, due to some reasons, Xiao Tianji rebelled from the Valley of the Wicked.

This is also the only one among the ten evil people who betrayed Lord Mu Shen.

As for "Hai Yaksha" Hai Qinglan, although he has never lived in the Valley of Evil, he is still of the same mind as the top ten evil people.

"Second brother, long time no see."

Shura Cooking Saint's gaze has been fixed on the incarnation of Xiao Tianji's spiritual consciousness from the beginning to the end.

"Second brother?"

At this time, Xiao Xiaoer and the Blood Demon Shou suddenly realized that the blurry figure was actually Xiao Tianji.

A hundred years have passed, although Xiao Tianji's aura has changed a lot, and his appearance has also changed too much from the past, but the origin of everyone's soul will not change. It is the brand of a warrior's life. .

"Third, fifth, ninth, tenth!"

Xiao Tianji glanced at everyone, and there was more or less a hint of nostalgia in his eyes, but it quickly disappeared.

"No wonder the third hexagram I divined today shows the reunion of old friends."

Xiao Tianji smiled lightly, "As expected, long time no see, third child!"

"The gods and ghosts are unpredictable, and the innate one-character hexagram is still so accurate!"

However, Shura Cooking Saint clenched his fist, stared at Xiao Tianji, and said in a cold voice: "I would rather never see Xiao Tianji in this life! You took the "Blood Demon Secret Book" by force, and now, with your talent, you can only Are you afraid that you have already cultivated a demon body and reached the realm of blood and light? "

"As expected of the third child."

Xiao Tianji stood with his hands behind his hands and laughed loudly, "That's why I have always said that among the top ten evil people, apart from me, you are the only one who is smart! As for Lord Shepherd, he is so naive! "

"You don't deserve to talk about him!"

Shura Cooking Sage stared at Xiao Tianji coldly, "If Boss Mu hadn't saved you that day, would you still be alive today?"

"That's why I said he was naive. Why would he want to change me? Who does he think he is? A saint or a god?"

Xiao Tianji sneered, "He clearly knew that I was carrying a blood feud, but he trapped me in the Valley of Evil. What kind of truth did he keep saying? I just want to rebel against him, I want to practice the "Blood Demon Secret Code", I want to give up everything, and fall into Demonic way!”

"After all, you can't let go of your obsession."

Shura Cooking Sage shook his head, "When the entire Jing family was wiped out, Boss Mu had already guessed that it was you. You have already taken revenge, so why do you keep making the same mistake again and again?"


Xiao Tianji smiled coldly, "What is right and what is wrong? Why do I, Xiao Tianji, always have to settle for second place under the Shepherd God? Third brother, we have had too many similar experiences. When we were in the Valley of the Wicked, you and I The relationship is also the best. Now, I give you a chance to join me!”

"Or, die!"

When Xiao Tianji said the word "death", the entire cave seemed to be frozen by frost, and a suffocating cold air almost sucked everyone into the ice hell at the same time.

In an instant, Ling Feng felt that his soul was about to be frozen. It was not a pure cold, but a strange and evil aura!

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly. Could it be that this is the power of the "Blood Demon Secret Code"?

No wonder Xiao Tianji was willing to give up his identity as a human being and fall into the demon path. This "Blood Demon Secret Code" is indeed powerful.

"Hey, you are hopeless!"

Shura Cook Sage sighed softly, shook his head slightly and said: "My life was picked up by Boss Mu. I would rather die than abandon it!"

"Why are you talking to him so much?"

Blood Demon Shou coldly snorted, "This bastard, Boss Mu trusted him so much in vain. In the end, he actually secretly poisoned the boss and took away the "Blood Demon Secret Book"! Xiao Tianji, you old bastard, you are no longer Our second son in the Valley of Evil, let me destroy you first!”

Although the blood demon hand is not as strong as Xiao Tianji, what they are facing is not Xiao Tianji himself, but a mere incarnation of the divine consciousness. The blood demon hand will not be afraid, and its five fingers have become claws, already facing the incarnation of the divine consciousness of Xiao Tianji, Tear down.

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