Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2448 Success! (2 updates)

After hearing Baili Lanxi's explanation, the light and dark unicorn's expression softened slightly, nodded, and said calmly: "Well, I forgot about this, you did a good job in saving him!"

Baili Lanxi let out a long breath. The moment he was stared at by the light and dark unicorn, he almost felt like he was in hell and could hardly breathe.

Ling Feng also looked at the huge pothole beside him with a horrified expression. It was hard to imagine what would happen if he was hit by the ball of darkness in his current weak state.

He never expected that it would be Baili Lanxi who saved his life.

Of course, his original intention was not to save himself, but to inherit the inheritance of the Immortal King.

Ling Feng knew this well.

"If you can't kill him, then kill the others first!"

The light and dark unicorn snorted coldly, staring at Jun Jiuyou who was struggling to maintain the "thunder light" in mid-air.

The light of thunder barely has some light power, but that's the end of it!

The light and dark unicorn had obviously lost its patience.

He didn't expect these people to be able to support him for so long and even cause him to be injured.

This account must be settled!


The light and dark unicorn roared, and the horn on its forehead once again condensed into a ball of light as black as ink.

This time, Jun Jiuyou was directly targeted.

As long as Jun Jiuyou dies, what will happen next can be foreseen.

The undead mirage will devour everything without mercy!

"not good!"

When Ling Feng saw this scene, he was secretly anxious, "Zifeng, Zifeng, why haven't you succeeded yet?"

He was so angry that he punched the ground several times, but he was still too weak after all.

Blood Demon Hand, Xuanyuan Longteng and others all had despair flashing in their eyes.

All is lost.

The only way waiting for them is death.

However, at this moment.

The light and dark unicorn suddenly trembled, and felt dizzy in his mind. The dark ball of light in front of the unicorn suddenly disappeared.

"what's the situation?"

The expression of the light and dark unicorn changed. Why did he suddenly seem to have lost control of the power of light and darkness.

"Hey, of course, young master, I want to take over your body!"

In his mind, a very arrogant voice came, and it was none other than Zifeng.

Zifeng also knows how powerful the light and dark unicorn is, so he has been dormant in his body and dare not act rashly.

And at the moment when the light and dark unicorn was most triumphant, he finally knew the opportunity and found the elemental core of the light and dark unicorn.

For elemental life forms, their origin is a ball of elemental core.

And Zifeng's ability is to take the elemental cores of other elemental life forms as his own!

"what are you?"

The face of the light and dark unicorn changed drastically, and the elemental core was exposed in front of the enemy. He knew exactly what this meant.

But he didn't know that there was an almost heaven-defying existence like Zifeng in this world.

The next moment, Zifeng's whole body shone with extremely brilliant light, gradually integrating with the elemental core of the light and dark unicorn.

"no no!"

The light and dark unicorn roared in despair, rolling on the ground, its wings flapping wildly in the cave, almost turning the world upside down.

"Farewell, what's going on?"

When Baili Lanxi saw the light and dark unicorn suddenly rolling around on the ground like crazy, he was confused for a while.

Could it be that this guy suffered some backlash?

After observing carefully for a moment and confirming that the light and dark unicorn was indeed in great pain, Baili Lanxi suddenly had a sinister smile on his lips.

"Hmph, you are a beast that is too strong. I'm afraid I can't control it. But even God is helping me. Now everyone else has been destroyed by you. As long as I take care of you, everything will be over. Belongs to me, hahaha!”

Baili Lanxi muttered something in his mouth, and suddenly made a hand gesture, and instantly a layer of flame armor appeared on his body. He turned the jade flute in his hand and flew directly to attack the light and dark unicorn.


The violent power exploded, and the unicorn of light and darkness was attacked from both inside and outside, which accelerated his demise.

In the unwilling roar and roar, the will of the light and dark unicorn was gradually disintegrated.

Instead, it was Zifeng who successfully shed his shell and evolved.

"Hahaha, I actually gained the power of the two elements of light and darkness all at once!"

Zifeng was extremely excited. The next step was to take possession of this body!

The will of the light and dark unicorn completely dissipated, and Zifeng directly took over this powerful body.

The next moment, the light and dark unicorn stopped rolling, was shaken, and got up from the ground.

Then, his eyes opened and he stared at the Baili Blue River in front of him without blinking.


Baili Lanxi's expression changed, he quickly held the jade flute and retreated ten feet away in an instant.


Baili Lanxi was so frightened that his calves were weak. This damn beast had inexplicable convulsions. How could he get better again inexplicably?

Damn it!

I just attacked him secretly, I'm afraid...

Just when Baili Lanxi was thinking wildly, the "Light and Dark Unicorn" rushed directly to the entrance of the cave with a few clicks.

The next moment, a dazzling light burst out from the body of the light and dark unicorn.

The dazzling light released an extremely rich power of light, dispelling all darkness.

Under the shroud of this light power, the undead mirages were like worms in the darkness, quickly fading away like a tide.

They don't have any natural enemies, the only thing they fear is the power of light.


Seeing those undead demon mirages retreating, Jun Jiuyou slowly stopped his power. The next moment, he fell directly from the sky like a deflated rubber ball.


Jun Jiuyou fell heavily to the ground, rolled his eyes, and fainted.

He had indeed reached his limit.


Ling Feng was excited and reluctantly got up from the ground.

At the last moment, Zifeng finally succeeded!

"Haha, Master, I succeeded!"

The light and dark unicorn, oh no, it should be Zifeng, rushed out of the cave with excitement on his face.

However, as soon as he rushed out of the cave, the chains immediately tightened, and bloody thunder emerged from the chains, paralyzing Zifeng.

"Ah! Holy shit!"

Zifeng cursed loudly, but it turned out that he occupied the body of the light and dark unicorn, and the chains that imprisoned the light and dark unicorn were naturally transferred to his body.

"You're cheating!"

Zifeng complained incessantly, but Baili Lanxi looked confused.

The light and dark unicorn actually called Ling Feng "master"?

What is going on with all this?

Taking a deep breath, Baili Lanxi didn't dare to act rashly, and could only keep a careful eye on the "Light and Dark Unicorn".

Everyone else was seriously injured, but this light and dark unicorn was the only threat to him.

It is also the biggest threat!

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