Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2404 Ask! (2 updates)

"No! Impossible! This is wrong!"

Ling Feng shook his head desperately. He asked himself, even if he was confused, he couldn't even distinguish between illusion and reality.

"Why did the Valley of the Evil disappear from everyone's memory out of thin air?"

Ling Feng took a deep breath. If his initial guess was correct, maybe someone really changed history and deviated the trajectory of history.


Ling Feng's eyelids twitched as he suddenly thought of someone.

From his words, he might know something about Mu Shenjun.

Ling Feng took out a black cloak and quickly disappeared deep into the forest.

In the main camp of Du Yue Tiangong, in the handsome tent.

"Now it is almost certain that the Shenhuang Atlas must be buried under the Xingyue Cliff, but how to get down to the bottom of the cliff to explore, everyone is still at a loss. Xuanyuan Sect Master, do you have any countermeasures?"

The speaker was Lu Xuanji, the Supreme Elder of Longjian Tianfu.

Since the ancestor of the Long family rebelled against Longjian Tianfu and colluded with the demon clan, he had full authority to handle the affairs of Longjian Tianfu.

Because Xuanyuan Longteng helped the senior officials of Longjian Tianfu to detoxify them, Grand Supreme Lu Xuanji formed an alliance with Duyue Tiangong very simply, and even handed over all the power to mobilize the disciples of Longjian Tianfu. Xuanyuan Longteng's hands.

After all, no matter what, this time Longjian Tianfu finally owed Duyue Tiangong a favor.

At this time, in addition to Lu Xuanji, in the big tent, the One Moon Heavenly Palace and the Tianchuan Sword Palace also sent a supreme elder to take charge.

Together, these three supreme elders could probably make the entire sect in the West Sword Region tremble with just a stomp of their feet.

"Uncle Xuanji, don't be impatient."

Xuanyuan Longteng said lightly: "Among the nine major families of my Duyue Palace, the Tie family has been proficient in the casting method for generations, and some of its disciples are proficient in the puppet method. Even if a living person goes down to Xingyue Cliff, his longevity will be drained in vain. But just letting the puppet go can eliminate such worries. "

"It turns out that Xuanyuan Sect Master already had his own plans."

Lu Xuanji glanced at Xuanyuan Longteng, and then said: "Now our three major sword houses have formed an alliance. If there is any breakthrough discovery, I hope Xuanyuan Sect Master can tell everyone as soon as possible."

"It's natural."

Xuanyuan Longteng nodded and smiled, but secretly cursed in his heart: Old fox!

On the surface, everyone is an alliance, but they only have a common purpose in fighting against the demon clan.

"However, it will take some time to create a suitable puppet, and we have not yet found a puppet master who is mentally strong enough to control the puppet and explore distances of more than ten thousand feet."

Xuanyuan Longteng sighed softly and said in a deep voice.

Ling Feng had thought of this idea before, but first of all, he had extremely high requirements for the puppets themselves. Most of the puppets that Crazy Wulang left for him were mainly for attacking, and rarely for detecting information.

Secondly, there is the issue of the maximum distance for controlling the puppet.

After all, no one has ever reached the bottom of the cliff, so they naturally don’t know how deep the Xingyue Cliff is.

"Along with the puppet masters, there were quite a few geniuses who were able to dispel them in ancient times. Unfortunately, today, most of them have fallen into decline."

Lu Xuanji shook his head and sighed softly, "But fortunately, we can't find out the truth, and the same goes for the demon clan. Now everyone is just in a stalemate, so be patient!"

Xuanyuan Longteng nodded slightly, "For the time being, we will remain unchanged in response to all changes, but if we find a suitable puppet master, we will adopt a more proactive plan."

"Second the proposal!" The ancestor sent by Du Yue Tiangong nodded slightly.


"I have no objection either!"

Lu Xuanji and the Supreme Ancestor of Tianchuan Sword Mansion also nodded. From the current point of view, sending more people to Xingyue Cliff will only increase casualties and has no meaning.

We can only wait until we find a suitable puppet master to figure out what is going on under the cliff, and then take corresponding countermeasures.

"Since everyone has no objections, let's make it this way."

Xuanyuan Longteng nodded, "Everyone, please go back and rest first."

"so be it!"

Everyone in the tent dispersed one after another. After everyone left, Xuanyuan Longteng pressed his temples and felt exhausted all over his body.

“I really miss the peaceful days before!”

Xuanyuan Longteng shook his head and smiled bitterly. In the past, he, the sect leader, had so many things to do. He meditated, played chess, and made tea every day. Day by day passed by.

Suddenly, a faint light flashed, and there was a faint wave of thunder power in the air. The next moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

Xuanyuan Longteng's pupils shrank suddenly.

"Boy Lingfeng!"

Seeing that the person who came was actually Ling Feng, Xuanyuan Longteng was surprised at first, and then he was ecstatic, "You kid is back again? Not bad, what new skills did you learn this time? That move just now was really powerful, even I was stunned I didn’t notice your breath at all, but you suddenly appeared! Sure enough, there are always new surprises every time I see you!”

Xuanyuan Longteng chattered a lot. Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly before interrupting: "Senior Xuanyuan, I have some questions to ask you when I come back this time."


Xuanyuan Longteng looked at Ling Feng and said, "You kid, you must also be thinking about the Shenhuang Picture Book, right? You can rest assured on this, as long as I, Du Yue Tiangong, get the Shenhuang Picture Book in the end, I am also a Master, let alone giving you the Shenhuang Picture Book, it will at least allow you to comprehend it for a few days, but it won’t be a problem.”

"That's not it."

Ling Feng shook his head, took a deep breath, organized his words in his mind, and then said: "Senior may find my next question a little strange, but I hope senior can tell me truthfully, because, This is very important to me!"


Seeing Ling Feng's serious look, Mu Shenjun nodded, "Okay, kid, if you have any questions, just ask."


Ling Feng slowly exhaled a breath, and then said: "Senior, have you ever heard of the Valley of the Wicked?"

Mu Shenjun glanced at Ling Feng strangely, then shook his head, "No."


Ling Feng sighed softly in his heart. It seemed that no one in the whole world except himself remembered the Valley of the Wicked anymore.

"Senior, do you still remember Mr. Mu Shen?"

Ling Feng stared at Xuanyuan Longteng without blinking.

At the beginning, Xuanyuan Longteng once mentioned Lord Mu Shen in front of him. It seemed that for Xuanyuan Long Teng, although Lord Mu Shen dug up the ancestral graves of their nine major families, he still had some respect for Lord Mu Shen.

When he was a boy, he might have had some interactions with Mr. Mu Shen.

However, Xuanyuan Longteng thought carefully for a long time, but finally shook his head and slowly uttered two words: "No!"

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