Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2465 Soul Skill Explosion! (1 update)

Under the powerful threat of Xiao Tianji, everyone gathered together to attack him. If he did not kill him at this time, the consequences would be disastrous.

Whether it was the ancestors of the three major sword houses or the few remaining great sages from the Monster Clan, they undoubtedly used their strongest methods and continuously launched gusts of attacks at Xiao Tianji.

Although Xiao Tianji's strength was indeed incredibly strong, with so many people joining forces, he finally showed signs of decline.

"Deng Deng Deng!"

Xiao Tianji actually took three steps back under the iron fist of the great sage of the golden lion clan!

Immediately afterwards, a great saint-level powerhouse attacked from all directions. The Xiaotianji roared wildly, and the power of blood evil surged around him, forming an extremely violent bloody hurricane.

Whoosh whoosh!

All the great saints who were attacking madly were thrown away, and Xiao Tianji himself spurted out a mouthful of blood!

He was indeed injured!

The battle with Mu Shenjun still caused him to suffer some injuries.

And under the joint siege of everyone, the injury further worsened!

Although he seems to be invincible, in fact, he is just a fierce person but a weak heart!

"Look! He's vomiting blood!"

"Haha, he's injured too! Keep attacking!"

Seeing Xiao Tianji vomiting blood, everyone became even more excited, as if they saw hope, and launched a new round of more violent attacks.

"Hmph, even if I am injured, you wastes still want to defeat me?"

Xiao Tianji's eyes flashed with an extremely ferocious light, his blood surged, and his whole figure became illusory.

Swish, swish, swish!

Blood shadows flew out one after another and escaped into the crowd. Wherever they passed, they were like maggots on the tarsal bones, directly entangling the warriors.


Immediately afterwards, screams rang out, and the warriors entangled in the blood shadows seemed to have been drained of all their essence and blood in an instant, turning into shriveled skin bags, sunken eyeballs, and shriveled flesh and blood...

The death is extremely horrific!

All the warriors were so frightened that they were scared to death. They quickly retreated again and again. If they were possessed by those blood shadows, they would probably die.

"Anyone who dares to resist me will die!"

Xiao Tianji laughed ferociously, and after forcing the warriors around him to retreat, he immediately moved his hand gestures and began to mutter something.

Then, the great sages of the monster clan immediately cried out in their arms, fearing that they would fall under the control of Xiao Tianji again before long.

In this way, Xiao Tianji has the help of these demon clan saints, and the situation may be reversed again.

At this moment, a golden light rose into the sky, spreading in all directions, almost covering the entire sky.

Everyone looked towards the source of the golden light and saw a young man with a golden shadow floating behind him.

That phantom was ten feet high and extremely condensed, like a golden god of war!

"Yellow...golden fighting spirit!"

"Yes, it is indeed a golden fighting spirit!"

"Oh my God, how old is that boy? He has already condensed a golden fighting spirit!"

Everyone looked at each other with shock in their eyes.

And the person who sacrificed the golden fighting spirit was naturally Ling Feng.

When everyone was gathering to attack Xiao Tianji, he was naturally not idle either.

His Emperor's Eye was activated to the extreme, trying to find the slightest flaw in Xiao Tianji's body.

This flaw will be the key to turning things around!

After countless strong men from the human race and demon race paid countless lives, Ling Feng finally found the only flaw in Xiaotianji, which was also the biggest flaw.

There seems to be a slight flaw in the origin of his soul!

And this flaw has now been exposed in front of Ling Feng!

Tian's eyes were extremely hot, which was caused by excessive use of the Emperor's Eyes, but it was all worth it.

"Xiao Tianji, go to hell!"

Ling Feng roared, and his golden fighting spirit suddenly erupted.

"Soul skill! Mysterious Curse Shadow Devour!"

In an instant, Ling Feng's figure seemed to turn into a golden arrow, shooting out instantly!

Xiao Tianji's expression changed slightly. When he noticed Ling Feng, it was already too late!

Ling Feng has already taken action!

"It's just a golden fighting spirit, don't even think about it——"

The sound stopped suddenly, and in just a moment, the protective aura around Xiao Tianji was shattered!

This is the first stage of the Mysterious Curse Shadow Bite, the Armor-Removing Thorn!


Xiao Tianji's expression changed slightly, he never expected that Ling Feng's soul skills were so powerful.

This mysterious curse, Shadow Bite, was originally just a silver soul skill, but Ling Feng had already condensed a golden battle soul, and its power naturally doubled.

The most important thing is that Xiao Tianji's reaction was a step too slow after all.

As early as when Ling Feng was still in the early stage of the Emperor Realm, several great saint-level elders from the Single Moon Palace once said that if Ling Feng suddenly launched an attack and launched a sneak attack, even they might not be able to withstand such a move. A move.

And this mysterious curse, Shadow Bite, is originally a secret assassination soul skill.

As long as Xiao Tianji's reaction is one step slower, it will be a wrong step, a wrong step!

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Tianji felt a stabbing pain in his chest. A wound had been pierced on his chest, and blood flowed out uncontrollably.

This is the second stage of the Mysterious Curse Shadow Devour, the blood-breaking stab!


Immediately afterwards, the bones in his chest shattered, and Xiao Tianji spat out a mouthful of blood, with an extremely angry look on his face.

This blow only injured him, but did not seriously injure him.

However, an "ant" like Ling Feng could actually injure him!

This is something he cannot accept no matter what!

"Boy, go to hell!"

Xiao Tianji was so furious that he completely ignored the wound on his chest. He exerted 100% of his strength and the bloody energy surged, and slapped Ling Feng fiercely.

"Xiao Tianji, you fell into a trap!"

Ling Feng smiled coldly. It seemed that he was using the power of the silver soul skill to injure Xiao Tianji, but in fact, it was just to anger him.

Eye to eye!

Xiao Tianji only saw a pair of extremely cold pupils!

"Shocking disaster!"

With a loud shout, two rays of light suddenly shot out from Ling Feng's eyes.

When Xiao Tianji realized something was wrong, his eyes were already penetrated by a shocking force of calamity!


Xiao Tianji joined in crazily and went on a rampage with all his strength!

Boom boom boom!

The Blood Demon Secret Code exploded crazily, and its terrifying power directly swept through an area of ​​hundreds of feet in radius.

A famous warrior, unable to dodge, was immediately chopped into pieces on the spot.

Those great saint-level experts were also horrified in their hearts. At the same time, they were shocked that Ling Feng could seriously injure Xiao Tianji.

This kid is clearly not even a saint!


Ling Feng was knocked away by a terrifying force. He was the closest to Xiao Tianji and bore the brunt of the impact. The terrifying force directly broke his bones, no, almost shattered them!

Half of his body was completely sunken.

If it were an ordinary person, I would be afraid that those who are already dead cannot die again!

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