Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2546 Hey, eat it! (3 updates)

For a moment, the nine demon captains each displayed their magical powers.

Shaq, who was covered in bandages, had all the bandages spread out, revealing an extremely hideous and terrifying face.

There are also Crazy Blade Likum, Blue Ice Cold, Flame Ace, Iron Fist Bo Gang...

One by one, the demon captains killed all the Poseidon guards surrounding them almost instantly.

"I forgot that there are still these people."

Ling Feng shrugged, "Nothing, Demon Lord, I want to give you another surprise."

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows, looked at the demon captain Qin Ming, grinned and said: "Hey, brother, it's time for you to show off your power, right?"

Qin Ming glanced at Ling Feng, and the next moment, a black mist surged around him.

The black mist swept away with him as the center, and immediately after, the evil-looking and arrogant demon captains all rolled their eyes, and then passed out.

All eight demon captains fell to the ground and threw themselves into the street.

"Qin Ming, how dare you betray me!"

The demon lord's eyes showed an extremely frightened look. Qin Ming's ability was indeed very unbelievable. When the other eight demon captains were unsuspecting of him, they would naturally make a surprise attack on him.

"You must pay the price for your betrayal!"

Qin Ming frowned, looked at Sephiroth, and said solemnly: "I never chose to be loyal to you, I just couldn't help myself."

"Go to hell!"

The demon lord gritted his teeth, stared at Qin Ming, and suddenly launched a counterattack of demonic power.

The next moment, Qin Ming's body was already lit up with a faint blue fire.

Once the demonic power backfires, it will completely devour the host and burn it into nothingness.

"I'm afraid he won't die."

Ling Feng's figure flashed, and the next moment, he appeared behind Qin Ming, throwing a fruit at him, "Hey, eat it!"

When Qin Ming saw the fruit thrown by Ling Feng, he devoured it without any hesitation.

Sure enough, as the fruit was swallowed into his belly, the faint blue fire around Qin Ming disappeared in an instant.

This fruit was what Ling Feng had asked for in advance from Devela. He originally planned to study it himself, but now, it gave Qin Ming relief.

"This is!"

The demon lord naturally knew what this fruit meant. He looked at Devela and gritted his teeth with hatred.

"Damn, damn!"

The demon lord roared hysterically, and his body began to fester due to the poison of the scorpion fruit.

"Demon Lord, you are dead."

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and smiled, "I declare that today, the demon pirates will be destroyed!"

"Naive! So naive!"

The demon lord's eyes turned blood red, "Do you really think you can deal with me like this!"


The next moment, a beast-like roar came from the demon lord's mouth, and an invisible wave of air swept away with him as the center.

The terrifying power actually shattered the void directly. Within a radius of several thousand feet, the ground cracked inch by inch, like an apocalyptic collapse.

"You asked for it!"

The demon lord's ferocious eyes were fixed on Ling Feng, "You will pay the price for this!"

A terrifying bloody light emitted from the demon lord's body, and the bodies of those who fell unconscious and fell to the ground, as well as the more than a hundred demon pirates he brought, shone with the same light at the same time.


The next moment, the bodies of all the demon pirates, except Qin Ming, who had taken Devela's demon fruit, exploded, including the demon captains who fell into coma.

Then, countless rays of blood gathered into a ball and merged into the body of the demon lord.

The demon lord's body, which had begun to decay, quickly recovered and was still expanding rapidly.

In just ten breaths, the demon lord's size had reached ten feet away, transforming into a green-faced giant with fangs and sharp claws.

"Boy, you have ruined my business of more than a hundred years. Today, I will make it impossible for you to live or die!"

As soon as the demon lord transformed into a giant opened its mouth, it stirred up waves of terrifying storms. Every movement of its huge body made the whole earth seem to tremble.

For a time, countless believers from Poseidon Island fled in all directions, and the Poseidon guards were all panicked.

Such a huge monster could probably destroy the entire Poseidon Island.

"Unexpectedly, this demon lord actually has this secret!"

Ling Feng frowned and looked at Qin Ming, "Hey, brother, what can you do?"

"There is no way, but I do have a suggestion."

Qin Ming took a deep breath, then turned around and ran, "My advice is, run!"

"Depend on……"

Ling Feng raised his middle finger towards Qin Ming's back, "I saved you for nothing!"

Kepler also quickly grabbed his two daughters and retreated far away. When Duke Cyber ​​was escaping, he actually gave the owner of Poseidon Island a hand.

Although this old guy is a little scared to death, he is absolutely loyal to the owner of Poseidon Island.

"Brother Ling, what should we do now?"

Shentu Xuance frowned, "Such a huge troll has gathered extremely terrifying demonic energy. Even my power of light cannot compete with it."

"If the power of light cannot be dealt with, then I will use demons to conquer demons!"

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed, and the next moment, a bloody vertical pupil suddenly opened on his forehead.

Asura's Demon Eye, open!

In an instant, a dark red flame swept across Ling Feng's body.

As Asura's magic power circulated in his body, the next moment, Ling Feng's body actually swelled up against the storm.

The demonic flames rose, and Ling Feng transformed into a ten-foot-tall god and demon, competing against the demon lord.

"This is……"

Everyone's eyelids twitched wildly. Ling Feng turned into a "troll"?

Of course, this troll is a little different from the demon lord, because he actually has three eyes, six arms, and is covered with flame-like inscriptions. Just standing on the same spot, it seems to turn into magma within a radius of dozens of miles. It was like purgatory, filled with extremely hot breath.

This is the new ability given to Ling Feng with the evolution of Asura's Demonic Eye: Asura's True Body!


As Ling Feng transformed into Asura, dark clouds suddenly rolled in the sky.

Thousands of miles of dark clouds are all gathering towards this place.

"Damn it, it has to be this time!"

Ling Feng frowned. When he refined the fire-attributed magic bead and brought Asura's magic power to the semi-saint level, the barrier to the holy level was only the last step away.

But through his infinite vision, he discovered the situation outside, so he forcibly suppressed the aura in his body to avoid triggering a thunderstorm and broke out.

I originally thought I could avoid this battle by relying on my own wisdom, but in the end I still had to take action.

The moment Ling Feng displayed Asura's true form, the realm barrier in his body suddenly became like a flood gate that had been blown open. It could no longer stop him, and he reached the holy level in one go!

And what follows is probably the most terrifying thing in history, the Nine-turn Thunder Tribulation!

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