Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2490 It’s hard to distinguish between male and female! (3 updates)

The Black Pearl successfully sailed on the sea for two days. As Captain Linn said, the sea was indeed calm during these two days.

The blue ocean is so vast and beautiful that even Ling Feng's displeasure has dissipated a lot.

In fact, feeling the majesty of the sea, Ling Feng vaguely seemed to realize something.

Although Ling Feng had also operated in the Tianlan Sea Area when he was in the Tiansheng Empire, the sea in the Tianlan Sea Area was nothing compared to this endless sea.

During this period, Du Fei finally lived up to expectations and learned to steer!

This guy can finally be of some use!

Ling Feng was very pleased, although Du Fei's boat sailing skills were taught by him step by step!

"Haha, I finally learned how to sail a boat!"

Du Fei looked at Ling Feng excitedly, his eyes full of excitement, "It looks like I'm one step closer to One Piece!"


A black line shot up on Ling Feng's forehead. This guy really didn't seem to have much self-awareness!

"Haha, that's right."

Ling Feng felt the ship sway and quickly reached out to grab the steering wheel. He frowned and said, "Drive the ship carefully!"

Du Fei's palm controlled the steering wheel. When Ling Feng grabbed it, he naturally grabbed his palm. He felt as if he was being electrocuted. He quickly pulled his hand away. The next moment, he bit his lower lip and said, "Oh. , I...I know."


The corners of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly. Du Fei seemed to be blushing just now?

They are all men, why is he blushing!

Ling Feng felt uncomfortable all over. Could this guy be that kind of...


Ling Feng quickly let go of his hand and said with a straight face: "Be careful when sailing!"

After saying that, he turned around and walked towards the bow of the ship.

Not to mention, although this Du Fei looks dark and thin, he is quite handsome, and his palm does not look like a man's hand at all. It looks a bit petite, and the fingers are slender, but they are More like a woman's hand.

When Ling Feng first saw this guy, he thought he was a bit yin and yang, but because of his smooth chest, he didn't doubt his gender.

But now it seems that there is a high probability that this Du Fei is actually a woman disguised as a man!

However, Ling Feng didn't say anything. Anyway, whether Du Fei was a boy or a girl had no influence on the purpose of his trip.

Walking to the deck of the bow, Tuoba Yan was blowing the sea breeze, and the guy who was a bitch was unwilling to be lonely and came out from the Five Elements Heavenly Palace to get some fresh air.

This guy was leaning on the bow of the boat, with his hooves raised, looking at ease.

The release of his demon saint's aura made the voyage a lot quieter.

As for Xiao Qiongqi, he has been completely led astray by the bitch.

From the bottom of his heart, he behaved like a bitch. He also had his hooves raised and leaned against the bow of the boat side by side with the bitch.

Now Xiao Qiongqi has grown to the size of a pony, and there is a faint red vertical line on his forehead. This is Xiao Qiongqi's Shura Eye.

After all, Xiao Qiongqi relied on a drop of the Emperor's blood from Ling Feng to break out of his shell, and his own bloodline has been changed by the Emperor's blood.

Now, he is actually no longer a pure Qiongqi clan, so his growth potential cannot be ignored.

However, because he has been hanging out with Jianlu and Zifeng all the year round, he has almost learned all the problems that Jianlu and Zifeng have.

So lazy! Greedy again!

It's gone too far, it's gone too far!

Ten days passed by in a flash.

It has to be said that Ling Feng and the others are very lucky. They have never encountered any big storms, and they have not even been attacked by monsters.

It's no wonder that there is a demon saint named Jie Donkey lying on the bow of the ship. Even if there are monsters in this outer sea area, who would dare to run out and die if Dan feels the demon saint aura of Jian Donkey.

Looking into the distance, at the limit of the horizon, I seem to see a small black dot.

Tuoba Yan's eyes flashed with excitement, he pointed at the small dot in front of him and said excitedly: "Look, there is an island in front of you!"

"Have we reached land?"

Ling Feng slowly opened his eyes. After half a month's flight, he already missed the feeling of being down-to-earth.

However, before they could get closer, the small black dot seemed to be getting bigger and bigger!

“Oh my God, it’s not an island!”

As a huge thing rushed out of the sea, there was a sudden wave.

And Ling Feng's small boat.


A wave hit and the boat broke into two pieces!

"Lynn, I greet you from the eighteenth generation of your ancestors!"

Ling Feng yelled, that damn Captain Lin En is simply the most unscrupulous profiteer in the world.

This damn "Black Pearl" actually withstood even one wave?

One of the sturdiest ships?

You seem to be making me laugh!

Soon, the behemoth revealed its true appearance.

It was an extremely huge giant turtle. When it was usually motionless, the turtle shell on its back was like an island. But at this moment, it woke up!

It stirred on the sea, setting off waves of terrifying waves.

As the saying goes, when the house leaks, it rains all night. The weather has always been sunny and fine, but it has started to become cloudy.


In the distant sky, thunderclouds are gathering!

Soon there will be a big storm coming!

"Oops, my Black Pearl!"

Du Fei burst into tears. This was the first ship that belonged to him, and it was destroyed like this.

"You still have the mood to take care of this broken ship!"

Ling Feng was speechless for a while, then grabbed Du Fei out of the cockpit and threw him next to Tuoba Yan. He frowned and said, "Yan'er, just watch him, I'll deal with that giant turtle!"

Ling Feng murmured in his heart, it was really unlucky, the boat was gone before they reached the Shark Bay!

After taking a closer look at the giant turtle, Ling Feng's mouth curved in a strange way.

It seems that this giant turtle is much stronger than the previous "Black Pearl"!

"You bitch, come with me!"

Ling Feng roared. The bitch seemed to hate the ocean. He was holding a broken ship fragment and cursed: "The damn sea water actually wetted the noble fur of this beast!"

After all, this guy is a terrestrial creature and cannot exert its full power in the water.

Ling Feng dodged and frowned: "We must tame this giant turtle before the storm comes!"

Otherwise, once the storm comes, they will completely lose their direction.

In this vast ocean, losing direction is a very bad thing.

At that time, it will become even more difficult to find Sharman Bay and board the legendary Poseidon.

The giant turtle seemed to be frightened by the demonic aura of the donkey. After stirring up the wind and waves like crazy, it plunged into the seabed with a "thump", seeming to want to escape as soon as possible.

How could Ling Feng just let it escape? Since this guy destroyed their ship, he must use himself to pay off the debt!

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