Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2437 No one can be without pride! (2 updates)


Red Beard choked, this girl!

"It seems that you have had many adventures in the past year or so!"

Red Beard shook his head and smiled, "But it's better this way. Before accepting the baptism of the Holy Fire, the higher the cultivation level, the better! Haha, Xiaoyao, you are going to open the eyes of those old guys in the tribe this time!"

Suddenly, Red Beard frowned, his eyes focused, looked under a shade of trees, and said coldly: "Who is it, come out!"

The next moment, the shade of the tree shook, and a figure jumped out from it.

"Ling Feng?"

Yu Junyao's face changed, and he hurriedly said: "Grandpa, he is my friend, please don't hurt him!"

"Boy Ling Feng, meet the senior!"

Ling Feng bowed to the red-bearded old man. He followed Yu Junyao all the way and was thinking about how to greet him. Unexpectedly, he was discovered by the old man.

"Hmph, hiding behind others and eavesdropping on their conversations, you are not a good friend!"

Red Beard glared at Ling Feng. Although he did not attack, his overbearing pressure swept over like a tide.

Ling Feng's whole body froze, and he felt as if there was an ancient sacred mountain pressing down on his back, almost bending his spine.

However, Red Beard's oppression aroused Ling Feng's pride.

So what if you are a strong man in the ancestral realm?

No one can make Ling Feng bow down to him!

He clenched his fists tightly, his body straightened like a javelin, and his eyes were like bright stars, shining brightly.


Red Beard's eyelids jumped, and he was slightly surprised.

Under his momentum, Ling Feng could actually stand firm?

This kid is quite interesting!

Red Beard stroked his long beard and secretly increased his pressure, one tenth, two tenths, three tenths!

The pressure behind Ling Feng was getting more and more, but he still insisted. His bones seemed to be broken, and every inch of muscle seemed to be torn apart because of being too tense.

His body trembled slightly, but his spine was still straight.

Sweat dripped down from his forehead, soaking the ground under Ling Feng's feet.


Yu Junyao saw it and wanted to plead with Red Beard, but Red Beard just stared at Ling Feng and had no intention of showing mercy.

She knew that Red Beard's temper was the most soft-hearted, and the more Ling Feng fought with him, the heavier his attack would be.

"Ling Feng, can't you just give in!"

Yu Junyao looked at Ling Feng with pleading eyes.

Ling Feng turned a blind eye, clenched his fists tightly, and held on with all his strength.

Give in?

What I, Ling Feng, want to fight is the strong man in the fairyland, the eternal god!

If even a powerful ancestor can make him surrender, what qualifications does he have to fight against the heaven and earth and resist the gods!



Absolutely impossible!


Finally, under the momentum of the red beard, the bones in Ling Feng's body broke.

There was the first one, then the second, the third...




The sound of broken bones came one after another. Ling Feng was almost numb and could hardly feel his body, but with an unyielding will, he still stood straight, as straight as a steel gun, standing upright!


The next moment, the terrifying aura faded like a tide.

"Yao'er, your friend is a little stubborn, but he is not bad!"

The red beard grinned, and when he looked at Ling Feng again, he had a little more recognition.

People should not be arrogant, but they must be proud.

The pride shown by Ling Feng made the red beard look at him with a higher opinion.

If Ling Feng really gave in to him, he would stop, but he would definitely look down on him.

When the terrible pressure faded, Ling Feng's whole body softened and he almost couldn't stand.

Yu Junyao hurriedly stepped forward to support him, glaring at him with a slightly reproachful look, "You stinky boy, why are you being stubborn with my grandfather! Can't you just give in!"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, without saying anything, gritted his teeth and stood firm, gently pushed Yu Junyao away, glanced at the red beard, and said lightly: "Senior, I just came to say goodbye to Miss Yu, I don't mean anything else."


The red beard glanced at Ling Feng, "You kid is very sensible, girl, you don't want to go back with me, it's because of this kid, now that this kid has said he wants to say goodbye to you, you should go back with me obediently."

Yu Junyao gritted her silver teeth, "No... No!"

As she said that, she fiercely She glared at Ling Feng fiercely, "You little brat, you are so annoying to me that you want me to stay away from you!"


Ling Feng was stunned for a moment, and seeing Yu Junyao's red eyes, he clenched his fists and shook his head, "No, maybe I did find you annoying before, but after going through so much, I have already regarded you as a very important companion! But that senior is right, since the baptism of holy fire is so important to you, you should go back!"

Yu Junyao gritted her teeth and cursed, "You are so self-indulgent, what do you mean by very important? You are not important at all in my heart!"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, "In this case, you should go back."


Yu Junyao glared at Ling Feng angrily and cursed in her heart: You brat, you don't know what others are saying!

"Hey, hey, hey, it's not over yet!"

When the red beard heard the conversation between Ling Feng and Ling Feng, he immediately lost his patience and said, "We have agreed to talk to each other, can you hurry up!"

After all, Red Beard is a person who has lived for thousands of years. He can naturally see that Yu Junyao has special feelings for Ling Feng. However, in his opinion, although Ling Feng is somewhat arrogant, he is still far from worthy. Yujunyao.

Therefore, the only way to cut the knot is to cut it with a quick knife. After a few years, all feelings will fade away.

He didn't kill Ling Feng because Ling Feng still had some guts. Otherwise, he would have wanted to slap this kid to death just because he dared to "seduce" his precious granddaughter. How could he give him any more? Their time to say goodbye.

"Let's go back."

Ling Feng glanced at Yu Junyao and said calmly: "It's not like we can't meet again in the future. Sooner or later, I will set foot in Zhongyuan Realm. When the time comes, you have to entertain me well."

"Bah, I'm not familiar with you, so I won't entertain you!"

Yu Junyao rolled her eyes at Ling Feng, then remembered that Ling Feng went to Zhongyuan Domain, probably mainly for Mu Qianxue. She felt a little lost for no reason, her expression dimmed slightly, she leaned into Ling Feng's ear and lowered her voice: "Ling Feng, you have also seen that there are many strong people in the ancestral realm among our Jiuli God Clan. It is impossible for one person to resist our Jiuli God Clan, so it is impossible for you to change your sister’s engagement.”

"Some things, if you haven't tried them, who knows they will be impossible?"

Ling Feng smiled faintly, "Okay, you can go back with your grandfather, he should be impatient! See you in Zhongyuan Domain in two years!"

Yu Junyao took a deep look at Ling Feng and seemed to have made some decision. She bit her silver teeth and mustered up the courage to say: "You brat, if... I mean if, if I say I like you, you... Will you give up my sister?"

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