Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2360 A dying request! (3 updates)

Ling Feng was overjoyed. Unexpectedly, at the critical moment, it was Crazy Wulang who turned the tide!

Swish, swish, swish!

The shadows of countless puppets flickered, instantly dividing the battlefield and surrounding Xiao Tianji, the ancestor of the Long family, and Long Guihai.

Ling Feng took the opportunity to grab Xiaoxiao'er and Blood Demon's hands, and shouted to Jianlu: "Jinlu, get out!"

The bastard had already retreated, but when he heard that he could retreat, he didn't even hesitate at all.

At the same time, Shura Cooking Saint also withdrew from the Four Spirits Blood Array. Using his last strength, he caught Crazy Wulang and everyone withdrew into the teleportation array.


There was a flash of light, and the teleportation array erupted with a burst of dazzling light, and then disappeared without a trace.

After half a quarter of an hour, the shadow of the puppets raging in the cave finally disappeared.

Xiao Tianji, Long Guihai and the ancestor of the Long family were all a little disgraced, especially Long Guihai, who was injured in many places. If the ancestor of the Long family hadn't blocked some fatal injuries for him, he would have died suddenly on the spot.

"Teleportation Circle!"

Xiao Tianji stared at the six-pointed star array and frowned slightly.

This is a one-way teleportation circle, and it can only be used once, so the chance is completely lost.

Unexpectedly, after a lot of careful calculations, he actually missed this lunatic!

Thinking about it, Crazy Wulang is just a "madman". Xiaotianji is conceited and smart, so how can he guard against a madman?

"Damn it, what if we let them run out now? Wouldn't our reputation be ruined!"

Long Guihai was sweating profusely and gritted his teeth: "Ancestor, are we going to chase him?"

"Hmph, after all this time, can you still catch up?"

The ancestor of the Long family snorted coldly, looked at Xiao Tianji, and said coldly: "Xiao Tianji, you keep saying that everything is foolproof, but did you foresee this situation?"

"Even if we let them escape, so what? Who would believe what the Valley of the Evil says?"

Xiao Tianji stood with his hands behind his back and murmured to himself: "Lao Wu, Lao Wu, you actually perfected this trick, howling at night, destroying ghosts and gods! It turns out that the death in the hexagram is the person who should be robbed. , it’s actually you..."

At the critical moment, everyone in Lingfeng safely evacuated into the teleportation circle.

Although most of them were seriously injured, they finally escaped.

The teleportation circle arranged by Crazy Wulang directly teleported all of them not far outside Kunyun City, which was quite far away from the cave.

"Hahaha... I never thought that I, Xiaoxiao'er, should die anyway! Cough cough cough..."

Xiaoxiao'er laughed and coughed up blood. It seemed that his injury was not serious.

"Fifth brother, it's all thanks to you this time!"

Blood Demon Shou also had a pale face. He turned around and glanced at Crazy Wulang, only to see Crazy Wulang's expression was dull...

Oh no, his expression was, I should say, frozen!

It was as if he himself had turned into a puppet.

"Fifth did you..."

Blood Demon Shou's expression changed, Crazy Wulang's situation looked very wrong.


Shura Cooking Saint sighed softly, with tears glistening in his eyes.

"Senior Goro!"

Ling Feng quickly grabbed Crazy Wulang's arm and put it on his pulse. The next moment, his expression suddenly changed.

Crazy Wulang's breath has almost been cut off, leaving only his last breath hanging.

"how so?"

Ling Feng clenched his fists tightly and quickly took out the rebirth needle, hoping to give Crazy Wu Lang a needle to prolong his life.

"'s not necessary."

Crazy Wulang raised his right hand slightly, smiled weakly and said: "I...can't survive! The wild howls, ghosts and gods are destroyed, this is my death!"

Ling Feng clenched his fists tightly, Crazy Wulang was right, no matter how good his medical skills were, he could not save Crazy Wulang.

His vitality has been exhausted, his vitality has dried up, and his vitality diagram has gone beyond the category of withering, but collapse!

In this situation, unless he is really the legendary god in charge of life and death, there will be no way to save him.

"I... finally completed the most powerful puppetry technique in my life."

Crazy Wulang smiled faintly, his eyes became empty and dissociated.

He raised his arms high and looked at the sky, as if there was something he wanted to chase in the white clouds.

"Lao Wu..."

Shura Cook Sage took a deep breath, his voice slightly choked with sobs.

Perhaps in everyone's eyes, Crazy Wulang has always been just a crazy man, but after getting along with him for so many years, he is also an indispensable part of the Valley of Evil.

He is their good brother!

"Fifth Brother, I will never laugh at you for being crazy again! Don't die, it won't be fun without you in the Valley of Evil!"

Xiaoxiao'er burst into tears. In his eyes, laughter is laughter, bitterness is crying, and he never hides his inner feelings hypocritically.

"Fifth brother..."

The Blood Demon clenched his fist tightly and said through gritted teeth: "Xiao Tianji, I, Kuang Xue, and you are incompatible with each other!"

The sound penetrated the clouds and split the sky, shaking the sky!

"Senior Wulang..."

Ling Feng finally understood why Crazy Wulang had such a look of determination on his face when he took action.

Perhaps, he knew early on that after performing that move, he would definitely die.

"Ling...boy Lingfeng..."

Crazy Wulang's eyes fell on Ling Feng.

"I'm here! I'm here!" Ling Feng quickly grabbed Crazy Wulang's hand, "Senior Wulang, I'm here!"

"You... join us... in the Valley of the Evil, big... everyone has given... gifts to you, I... I will make up for it now, okay... okay?"

"When I...after I die, my mantle will be handed over to you for inheritance. The materials and secrets in my spiritual ring will be you..."

"I carry forward my...puppetry skills...and..."

Before he finished speaking, Crazy Wulang's eyes became wandering again. He looked up at the sky, and seemed to see the thing he loved most. A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "I...I'm here...little junior sister...I Finally I can be with you..."

But it turns out that Crazy Wulang is also such a person with the most affection and nature.

The next moment, the sound stopped suddenly.

Crazy Wulang's breath was finally completely cut off.

"Lao Wu, Lao Wu!"

"Fifth brother..."

Shura Cooking Saint, Xiaoxiao'er, and Blood Demon Shou were all in deep grief.

When they left the Valley of the Wicked, they never imagined that what awaited them would be like this, parting between life and death.

"Senior... don't worry, senior, I will definitely carry forward your puppetry skills! I will!"

Ling Feng felt his eyes blurred by tears. He raised his head and took a deep breath, trying his best to prevent the tears from rolling down.

He hated his own powerlessness, but he was more aware of the gap between himself and Xiao Tianji.

That was just the clone of Xiao Tianji, and how powerful would his true form be?

Become stronger!

He must rise to a stronger level in a short period of time before he has a chance to avenge Crazy Wulang.

(PS: Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, I wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

In addition, regarding the explosive update mentioned at the beginning of the month, although the final result of asking for monthly tickets was not very satisfactory, many readers did support it, so I decided to publish it as a thank you to the readers who supported me.

The update time is initially scheduled for next month. After all, I am handicapped and it will take some time to save the manuscript. Saving about ten pictures a month should not be too difficult for me. Finally, I would like to ask for more votes and a reward from a capable boss or something, I think that would be fine too! Hehe~)

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