Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2425: Scold yourself! (2 updates)


When Mu Wangchuan saw "Yun Xi", his expression suddenly changed, he clenched his fists tightly, stared at Sun Guangyi with an angry look, and said in a hateful voice: "Elder Sun, I, Mu Wangchuan, ask whether I can do anything with your nine major families. He Shui, why are you so aggressive?"

"Hmph, are you being aggressive?"

Sun Guangyi sneered and said: "Mu Wangchuan, it's obvious that you don't know how to praise me! I, Du Yue Tiangong, spent resources to train you, but you are ungrateful and oppose us everywhere. How can you say that the water in a well does not offend the river?"

The coldness in Mu Wangchuan's eyes grew stronger, and he knew that there was no reason to talk to a villain like Sun Guangyi.

Sun Guangyi took out a long sword with his backhand, put it directly on "Yun Xi"'s neck, and said with a cold smile: "Mu Wangchuan, if you don't want to see this little maid beside you die in front of you, just seal your Dantian Qihai. , kneel down in front of me and give you ten more ringings!”


Mu Wangchuan clenched his fists tightly, "Kneeling on you? Do you think you deserve it? I, Mu Wangchuan, only kneel on my parents, not on heaven and earth! Who do you think you are?"

"Oh? Really?"

The sword blade in Sun Guangyi's hand gently scratched the skin on "Yun Xi"'s neck, and a line of bright red blood immediately cut along the blade on her neck.

"I'll wipe it!"

"Yun Xi", or should be said to be Xuanyuan Longteng, suddenly cursed in his heart, and was about to get angry, but was restrained by Ling Feng.

Ling Feng shook his head slightly at him and said through his spiritual consciousness: "Wait a little longer!"

The infinite vision unfolded silently, and Ling Feng continued to search everywhere.

If all this was designed by Xiao Tianji, then he must be hiding in the dark and secretly "appreciating" this scene.

Perhaps, he was unwilling to attack Lord Mu Shen personally, so he came up with such a plan to kill someone with a borrowed knife.

This is very much in line with Xiao Tianji’s style, sinister and cunning!

Sure enough, not long after, Ling Feng discovered the figure of the "Ghost Mist Demon Saint" on top of a thousand-year-old tree.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng knew that before this guy took action, he had to calm down and never be exposed.

Otherwise, he will lose his only chance to turn the tide of the battle and turn defeat into victory.

After all, in terms of strength, there is still a certain gap between him and the "Ghost Mist Demon Saint". (PS: In order to distinguish the future Xiaotianji and the young Xiaotianji here, the ghost mist demon saint is used instead of the future Xiaotianji.)


Seeing the long sword in Sun Guangyi's hand swipe across "Yun Xi's" neck, Mu Wangchuan's eyes became even more angry. He stared at Sun Guangyi and said hatefully: "Sun Guangyi, you are so despicable!"


Sun Guangyi laughed loudly, "Mu Wangchuan, I have said that dealing with you will naturally require some extraordinary means! If you don't want this little girl to die in vain, just do as I ask, otherwise, hum!"

The smile on Sun Guangyi's face became more and more crazier, "This pretty little girl will not survive!"


Mu Wangchuan was so angry that he was shaking all over, but he was controlled by others. If he acted rashly, Yun Xi would definitely die.


At this moment, a roar came from inside the cave, and the next moment, a figure flew out, it was Xiao Tianji!

"I didn't expect that among the nine major families of the One Moon Palace, there would be a scum like you. Sure enough, all the nine major families and all the famous and upright families are just a bunch of bastards!"

Sun Guangyi's eyelids twitched, "So there are helpers?"

I saw Xiao Tianji making a hand gesture, seeming to be calculating something, suddenly a light flashed in his eyes, and he actually rushed straight towards Sun Guangyi.

"court death!"

Sun Guangyi snorted coldly, naturally realizing that the strength of this man who broke out halfway was only average.

Naturally, he didn't dare to really kill Yun Xi. After all, this was his trump card. However, someone actually tried to save Yun Xi from him?

It’s just asking for death!

Sun Guangyi didn't even think about it, and directly grabbed Xiao Tianji's head with a fierce palm.

If this palm is grasped firmly, Xiao Tianji's head will explode like a watermelon.

"Brother Tianji!"

Mu Wangchuan's expression changed drastically, and it was already too late to stop him.

"you dare!"

At this critical moment, a sharp roar shook the nine heavens, and the next moment, a red light, like a bolt of fire, shot out from the void, directly piercing Sun Guangyi's palm.


With a scream, Sun Guangyi's forehead was dripping with sweat. He looked at the blood hole in his palm and said with hatred: "Who dares to plot against me!"

The next moment, a ray of blood condensed and took shape, turning into a gloomy figure, draped under a wide cloak.

"It''s you!"

Sun Guangyi's expression changed, "Damn it, you actually attacked me!"

The person who came was none other than Ghost Mist Demon Saint!

Demon Saint Guiwu didn't even look at Sun Guangyi, he just stared at Xiao Tianji coldly and cursed loudly: "You idiot, idiot!"

But it turned out that Xiao Tianji and him were originally the same person. If Xiao Tianji died in the hands of Sun Guangyi, there would naturally be no Ghost Mist Demon Saint.

Therefore, even if Ghost Mist Demon Saint exposes himself, he cannot just watch Xiao Tianji die in front of him.

Xiao Tianji is also good at "Innate One-Character Divination", and he just calculated his own chance of survival.

Unexpectedly, he calculated it correctly.

However, I didn't expect that the guy who saved his life would start scolding him directly.

"Hmph, even if you save my life, you still don't have the qualifications to teach me a lesson about Xiao Tianji!"

Xiao Tianji stared coldly at the Ghost Mist Demon Saint in front of him. Seeing his eyes that seemed to be stained with blood, he shuddered for no reason.

"Xiao Tianji?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly. It turned out that this guy who showed up halfway was Xiao Tianji.

That is, Xiao Tianji in his youth.

And the Ghost Mist Demon Saint was Xiao Tianji in the future.

Xiao Tianji scolding Xiao Tianji was really interesting!

However, in comparison, this young Xiao Tianji was much more "cute" than the future Xiao Tianji.


A loud slap hit Xiao Tianji's face hard, and the Ghost Mist Demon Saint cursed coldly: "Get out of here, you have nothing to do here!"

Xiao Tianji was dizzy and dazed by the slap from the Ghost Mist Demon Saint, and anger surged in his eyes, "You bastard, you bastard! I'll fight you!"

"You! Idiot!"

The Ghost Mist Demon Saint wanted to scold Xiao Tianji, but he remembered that Xiao Tianji in front of him was the same person as himself. If he scolded him, wouldn't it be the same as scolding himself?

Taking a deep breath, the Ghost Mist Demon Saint forced himself to suppress the anger in his heart, and a red light flashed in his eyes. Xiao Tianji's eyes suddenly flashed a dull look, and the next moment, he fell down.

Everyone on the field was confused. Which side is this guy on?

Only Ling Feng held his breath and silently circulated his Yuanli to prepare for a sneak attack.

Success or failure depends on this one move!

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