Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2380 Feng Lei Heng Tian Yi! (2 updates)

"Hmph, boy, have you thought it through?"

Uncle Yi sneered, "The ugly thing comes first. If you die, I won't be responsible."

"Young man, give it a try. Whether you live or die, it's no different than anyone else."

Ling Feng said in a deep voice.


Uncle Yi gave Ling Feng a thumbs up, "You have courage! Young patriarch, you heard me. If your friend dies, you can't cause trouble for the two of us."

Jun Jiuyou took a deep breath, clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and said: "Brother Ling, you..."

"Don't worry, I'm measured."

Ling Feng nodded towards Jun Jiuyou and said calmly: "Do you think I am the kind of person who is tired of living and wants to die?"

"All right……"

Jun Jiuyou took a deep breath, raised his hand and patted Ling Feng on the shoulder, "Brother, don't say anything else. From now on, you are my half-brother!"


Ling Feng was speechless for a while, rolled his eyes, shook his head and said with a smile: "Okay, make it seem like I'm going to die."

"Isn't this just to die!"

Uncle Yi sneered and said: "Boy, if you find that you can't stand it any longer, don't try to be brave and exit the Cirrus Cloud Platform immediately. You can still save your life. If you try to be brave and insist on triggering a hundred Nine Heavens Divine Thunder, uh, okay, I should I overestimate you, you kid, you can’t stand ten attacks at most!”

"Thank you, senior, for reminding me."

Ling Feng pursed his lips and said, "If you are lucky enough to pass the tenth level, come back and thank your seniors."

"Hmph, you are a bit brave, but unfortunately, the rules are just rules, and I am not targeting anyone."

The calmness and composure shown by Ling Feng actually made Uncle Yi look at Ling Feng a few times.

"The Cirrus Cloud Platform is over there. Boy, think about it carefully. This place is very close to Ji Lei Pond. The divine thunder that comes down is very different from ordinary thunder."

Uncle Yi pointed to a peak on the right. The peak was right on the mountainside of Tianzhu Peak. It was about five thousand feet high and very close to Ji Lei Pond.

Inevitably, the thunder brought down from the Cirrus Cloud Platform brought with it the power of the Wusu Divine Thunder in the Ji Lei Pond.

Only this level of thunder, after being absorbed by Hengtianyi, can be blessed on the mountain-protecting formation of the Jiuyou God Clan and play the role of protecting the sacred mountain.

Otherwise, an ordinary level of thunder can defend against ordinary people, but if a strong one really attacks, it will not be enough.

Even among the many elders of the Jiuyou Divine Clan, those with this ability are rare. Therefore, being able to successfully induce a hundred wind and thunder is regarded as a great achievement.

And this is also because in the history of the Jiuyou Divine Clan, there was a collateral descendant who did not have a direct bloodline, but achieved some achievements that even the direct bloodlines could not achieve. Therefore, the rules were changed to give some achievements to those descendants who did not have a direct bloodline. Hope, even if you don't have a direct bloodline, you still have the opportunity to enter Ji Lei Pond to practice.

However, since that monster, for thousands of years, no similar monster has appeared in the sidelines, and this rule has been gradually forgotten.

Although occasionally some people try it, they all end up in despair.

"I've thought it through very clearly."

Ling Feng shrugged, "Senior, please tell me how to induce wind and thunder."

"Okay, then I won't advise you."

Uncle Yi smiled coldly, then flew out and said loudly: "Come with me!"

The next moment, Ling Feng, Jun Jiuyou and Uncle Yi landed on the top of a nearby mountain. There was a platform with a radius of about thirty feet. In the center of the platform, a building similar to an altar was built.

It was a base that looked a bit like an alchemy furnace, surrounded by a circle of strange-looking discs, with three layers inside and three layers outside. Each disc had some special inscriptions carved on it. (PS: Similar to the Heavenly Stems, Earthly Branches, Qiankun and Bagua disk.)

The six-layer disc rotates slowly, seeming to be maintaining the operation of a certain formation.

"That is the Wind and Thunder Hengtian Instrument left behind by our ancestors, and it is also the core of the protection of this Nine Nether Sacred Mountain. Every once in a while, an elder will take action to activate the wind and thunder to bless the mountain-protecting formation."

Uncle Yi pointed at the base that was similar to an alchemy furnace and said slowly, "In a moment, you will stand on the stage and slowly inject the energy in your body into the disc at your feet. The magic circle will automatically move and attract wind and thunder. Then , you are like a lightning rod, becoming the conductor of Hengtian Yi, introducing the power of thunder into Hengtian Yi. "


Ling Feng was stunned for a moment. This metaphor was quite appropriate, but he was still a little curious in his heart, "Senior, why does this Wind and Thunder Hengtian Instrument have to use a human medium to transmit the power of thunder?"

"This Feng Lei Heng Tianyi is based on the formation of the three talents. The so-called three talents are heaven, earth and people. The sky thunder is the sky, the earth platform is the earth, and people are the key. The reason why our ancestors left this balance Tianyi is not only to protect Jiuyou Deep Mountain, but also to allow future generations of clansmen to rely on their own strength to protect their compatriots, rather than relying solely on the protection of their ancestors. "

Ling Feng nodded slightly. From this point of view, this ancestor of the Jiuyou Divine Clan really had good intentions.

Indeed, using human power to activate wind and thunder is also a process of tempering oneself. Only in this way can future generations be guaranteed to practice diligently. Otherwise, even with such a powerful mountain-protecting formation, there will be no stimulation.

"Boy, may I ask you one last time, are you sure you want to try?"

Uncle Yi looked at Ling Feng and said solemnly: "You are so young, it would be a pity to die."

"I'll answer it one last time, I have to try!"

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and without any fear, he leaped forward and jumped onto the disc in the center of the array.

"This boy!"

Uncle Yi took a deep breath and said, "Young Patriarch, this friend of yours is quite interesting."

"Since my righteous uncle appreciates him so much, why bother..."

Jun Jiuyou frowned and wanted to persuade his righteous uncle, but was interrupted by him, "Rules are rules, okay young master, the magic circle is about to start, let's move back a little to avoid being affected."

"Brother Ling, you must succeed!"

Jun Jiuyou sighed softly, glanced at Ling Feng's back, and then flew back to Tianzhu Peak with Uncle Yi.

Uncle Gong also narrowed his eyes, stared in Ling Feng's direction, and murmured to himself: "What a pity for this kid."

No matter how you look at it, how can a junior like Ling Feng, who is only in the imperial realm and does not have the bloodline power of the Nine Nether God Clan, withstand a hundred Nine Heavens Divine Thunders.

I'm afraid, he didn't even have time to escape from the Cirrus Cloud Platform, and his life would have been in vain.

Once the magic circle is activated, even if several elders come in person and join forces, they cannot stop it. Everything can only be done by Ling Feng's own creation.

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