Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2427 Passing on the Kung Fu! (1 update)

"Yes, yes, let them get lost!"

Xuanyuan Longteng also nodded repeatedly. Although Sun Guangyi and others were not good people, they were still the elites of the One Moon Palace. If they all died like this, it would be a big loss to the One Moon Palace.

"get out!"

Although Mu Wangchuan was very disgusted with these people, since Ling Feng had spoken, he could not take action anymore. He snorted coldly and took back the long sword in his hand.

"Hmph, Mu Wangchuan, don't think this matter is over like this!"

Sun Guangyi knew that he had no chance of winning, so he shouted a few words and left in despair with his disciples.

After they walked away, Mu Wangchuan saluted Ling Feng and Xuanyuan Longteng with cupped fists, "Thank you, senior, for your rescue."

"It's just a little effort."

Ling Feng glanced at Mu Wangchuan, and he didn't expect that Mu Wangchuan was also a handsome man with delicate features when he was young, but a few hundred years later, he turned into a cynical old naughty boy.

Xuanyuan Longteng also took off the human skin mask on his face, revealing his true appearance, and cursed in his mouth: "It was such a risk, I almost lost my life. Damn it, I won't pretend to be a woman next time if I'm beaten to death!"

While saying that, Xuanyuan Longteng took out an apple directly from his chest and took a bite of it.

When Ling Feng and Mu Wangchuan saw his wild behavior, the corners of their mouths twitched.


Xuanyuan Longteng felt the "disgusting" looks in Ling Feng and Mu Wangchuan's eyes, and took out another apple from his chest, "Do you want to eat it?"

"You can keep it for yourself and eat it slowly."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. After thinking for a while, he summoned the real Yun Xi from the Five Elements Heavenly Palace with a thought.


When Yun Xi saw Mu Wangchuan, she suddenly felt excited and without thinking, she threw herself into Mu Wangchuan's arms.


Mu Wangchuan also hugged the beautiful lady tightly in his arms, feeling even more grateful to Ling Feng and the other two.

If it weren't for their help, Yun Xi would really have become a hostage in the hands of Sun Guangyi.

By then, he really didn't know what to do.

After a while, Yun Xi suddenly realized that there were people around her. She blushed and quickly backed away from Mu Wangchuan. She said with red eyes: "Master, the old lady..."


Mu Wangchuan's eyelids twitched, "Yunxi, mother, how is she?"

Yun Xi bit her lip, "Old Madam, she has...already..."

"Brother Mu, your father-in-law has unfortunately passed away."

Ling Feng sighed softly, looked at Mu Wangchuan, and said solemnly: "Her situation is already very bad. Even if it is delayed, it will only add pain to her."

"I understand, how could I not understand."

Mu Wangchuan clenched his fists tightly, "But I...I..."

Ling Feng patted Mu Wangchuan's shoulder and took out his mother's body. "This is your mother's body. Find a place with beautiful scenery and bury it."

Mu Wangchuan supported his mother's body, took a deep look at Ling Feng, gritted his teeth and said, "Thank you!"

Half a day later, Mu Wangchuan finished burying his mother's body, then knelt in front of the tombstone and remained silent for half a day.

Yun Xi has been by Mu Wangchuan's side, guarding the grave with him. Her eyes are slightly red and swollen. It can be seen that she and Mu Wangchuan's mother also have a deep relationship.

As for Ling Feng and Xuanyuan Longteng, they were chatting in an open space not far away.

"I said Uncle Ling, people have been saved and fights have been fought, it's time to teach me how to do both, right?"

Xuanyuan Longteng rubbed his hands excitedly, "I want to learn the trick you used to deal with the man in black before, it's so powerful!"

"You can't learn this."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. The Heaven-Destroying Sword Technique can only be used by holding it in hand to destroy all directions.

And the destruction of all directions is his own heavenly weapon, and only he can control it.

"I don't believe it!"

Xuanyuan Longteng frowned, "I have been the smartest and most outstanding genius in my clan since I was a child. If you try to teach me, I will definitely learn it!"

"Really want to try?"

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and smiled lightly.

"Of course I have to try!"

Xuanyuan Longteng patted his chest, "I can definitely learn it!"

Half an hour later...


Xuanyuan Longteng screamed, threw the long sword in his hand, fell to the ground, and immediately began to curse, "You are playing tricks on me! Uncle Ling, you must be playing tricks on me on purpose!"

"Why did I fool you?"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, "You and I are doing the same thing, why are we kidding you?"

"I'm furious!"

Xuanyuan Longteng climbed up from the ground, feeling strange in his heart.

Indeed, he was obviously imitating Ling Feng's movements and using the same method to perform sword skills, but Ling Feng's performance seemed to be in harmony with the way of heaven.

And every step he takes seems to be bound by a special power.

So much so that every time he struck out with a sword, almost all his strength was drained away, making him almost unsteady.

With this kind of swordsmanship, let alone killing the enemy, you will be exhausted before you kill the enemy.

"No more studying! No more studying!"

Xuanyuan Longteng was so angry that he jumped on his feet and said aggrievedly: "Thanks to me for sacrificing so much and dressing up as a woman, but in the end I can't even learn swordsmanship!"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Okay, okay, what I said doesn't count anymore!"

After thinking about it, Ling Feng asked himself that except for the Heaven-Destroying Sword Art and the Xuantian Po-yun Sword, he couldn't master any other sword skills.

However, even if Xuanyuan Longteng was taught these two sets of swordsmanship, it would be difficult for him to master them.

"How about this."

Ling Feng looked at Xuanyuan Longteng and said calmly: "I will not teach you the completed swordsmanship, but I will teach you a set of swordsmanship. One day, you can embark on the path of creating your own swordsmanship."

"The Divine Art of Sword Dao?"

Xuanyuan Longteng's eyes lit up. Although he was still young, he also understood what it meant to create his own swordsmanship.

"My set of divine techniques is called "The Art of Changing without Seeking"!"

Ling Feng smiled faintly. This set of divine techniques was the fragment taught to him by Yan Cangtian when he was in Tianwei Academy.

Later, by chance, I completed this divine sword art.

With this divine technique, the strengths of many swordsmanships are integrated into one, the complex ones are simplified, and integrated into one's own swordsmanship system.

It can be said that this is a master's technique.

As long as you thoroughly understand this "No-Qiu Yi Jue" and are not too stupid, you will definitely become a master of swordsmanship in the future.

At this time, Xiao Tianji also came over. Seeing Ling Feng giving instructions to Xuanyuan Longteng, he also stopped to watch.

Ling Feng frowned and felt unhappy when he saw Xiao Tianji.

Although Xiao Tianji has not turned into the Ghost Mist Demon Saint yet, this guy will betray Mu Wangchuan sooner or later.

If we kill him now, there won't be so much trouble.

But he also had scruples in his heart. Taixu Zhoulong said that the course of history must not be changed.

Therefore, even if I hate this guy very much, I can never kill him directly.

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