Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2504 Boarding the Poseidon! (2 updates)

Because they had already had a head-on conflict with the demon pirates, Ling Feng and his party no longer hid.

Ling Feng grabbed Du Feier with one hand and Devela with the other, used Yufeng Xiaoyaoyou, and chased the Poseidon at full speed, because the speed of the two sisters was too slow!

At this time, the reinforcements of the demon pirates had also discovered that Captain Hook and the others had failed to catch Devela, and they quickly started chasing her like crazy.

The Poseidon has already started, and the speed is almost beyond Ling Feng's imagination.

Once this behemoth on the sea is turned on, its speed is almost like jumping through space. Even Ling Feng has a hard time catching up.

And this is just the beginning speed!

No wonder Devela said that they could only board the ship within half an hour when the Poseidon docked. Otherwise, once the Poseidon started moving, they would not be able to board the ship.

It turns out that the speed of the Poseidon is so terrifying.

This big ship itself is probably a treasure!

"It's over, we can't catch up!"

When Du Feier saw that the Poseidon had started moving, he suddenly showed a desperate expression.

Once the Poseidon moves forward at full speed, even the mighty Great Sage will never be able to catch up!

"That's not necessarily the case!"

Ling Feng gritted his teeth, purple eyes floated in his eyes, glanced at Tuoba Yan, and said in a deep voice: "Yan'er, catch me!"

Tuoba Yan was slightly startled, but without any hesitation, he quickly grabbed Ling Feng's arm. The next moment, Ling Feng actually directly used the ability of "time and space displacement", and with a swish, he took the three women with him, steadily. Landed steadily on the deck of the Poseidon.

However, his eyes shed two tears of blood due to excessive activation of the Eyes of the Void.

But no matter what, they finally boarded the Poseidon.


Ling Feng breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the blood off his face. His eyes were so hot that he could hardly see what was in front of him.

Whether it is the Eye of the Void passed down to him by the Demon Queen, or the time and space mark left by Taixu Zhoulong, they are all close to taboo powers. For a warrior like him who can only reach the semi-saint level, it is indeed It's a huge load.

"I actually...caught up!"

Du Feier stepped on the deck of the Poseidon and could hardly believe his eyes.

They actually did it!

At this time, the demon pirates who were chasing them were already far behind.

They are safe!

Devela shed tears of excitement and boarded the Poseidon, which meant that she could finally leave this sea forever!

"Thank you, Lord Ling Feng!"

Devela was so excited that she almost knelt down in front of Ling Feng, but Ling Feng held her back, "No need to thank me, anyway, I need to board the Poseidon, right?"

At this moment, a dozen warriors dressed as guards in blue armor quickly surrounded him.

These people are naturally the guards on the Poseidon.

The huge Poseidon is like a mobile fortress on the ocean, and there will naturally be people guarding the fortress.

The next moment, a burly man with short red hair walked out from among these guards. He had several ferocious scars on his face, and he looked a bit ferocious.

The red-haired man stared at Ling Feng and his group, and immediately frowned, "Who are you? How dare you board the Poseidon without permission!"

"I am……"

When Du Feier saw the captain of the Poseidon, he suddenly showed a look of excitement.

After all, she is the daughter of the original captain of the Poseidon No. 9. Although she encountered drastic changes when she was very young, she has always longed for the Poseidon in her heart, hoping that one day she can be like her father.

Seeing the crew of the Poseidon, she almost couldn't help but reveal her identity.

Ling Feng quickly pressed her shoulders, shook his head slightly at her, smiled faintly at the red-haired man and said: "Brother, we secretly boarded the Poseidon to avoid those demon pirates. Yes, please rest assured that we will pay all the fees. In addition..."

Ling Feng took out a whole box of Yuan Jing from the Naling Ring and handed it to the red-haired man with a smile, "These Yuan Jings are my apology to all the brothers!"

Anyway, they just "ransacked" the Kongming Divine Clan's treasure house not long ago. Now Ling Feng can be said to be fat and oily. Naturally, he doesn't care about this small amount of money.

As the saying goes, money can make the world go round, and hard currency like Yuan Jing is indeed easy to use everywhere.


The red-haired man opened the box and was immediately illuminated by the light emitted by the Yuanjing, almost unable to open his eyes.

"Well, not bad!"

The red-haired man nodded. In fact, similar things are not uncommon. They usually encounter some ships that have been plundered by demon pirates on the sea. There may be some people on board who are lucky enough to escape and survive.

Out of humanitarian concern, they are still willing to accept these unfortunate people as long as they can pay the expensive boarding fee.

However, most people do not have such financial resources, let alone have been robbed by demon pirates once.

Ling Feng's performance made the red-haired man quite satisfied.

He nodded slightly, ordered his men to put away their weapons, and then said calmly: "Boy, where are you going?"

"Southern Witch Territory."

Ling Feng looked at the red-haired man and answered truthfully.

"Good luck to you."

The red-haired man laughed loudly and said: "Our Poseidon is about to pass through the inland sea and go to the Southern Witch Territory. There are four of you here. Each of you needs to pay 30 million top-grade Yuanjing. For four people, the total is 100 million. Twenty million!”

"One hundred and twenty million!"

Even Ling Feng couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth slightly. This is definitely the most expensive ticket he has ever encountered!

You know, this price can already frighten fairy-level treasures at auction!

"Not a penny less, otherwise, I will still throw you overboard!"

The red-haired man was holding the box that Ling Feng handed over just now, which clearly showed that these things already belonged to him and would not be returned regardless of whether they could take the boat.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, "I can't take out so many yuan crystals at once, but I wonder if I can use the supreme VIP card of the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce?"

"Tianmeng's supreme VIP card!"

The red-haired man's eyelids twitched, and he saw that Ling Feng's expression had obviously changed, and his tone softened slightly, and he said calmly: "The VIP card of Tianmeng can be used in the five major regions, so even on the Poseidon, can also be used."

"That's fine."

Ling Feng nodded, "I can pay all the fees."

"Then, come with me!"

The red-haired man nodded, they had no reason not to make money.

After a while, Ling Feng, led by the red-haired man, bought all the tickets, and then someone took them to the cabin where they lived.

This Poseidon is indeed a sea fortress. The entire ship is divided into nine floors. The living quarters are on the middle three floors. Each cabin is like a luxurious guest room. Not only is it very large, but it also has a retreat room. , practice rooms and other equipment are also available.

Moreover, there are very high-level spirit-gathering arrays in each room, and the effect of practicing in them is no less than that of ordinary cave heaven paradise.

No wonder the Poseidon ticket is so expensive, and the various facilities and services it provides are definitely worth the high price.

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