Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2562 The roar of the collapsing star! (1 update)


All directions were destroyed and unsheathed, Ling Feng shook his right hand, and in an instant, Xuantian sword power exploded, the void trembled twice, and thousands of sword lights shot out and rolled towards the demon leader.


The majestic Demonic Dragon's Claw suddenly collapsed under Ling Feng's precise cutting, and the sword energy inspired by Ling Feng was also instantly annihilated.

"Hmph, that's all! Next, I'll see how you break it!"

The body flew diagonally. The demon lord's fingers were like hooks. As he waved his claws, countless afterimages were swept out. Immediately, golden claws sputtered out, and the bright starlight filled the air, rendering the entire passage. All changed colors, gorgeous and dangerous.

"Asura's true form!"

Feeling an extremely dangerous aura, Ling Feng also directly transformed into the form of Asura. His body suddenly grew taller, and he wielded the equally huge Shifang Denier, slashing down on the demon lord's head with a sword.

"The incarnation of the dragon!"

A burst of light flashed inside the demon lord, and the next moment, a pair of huge black wings sprouted from behind him. His whole body soared into the sky, and with a sweep of his wings, a terrifying black whirlwind rolled up.

"Boy, this time you brought it to your door yourself!"

The demon lord laughed crazily. He could now use part of the power of the Asura Demonic Dragon's original magic beads. You must know that the Asura Demonic Dragon was a terrifying existence that caused the fall of countless immortals in ancient times.

Its power, even if it is one thousandth or one ten thousandth, is a power beyond the rules of this world.

This is no longer a question of strength, but a kind of suppression on a realm and life level.

The terrifying demonic energy swept across crazily with the demon lord as the center. The demon lord had completely transformed into the form of a demon dragon at this moment. White mist was spitting out of his nostrils, and a pair of blood-red eyes stared at Ling Feng.

"Eight Swords in One!"

Ling Feng clenched tightly to destroy all directions. The aura emanating from the demon lord's body indeed exerted an invisible pressure on him, making him feel as if he could not exert even 30% of his strength.

However, it was this oppressive force that inspired Ling Feng's unruliness as a member of the Tiandao clan.

So what about the Asura Demonic Dragon, he cannot let the blood of heaven bow to him!

A high-pitched roar erupted. Ling Feng's sword seemed to be adhering to the strong will of the Tiandao clan. With one strike, the color of the world changed.

"how come!"

The demon lord's expression changed drastically. Ling Feng was just a mere mortal, but he could actually resist the powerful will of the Asura Demonic Dragon?

What kind of monster is this kid!

"Even so, you are still going to die!"

The demon lord roared, his wings flapped sharply, and a pair of huge claws shattered the void and tore down towards Ling Feng.

"Collapse Star Roars!"

As the demon lord's claw wind swept across, it seemed to condense into a huge comet. This blow seemed to have the power to destroy the world.

Ling Feng's face darkened, and the next moment, a chain blade appeared in his hand. The chain blade flashed with light and suddenly turned into streams of light, covering Ling Feng's body.

And when the demon lord's "Star Collapsing Roar" fell from the sky, Ling Feng was already wearing an extremely heavy armor.


Boom boom boom boom boom!

The entire sea surface suddenly aroused huge waves, and with Lingfeng as the center, almost all the sea areas with a radius of thousands of miles experienced a short-term cessation.

Tens of thousands of feet deep into the seabed, all the seawater seemed to have evaporated out of thin air, destroying along with it, countless creatures under the seabed.

The power of this attack can be described as terrifying to the extreme.

"Jie Jie Jie, are you still alive?"

The demon lord laughed ferociously. He would not listen to the stone statue and spare Ling Feng's life.

The Asura Demonic Dragon in his natural way wanted to seize She Lingfeng's body, but he would not be stupid enough to release the demon directly.

At least, he has to wait until he gets the ancient god's treasure.

"Huh, are you too happy too early?"

At this moment, suddenly, a joking voice came, and Ling Feng was completely unscathed under the protection of the thick armor.

"How can it be?"

The demon lord was completely dumbfounded. Even the peak saint at the ninth level of the Nine Transformation Realm could not resist the blow just now.

And Ling Feng was able to escape unscathed?

Naturally, he didn't know that the armor on Ling Feng was the former armor of the Immortal King.

The Immortal King has an immortal golden body, which can be said to be immortal. Logically speaking, there is no need for any armor.

And the armor that he can wear on his body only proves one thing.

That was armor that was countless times harder than his body.

Although the demon lord's power just exploded was almost comparable to the peak saint, it's a pity...

This armor is a treasure used to defeat the powerful immortals!

If it can't resist even the power of a mere saint, then this armor is of no use.

Of course, although Ling Feng has now been promoted to 400 Dragon Power, wearing this armor, he can still barely stay aloft, but he is still unable to move.

There was a flash of light, and the armor turned into a chain blade again. Ling Feng stared at the demon lord and smiled coldly, "See what other methods you have, use them all!"

at the same time.

The battle between the demon pirates and the Poseidon Guards has reached a fever pitch.

"Captain... Bah, Qin Ming, how dare you betray the lord!"

The hook-nosed captain Quinn stared at Qin Ming angrily, "In this case, I can only kill you."

Qin Ming had no expression on his face and did not explain. He just slowly drew out a weapon similar to a sickle, and black mist surged around him.

Those demon pirates quickly deployed their demon weapons, not daring to inhale any black mist.


The hook-nosed pirate gave an order, and at least eight captain-level former pirates surrounded and killed him.

After all, Qin Ming is the second nine-mark ability user on Devil's Island besides the Devil Lord!

"Here, leave it to me."

Qin Ming looked back at Shentu Xuance and Lao Weiduoyin, "You act according to Brother Ling's plan."

Shentu Xuance took a deep look at Qin Ming and said, "Okay, then you have to save your life. I haven't settled the debt with you since you obsessed me last time!"

After saying that, Shentu Xuance grabbed Old Weiduoyin's shoulders, flapped his light wings behind him, and led Old Weiduoyin and a group of Poseidon Guards to break out of the siege.

Their purpose is to rescue the captives in the mining areas and turn the captives into their fighting strength.

"Don't even think about crossing over!"

Whoosh, the black shadow flashed, and a demon captain-level master intercepted him.

Before Shentu Xuance could take action, Qin Ming drew the demon captain over with a swipe of his sickle. He snorted coldly and said word by word: "I just said that your opponent is me!"

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