Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2478 Abandoning martial arts and embracing literature? (2 updates)

Gu Tengfeng's eyelids twitched, and sure enough, he saw a cry of killing coming from the peaks on both sides.

But it turns out that the defenders of the Tianyang Empire pretended to be defeated, but they were actually planning to "invite you into the urn".


General Tianyang laughed crazily, "What, Gu Tengfeng, even though the Gu family army you lead are the best among the best, we have three times the strength of yours! Surrender obediently, I, general, can still do it Leave your whole body intact!”

Gu Tengfeng frowned deeply. After all, the opponent was a veteran who had experienced hundreds of battles. Compared with him, he still had a little less experience.

"Boss Gu, what should we do now?"

Miyagi gritted his teeth and looked back at Gu Tengfeng.

"Fight to the death!"

Gu Tengfeng raised his sword high and said loudly: "As a soldier, you should have had the consciousness to die on the battlefield long ago! If you die to regain your home and country, you will have no regrets even if you die a hundred times! Even if you fight to the death of one soldier, Even if every last drop of blood is shed, there will only be Gu Tengfeng who dies in battle and no one who surrenders on this battlefield!"

"Then, go die!"

General Tianyang raised his flag high, and all of a sudden, the three armies, outflanking each other like hungry tigers attacking sheep, all rushed towards the vanguard army led by Gu Tengfeng.

However, at this moment, a cold voice fell from the sky.

"Captain, I haven't seen you for so many years, but you are still as fiery as ever, hahaha!"

The next moment, a figure seemed to appear out of thin air and landed on a mountain peak.

"Kill me!"

On that mountain peak, there were tens of thousands of Tianyang Empire troops lurking in ambush. When they saw Ling Feng suddenly appear, they all waved their weapons and attacked Ling Feng.

"It's not a good habit to just shout and kill without even asking."

Ling Feng shook his head, his eyes focused, and a faint light swept out with Ling Feng as the center.

Immediately afterwards, the tens of thousands of Tianyang troops all fell down like waves of wheat blown by the wind.

In a shocking disaster, thousands of troops and horses are like ants.


General Tianyang's eyelids were twitching wildly. With just one look from this uninvited guest, the tens of thousands of troops under his command were completely lifeless.

Kill ten thousand people with one look?

What kind of power is this?

Ling Feng's expression showed no signs of fluctuation. Although he was not bloodthirsty, he had to show enough oppression on the battlefield.

Gu Tengfeng, on the other hand, stared at Ling Feng, sizing him up for a long while, and then finally asked doubtfully, "Ling... Junior Brother Ling?"

"Yes, it's me."

Ling Feng flew down and landed directly in front of Gu Tengfeng, with a faint smile on his lips, "Captain, vice-captain, long time no see!"

"It's really you!"

Gu Tengfeng got off his horse and looked at Ling Feng. He was so excited that he could not calm down for a long time.

The aura surrounding Ling Feng just now made him almost afraid to recognize him.

"Junior Brother Ling!"

Miyagi also jumped off the horse with a look of surprise on his face and looked at Ling Feng, so excited that his whole body was trembling.

With one look, thousands of troops and horses fell.

How strong is Ling Feng now?

Ling Feng nodded and smiled at Miyagi, "Let's resolve the battle first."

After saying that, Ling Feng turned to look at the Tianyang army and said slowly: "On the other side, you are surrounded by me. If you don't want to die, just put down your weapons, dismount and surrender!"


General Tianyang had an extremely bitter expression on his face.

One person, surrounded by thousands of troops?

Yes, this person can wipe out tens of thousands of troops with just one look. There seems to be no problem in using the word "encirclement".

A look!

Bang bang bang!

In almost an instant, the army of Tianyang Empire on the opposite side all threw aside their weapons.

"I'm waiting, surrender!"


The sound of thousands of troops and horses echoed in the valley for a long time.

Ling Feng turned around and smiled faintly at Gu Tengfeng, "It's done and call it a day!"


Gu Tengfeng and Miyagi looked at each other and swallowed hard.

In two years, how powerful has Ling Feng become?

"Half...half saint?"

Half a day later, the Northwest Army Qingtian Fortress was inside Gu Tengfeng’s camp.

Hearing Ling Feng say that his strength had reached semi-saint, Gu Tengfeng jumped up in fright.

"Let me check it out."

He twirled his fingers and muttered: "After the king level is the half-step human emperor, then the emperor level, and above the emperor level there is the emperor level... you... you..."

Gu Tengfeng was so frightened that he stared at Ling Feng in shock, "Have you surpassed the emperor level?"

"You could say that."

Ling Feng pursed his lips, pointed at Tuoba Yan, and said with a smile: "She is also a half-saint."

"What? Miss Yan'er also..."

Gu Tengfeng also recognized Tuoba Yan and thought of her as the little girl who followed Ling Feng.

However, now he is shocked that a girl can be so strong!

This is too much!

Miyagi shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Boss Gu, I advise you to change your goal. This goal is too far out of reach!"

Gu Tengfeng glared at Miyagi angrily, "If you don't speak, no one will think you are mute!"

At this moment, a woman in purple clothes hurriedly came from outside the camp, opened the door curtain, and rushed in quickly, "Ling Feng is back? I heard that Ling Feng is back!"

Ling Feng looked closely and saw that the woman in purple was also a member of the East Campus Sword Team that day, Xue Xiaolin.

"Senior Xiaolin."

Ling Feng glanced at Xue Xiaolin and saw that her long hair was already tied up. He walked to Gu Tengfeng's side very naturally and already knew it.

This pair has probably already achieved perfection.

After all, when they were at Tianwei Academy, everyone could see that the relationship between her and Gu Tengfeng was unusual.

"Haha, now it's time to change your name to Mrs. Sister-in-law."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, looking at Gu Tengfeng, "Boss Gu, you have finally caught Sister Xiaolin."

"Tch, do I still need to chase you?"

Gu Tengfeng slapped his chest, "Just because of my charisma as captain, I'm obviously being chased!"

Xue Xiaolin snorted softly and gave him a hard chop on the sole of his foot. Gu Tengfeng grimaced in pain.

After another round of pleasantries, Ling Feng realized that, except for the three of them, most of the original team members left Tianwei Academy after graduation and went back to "inherit the family business."

After all, apart from him and Jiang Xiaofan, most of the people who can join Tianwei Academy are the "second generation rich"!

For example, that boy Ouyang Jing went home to be his young boss.

"Lin Mochen, that bad gambler, has now gone back and opened a gambling shop. The business seems to be pretty good."

"There is also that pervert Yu Sixian. It is said that after graduation he gave up martial arts and became a scholar."

"Abandoning martial arts and embracing civility?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, "How do you follow the law?"

"This guy has changed his career to become a painter." Miyagi shook his head and smiled: "As for what he is painting, you should know it without me telling you, right?"


Ling Feng's old face turned red. What kind of thing could that guy Yu Sixian draw? Most likely it would be the kind of "little book" with illustrations.

"It is said that the sales volume is not bad. When I return to the imperial capital another day, I will take you to take a look?" Gu Tengfeng said with a sideways smile.

"Then let's avoid it..."

Ling Feng waved his hands repeatedly. Watching this thing too much will hurt your health!

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