Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2365 Rush to Jiuyou! (2 updates)

"Brother Xiao, this set of swordsmanship focuses on understanding the artistic conception. With your understanding, Brother Xiao, it's definitely not too late to pick up the art of swordsmanship now!"

Ling Feng smiled lightly at Xiao Hen and said: "As long as you believe in yourself, you can start over! No matter what, never give up!"

"Brother Ling!"

Xiao Hen felt grateful in his heart. Ling Feng not only saved his life, but also gave him a new road.

If he can master this set of Xuantian Poyun Sword, even if he doesn't have the Soul Dao cultivation, who can say that he is not a genius!

After all, this is swordsmanship from the fairyland!

"I will never give up. Even if I fall 10,000 times or fail 10,000 times, I will never lose the courage to start over again!"

There was a trace of tears in Xiao Hen's eyes, because the Ming Zhi no longer attached to his body and sucked his life force, so his face did not look as pale as before, nor did it give people a gloomy look anymore. Flat feeling.

Perhaps, after he returns to the Xiao family, everything can start over.

"That's good!"

Ling Feng smiled faintly at Xiao Hen, "You and I have never really fought against each other. I look forward to your return to the top!"

"I will!"

Xiao Hen nodded heavily. Even though he was almost a useless person now, as long as he was not knocked down in his heart, he would definitely be able to stand up again!

"I'm waiting for you!"

The two looked at each other and held their two strong palms together.

This is a commitment between men.

A promise worth a thousand dollars!

Early the next morning, Ling Feng embarked on the journey again.

"Senior Cooking Saint, do you really want to stay here?"

Ling Feng glanced at Shura Cooking Saint and was a little worried about him staying alone in the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountains.

What he was most afraid of was that Shura Cooking Saint would act impulsively and go directly to Xiao Tianji for revenge.

"Don't worry, I act appropriately!"

Shura Cooking Saint patted Ling Feng on the shoulder and said calmly: "You don't have to worry about me, just go and do your own things."

His gaze looked far away from the city wall, as if he wanted to find that familiar yet unfamiliar figure in the endless mountain forest.

He could feel that Xiao Tianji still cared about the past friendship, but he became more paranoid.

He has been blinded by his own ambition, and even sacrificed his former companions.

"Wait until Master and I come back."

Ling Feng looked at Shura Cooking Saint. He knew that he could not change Shura Cooking Saint's mind. He left a word and set off with Jun Jiuyou to Jiuyou City.

And the only one who has been by his side from beginning to end is Yu Junyao.


After Ling Feng and his party walked away, Shura Cooking Sage let out a long sigh, jumped down from the tower, and disappeared into the forest in the blink of an eye.

He wants to find the secret of Xiaotian, maybe there is still room for change in everything.

After all, Xiao Tianji still had some old friendship with him.

Even the death of Crazy Wulang was not actually done by Xiao Tianji himself. He was more willing to believe that Xiao Tianji would come back!

One Moon Heavenly Palace Camp.

"Ancestor of the Long family, Xiao Tianji..."

After Xuanyuan Longteng got the news, he had been sitting in the camp, feeling extremely heavy in his heart.

"It seems that we can only ask a few ancestors to take action."

He knew in his heart that when masters of Xiao Tianji's level gradually surfaced one after another, his level was already too low.

Only the nine ancestors have the strength to compete with the strong men of that level.

The war between the two clans will eventually reach a new level.

Moreover, it is unstoppable and inevitable!

Deep in the forest, under a waterfall, there is a quiet and elegant bamboo building not far away.

In the bamboo building, a middle-aged man slowly opened his eyes.

This person is Xiao Tianji who is diligently practicing the "Blood Demon Secret Codex". He can also be called the Boundless God, or the Ghost Mist Demon Saint.

"The Four Spirits Blood Formation is not perfect after all, and it was actually ruined by the fifth child."

Xiao Tianji shook his head, with only cruelty and coldness remaining in his eyes.

The higher the level of cultivation in "Blood Demon Secret Code", the more one abandons human emotions.

Now he is no longer a human, but a half-human, half-demon monster.

"This time I let Lao San and the others escape. I'm afraid the one we have to face next time will be Lord Mu Shen!"

Xiao Tianji snorted coldly, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes, "It's been more than a hundred years, Lord Shepherd, come on! I will let you know how stupid your original decision was! Practice the "Blood Demon Secret Code" I will eventually be strong enough to make you look up to me!"

The weird laughter pierced the clouds and split the sky, lasting for a long time, shocking all the birds in the thousands of mountains, and all the beasts running around, making it difficult to sit still.

There was a flash of light, and three figures walked out of the teleportation altar.

The leader was tall and tall, with a resolute face and looked very heroic.

Behind him, a man and a woman walked out side by side. The man was handsome, while the woman floated out of the dust, like a fairy from the Nine Heavens.

The combination of these three people immediately attracted the attention of many people.

After all, this is already a relatively remote city, and few people would even use this teleportation circle on weekdays.

"This is Beiluo City!"

Jun Jiuyou laughed loudly and said: "Beiluo City is the last city outside the Wancang Mountains, and our Jiuyou City is deep in the Wancang Mountains, and there is no teleportation array directly connected to the outside world."

This is also normal. The Gods have always been aloof from the world and rarely interfere in external affairs.

Therefore, in the West Sword Territory, the gods are also called hermits.

However, there are no absolutes in the world. Although the gods in the East Spiritual Domain and the West Sword Domain are relatively low-key, in the Zhongyuan Domain, where Yu Junyao grew up, the people who are really in power are the gods.

Moreover, in that place, almost all of them are gods. There are very few forces other than the gods that can gain a foothold in Zhongyuan Domain.

This also makes Zhongyuan Domain a very "terrible" place. Even the gods are divided into three, six or nine levels. Super gods like the Jiuli God Clan can be regarded as a first-rate force.

The gods like Jun Jiuyou, Lan Yan and the others are considered aloof in the West Sword Region, but if they were placed in the Zhongyuan Region, they would probably be considered a small third- or fourth-rate force.

Ling Feng nodded. Because they were worried about the situation on the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range, they had been traveling day and night for the past two days, and finally arrived at Beiluo City.

"Beiluo City is a small city and the only city outside the Wancang Mountains. I didn't get permission before, so when I went out to travel, I liked to sneak here often."

Jun Jiuyou seemed to be remembering the past events during his youth, and couldn't help but shake his head and smile.

"After traveling for so long, let's go and rest first!"

As Jun Jiuyou said this, he hooked Ling Feng's shoulder without any explanation and said with a smile: "Let's go, I'll take you to the most famous restaurant in the city for a big meal first. The food here is really good!"

Just as he was about to set off, a figure suddenly rushed over from a distance.

The speed was so fast, it was almost like a bolt of lightning.

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