Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2357 So what if it’s three times? (3 updates)

"What a sinister old bastard!"

Ling Feng cursed lowly and drew his sword to fight Long Guihai, but the old bastard stepped aside and did not give Ling Feng a chance to fight head-on.

Obviously, he also saw the scene when Ling Feng faced the siege of countless strong men that day, and knew that although Ling Feng's cultivation level was not high, his strength should not be underestimated.

If you confront him head-on, you will inevitably be asking for trouble.

But now, he and Ming Xie have joined forces. Ling Feng does not dare to destroy Xiao Hen's body. He is restrained in every aspect and naturally falls into infinite passivity.

After repeated encounters several times, Ling Feng was already scarred, but Long Guihai and Ming Xie had joking expressions on their faces, "Boy, you are such a good friend who values ​​love and justice. Unfortunately, such people often don't live long. !”

Ling Feng held the long sword and was panting for a while, constantly thinking about how to protect Xiao Hen while defeating the enemy.

Unfortunately, given the current situation, it is too difficult to take care of both ends.

Do you really want to abandon Xiao Hen and your companions?

Damn it!

Damn it!

On the other side, although Blood Demon Shou and Xiaoxiao'er joined forces, Blood Demon Shou was injured after all, and his strength was greatly reduced. The ancestor of the Long family, with his profound cultivation and strong Yuanli in his body, was far superior to the two of them.

After a long battle, the injuries on the blood demon's hand became more and more serious, and the ancestor of the Long family's cultivation advantage was undoubtedly gradually revealed.


In the midst of lightning and flint, the ancestor of the Long family forced Xiaoxiao'er back with a sword, and at the same time slapped the blood demon's hand hard with a palm.

The blood demon couldn't dodge in time, and suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood, which added to the injury.


Blood spurted out from the blood demon's hand, but he still tore out a claw and tore off a piece of flesh on the arm of the ancestor of the Long family.

"Lao Jiu, how are you!"

Xiaoxiao'er quickly stepped forward to hold the blood demon's hand. Although the two of them usually cursed at each other, their brotherhood was extremely deep.


The Blood Demon spurted out another mouthful of blood from his hand, wiped the corners of his mouth fiercely, and gritted his teeth and said, "Damn it, I'm afraid this little life will have to be handed down today!"

"What depressing words can you say?"

Xiaoxiao'er frowned deeply and turned to look in the direction of Shura Cooking Saint.

The battle between Shura Kitchen Saint and Xiao Tianji is the key to determining the final outcome.

If Shura Kitchen Saint wins, they can naturally escape unscathed.

But if even Shura Cooking Saint is defeated, then they will surely die.

As for Lao Wu Crazy Wu Lang...

From the beginning of the battle, he shrank and couldn't see his shadow.

Speaking of which, they are unlucky. Crazy Wulang has several personalities. One of them is very cowardly and timid and dare not fight, while the other personality is very cruel and ruthless. Once this personality appears, even if the Blood Demon Shou and Xiaoxiaoer join forces, They are not necessarily his opponents.

Unfortunately, it seems now that it is that cowardly personality that dominates Crazy Wulang's body.

What's even more disappointing is that the battle on Shura Kitchen Saint's side is not optimistic either!

No matter how fast Shura Kitchen Saint's knife was, it couldn't hurt Xiao Tianji at all.

Xiao Tianji's "Secret Book of Blood Demons" has reached the realm of blood and light void. His body can be dematerialized at any time and turned into a line of blood. No matter how powerful the destructive power is, it cannot hurt him at all.

This is a bit like the blissful boy phase in the "Six Phases of Destiny" created by Mu Shenjun. Once the blissful boy phase is displayed, the body becomes one with heaven and earth, and no matter how much swords are applied to it, it cannot hurt it at all.

Xiao Tianji's blood-light void undoubtedly has the same purpose but the same purpose.

Coupled with his innate calculation power, although Shura Cooking Saint's Shura Heavenly Cut is already at its extreme speed, he can accurately calculate where the Shura Cooking Saint's blade is pointing, and thus cast Blood Light Void in advance, making him immune to damage.

As a result, Shura Cooking Saint has been defeated from the beginning.

The reason why he has been able to hold on until now is because Xiao Tianji has always been merciful.


Xiao Tianji sneered: "Third brother, you should know very well that back then, with your Shura sword intention and sharp sword, you still had a 30% chance of defeating my innate calculation. But today, I have reached the realm of blood and light. You Even if the knife is twice as fast, it can't hurt me at all!"

“If it’s twice as much, what about three times?”

In an instant, the Shura Chef Saint's eyes sparkled, and the blade in his hand suddenly increased sharply, and his speed actually increased three times!


Xiao Tianji's expression changed, and just a moment later, the blade in the hand of Shura Cooking Saint had already left a long gash on his soul incarnation.

"It seems that your Blood Light Void has not yet reached its peak. Otherwise, you wouldn't have released just one soul incarnation!"

Shura Cooking Sage stared at Xiao Tianji coldly, "You are not the only one who has improved over the years!"

Swish, brush, brush!

The light of the sword flashes, and the speed of the Shura sword increases steadily!

From the original three times, to five times, and even ten times!

His blade was changing faster and faster, so fast that even if Xiao Tianji could calculate his blade using innate calculations, he could not transform his body into nothingness in time, and the wounds on his body kept increasing.

"Third brother is so mighty!"

Xiaoxiao'er burst out laughing, slapped the Blood Demon's hand, and shouted: "Stop pretending to be dead, third brother is about to win, why don't you hurry up and use your strength!"

"I'll... exert all my strength!"

The Blood Demon gritted his teeth, forcibly raised a mouthful of Yuan Power, and once again joined forces with Xiao Xiao'er to pounce on the ancestor of the Long family.

The expression of the ancestor of the Long family changed, and he cursed in his heart, the guys in the Valley of the Evil are indeed freaks, and they can still fight after being so seriously injured!

On the other side, Ling Feng finally made his own decision.

"You bitch, use your physical skills to trap that old guy first!"

At the critical moment, Ling Feng still summoned the stupid donkey. This guy is now also a demon saint. It is said that he can raise an army for a thousand days and use it for a while. On weekdays, the treasures of heaven and earth are provided. At the critical moment, it is his turn to exert his strength.

Although he may not be Long Guihai's opponent, with his exquisite physical skills, it is not a problem to entangle him for a while.

And he must concentrate on dealing with Ming Zhi.

If Xiao Hen was already dead, that would be fine. If he was not dead, he would definitely save him!

Because, he has not personally returned the fairy realm soul skill secret book to Xiao Hen!

"Hmph, do you think you can deal with me without that old guy interfering?"

Ming Zhi sneered, "I'm not just a scheming person, I'm just going to show you my strength!"

The next moment, a pair of extremely hideous and ugly wings appeared on Xiao Hen's back. The wings vibrated, and a poisonous mist spread out instantly.

This poison is an enhanced version of the poison of Mingzhi Wing, which is more intense than what Mingzhi gave to Long Guihai and the others before.

As the poisonous fog passed by, even the weeds in the cave quickly withered, and the rocks seemed to be covered with a layer of decayed gray color.

It is conceivable that if it is corroded by such poison, it is no joke.

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