Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2410 I will come back! (2 updates)

"You've already come, so why rush to leave?"

The next moment, a streak of blood fell from the dark night sky.


Chu Chaonan looked at that figure with excitement, his eyes full of respect and awe.

Lord Mu Shen glanced at Chu Chaonan, with a trace of teasing in his eyes.

That person's disciple now wants to call himself master. Isn't it interesting?

"Ling Feng, after all, this is not the first time we have met."

Xiao Tianji smiled calmly, as if he were the master of the world. Everything was in his hands, so he could face everything calmly and calmly.

"Yes! It's not the first time!"

Ling Feng fixed his eyes on Xiao Tianji. It was this person who killed Crazy Wulang and wiped away all traces of Mu Shenjun and his companions' existence!


Xiao Tianji stared at Ling Feng and was slightly surprised when he saw Ling Feng's angry eyes, "You seem to know something!"

"If you want others to know, you have to do nothing except yourself!"

Ling Feng clenched his fists tightly, "Xiao Tianji, but I know everything you do! It's in vain, my master, I treat you like a brother!"

Xiao Tianji's expression changed. He had obviously changed the past. In this world, apart from him, no one should know about the Shepherd God anymore, and no one should know about the Valley of the Wicked.

But why!

Why does Ling Feng seem to know everything!

But soon, Xiao Tianji felt relieved again.

Even if he knew, so what?

Today, as long as he is completely wiped out here, then no one in the world will know any trace of the existence of Lord Mu Shen!

The Illustrated Book of Divine Desolation is about to appear!

As long as he gets the Shenhuang Picture Book, then the only master who can dominate the West Sword Region must be him, Xiao Tianji!

"Although I don't know how you learned all this, even the passage of time cannot erase the imprint of you in your heart, so I will have no choice but to erase you too!"

Xiao Tianji's eyes were filled with murderous intent.

With flashes of blood, Xiao Tianji's strength is probably not much better than that of Mu Shenjun in his peak state. Even though Ling Feng is extremely talented, he ultimately lacks some time to grow.


Before taking action, Ling Feng felt the blood in his body surge under the Qi of Xiao Tianji, and a mouthful of reverse blood spurted out wildly.

Ling Feng wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth, "Xiao Tianji, since I dare to come, do you think I'm not prepared?"

Ling Feng gritted his teeth, directly offered a treasure map, threw it high, and shouted: "Summon the demon!"

The treasure map he sacrificed was indeed the Demon Blood Refining Map!

As long as there are enough yuan crystals for consumption, powerful monsters can be summoned to kill all enemies for him.


The void trembled, and a huge head, like the head of the sky, fell from the sky.

Under his angry eyes, the ground cracked and mountains collapsed in a thousand miles radius.

Xiao Tianji's pupils shrank, he didn't expect Ling Feng to have such a trump card?

Little did he know, Ling Feng was secretly complaining, because this "big head" just came out to make a shape, and directly burned about one-tenth of the Yuan Jing in his inventory!


If all the Yuan Jings he owns are combined, he can continue to summon for ten breaths at most. This demonic form will be completely ineffective.

"Brother Jun, run separately!"

Ling Feng didn't care about anything else. He struck out with one palm and sent Jun Jiuyou a hundred feet away. He immediately deployed his body skills and ran away like a child.

I have already stolen all Xiao Tianji’s notes, so there is no need to stay and fight with Xiao Tianji!

Jun Jiuyou took a deep look at Ling Feng, gritted his teeth, spread out his body skills, and walked away with lightning.

"Want to run?"

A cold light flashed in Xiao Tianji's eyes, and his figure suddenly split. A bloody light flashed, and he chased directly in the direction of Jun Jiuyou. At the same time, he dodged left and right, avoiding the attack of the demonic figure, and chased Ling directly. peak.

He once made a fortune for himself, although most of his plans had been successful.

However, there will be one variable in the end.

But now it seems that Ling Feng is the only variable!

No matter what, you must not let this person go!



Two figures cut through the night sky, one behind the other, chasing each other wildly.

Ling Feng never expected that even though he was almost emptied of all his belongings, he still couldn't stop this guy.

Although his Nine Nether Blinking Technique was magical, Xiao Tianji's bloody emptiness was even more terrifying than him!

If Ling Feng relaxes just a little bit, he will be closer immediately.

The distance between the two people has narrowed from the initial ten thousand feet to within five thousand feet!

"Damn it, Xiao Tianji, I didn't steal your wife, why are you chasing me so hard!"

"Oh, I'm sorry, I was wrong, because you don't have a wife at all, because you are just an old py. If you practice some kind of ghost skills and become neither human nor demon, then you are a shemale!"

"Damn you demon, I don't like that. Go chase someone else!"

Xiao Tianji chased him all the way, and Ling Feng scolded him all the way. After hanging out with the bitch for a long time, Ling Feng's skill in cursing people with his venomous tongue was getting better day by day, and it was no slower than his improvement in cultivation.

No matter how good-hearted Xiao Tianji was, Ling Feng was so angry that the Three Corpse Gods jumped and their lungs were about to explode, "Boy, I will definitely put you in a dilemma of life and death!"

"Two men, life and death? Isn't that just a man on top of a man? You old man, and you still say that you are not a transvestite?"

Ling Feng cursed all the way, Xiao Tianji's eyes were about to burst, his pupils were so dilated that his eyes almost popped out.

Ling Feng's ability to attract hatred is truly unparalleled in the world.

It's a pity that even though Ling Feng won verbally, he was still slightly inferior in terms of speed.

The distance of five thousand feet quickly shortened to three thousand feet!

Then, two thousand feet!

A thousand feet!

Five hundred feet!

Ling Feng could even feel that Xiao Tianji's murderous intent had solidified, sending a chill down his spine.

Finally, Ling Feng stopped at the top of a cliff.

"Run, why don't you run?"

Xiao Tianji stared at Ling Feng, and the distance between him and him had been shortened to within ten feet!

Ling Feng showed a bitter smile.

It's not that he didn't run away, it's that he was unlucky enough to run to Xingyue Cliff!

The special power of Xingyue Cliff makes all warriors who enter the range of Xingyue Cliff unable to fly.

Even the powerful Great Sage cannot directly fly over Xingyue Cliff!

If you fall into Xingyue Cliff and cannot leave in time, the only result is that your life span will be drained and you will die.

"Master, I'm tired from running, why don't I take a rest?"

Ling Feng's head went dark. He was so panicked that he ended up here!

"If you want to rest, then I will let you rest forever!"

A cold light flashed in Xiao Tianji's eyes, and he swung out a claw, tearing the void with five bloody blades, and grabbed Ling Feng fiercely.

"Xiao Tianji, just wait for me! I will come back!"

Ling Feng gritted his teeth and without hesitation, jumped directly off the Xingyue Cliff!

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