Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2598 Prefers to Drink Penalty Wine! (1 more)


As soon as these words came out, there was a sudden gasp of air from the entire audience.

Wu Lingbi is no longer a secret in the Southern Witch Territory.

In the entire Southern Witch Territory, there are only one hundred Wu Ling Bi in total, and in fact, eighty of them are in the hands of the eight major witch clans. In other words, there are still twenty Wu Ling Bi scattered outside.

As a disciple of the eight major witch clan branch halls, obtaining the Wu Lingbi is indeed a great way, but the difficulty of obtaining it is also very high.

Those who have not been able to obtain the tokens from the Eight Branch Halls of the Wu Clan and want to enter Little Wu Mountain can naturally place their hopes on these twenty scattered Wu Lingbi.

As the saying goes, no matter how hard you try, you can't find anything. When he heard that Wu Lingbi was being auctioned at the Beiliang City auction house, Shentu Xuance immediately became excited.

But the next moment, he suddenly burst into tears and said dejectedly: "Hey, forget it, this Wuling Jade has no chance with me!"

It can be expected that in ten days, countless people will gather at the auction venue in Beiliang City. The auction will be extremely fierce and shockingly fierce, competing for the piece of Wu Lingbi and the qualification to enter Xiao Wushan.

Inside the Mingguang Palace, the price of Wu Lingbi has reached the terrifying level of three billion yuan crystals. With such a price increase in the auction house, it is impossible to get it without five billion.

As for this Wu Ling Bi, I don’t know how many people are thinking about it. Only if he can take a photo will it become a ghost.

"Anyway, it will be ten days later. Just wait and see what happens."

Ling Feng patted Shentu Xuance on the shoulder. Since he had said that he would take Shentu Xuance and Tuoba Yan into Xiaowu Mountain together, he would naturally not break his promise.

After the news was released that a piece of "Wu Ling Bi" would be auctioned at the Mingguang City Auction House in ten days, the auctioneer thanked everyone and announced the end of the auction.

The crowd was crowded, and everyone left the auction house one after another.

Of course, some people didn't just leave.

"Hey, little brother, I'll give you 520 million, how about you transfer the rubbing crystal of Qianyang Jiulian to me."

After the show ended, the chief disciple from the Divine Thunder Palace walked up to Ling Feng with his hands behind his back and said with a smile: "At the same time, I save you a lot of trouble."

As he spoke, he glanced at the man in black robe not far away, his meaning was very clear.

"Thank you for your kindness, but I also need this thing." Ling Feng smiled slightly and said lightly.

"Well, then I wish you good luck."

The leader of the Divine Thunder Palace did not force anything, but showed a meaningful smile to Ling Feng, "Then, junior brothers and sisters, let's meet again, Xiao Wushan."

After saying that, the leader of the Divine Thunder Palace turned around and left calmly.

"It seems that he recognized us as disciples of Mingguang Hall."

Shentu Xuance looked at his leaving figure with a hint of envy in his eyes.

After all, after the trip to Xiao Wu Mountain, the leader of the Divine Thunder Temple will be promoted to a temple disciple of the Witch God Temple.

As soon as he entered the temple, he was immediately different from the ordinary true disciples of the branch temple.

"This person is quite interesting."

Ling Feng nodded and smiled, looking at the man in black robe not far away. The other person's eyes were falling on him, with bursts of coldness.

This person was covered in an extremely large black robe. His appearance was not clear, and he couldn't even tell whether he was a man, woman, or child. He only revealed a pair of eyes that shone with cold light, which made people feel shuddering.

"For the original price, give me the rubbing crystal, and you and I can still live in peace."

The man in black robe seemed to be floating over, his voice was cold and low, and his tone was very tough.

"A hundred times!"

Ling Feng smiled faintly and raised an index finger.

If the other party is really willing to pay a hundred times the price, Ling Feng will naturally not break his promise and will definitely sell the item to the man in black robe.

One hundred times the amount of Yuan Jing, there are 50 billion high-grade Yuan Jing over there!

A total of 50 billion, which is almost comparable to a medium-sized sect's treasure house. You can't sell any amount of heavenly materials and earthly treasures you want to buy.

But it's a pity that the man in black robe is certainly not a fool.

I saw a trace of anger flashing in his eyes, staring at Ling Feng coldly, and said angrily: "Boy, don't toast me and you will be punished with wine!"

"Haha! I just like to drink fine wine!"

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows, not caring about the other party's threatening words, "What can you do to me?"

The man in black robe clenched his fist tightly and just left a cold sentence, "Become an enemy of my Ten Thousand Souls Palace, you must think clearly about the consequences!"

After saying that, the man in black robe turned around and left the auction house without tangling with Ling Feng again.

After all, no matter how bold the other party is, they would not dare to mess around in this auction house.

In the Southern Witch Territory, basically any large auction house represents the Witch God Temple behind it.

If those great witches from the Witch God Temple take action if they dare to act wild in the auction house, they may not even know how they died.

Ling Feng shrugged, not paying attention, but vaguely felt that this Ten Thousand Spirits Hall seemed to sound familiar.

"Ten Thousand Spirits Hall..."

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes, "It seems like I've heard it somewhere."

Shentu Xuance also blinked, "It sounds familiar inexplicably!"

Only Tuoba Yan shook his head and rolled his eyes at the two of them, "Have you forgotten? Isn't it because of the Hall of All Souls that the housekeeper of Senior Weiduoyin gained the power of a saint and was promoted to a saint? Level?"

"I remembered!"

Ling Feng and Shentu Xuance slapped their thighs and immediately looked at each other.

"Do the people from the Hall of All Spirits hang out here?"

Ling Feng pondered for a moment, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong.

Why are the people in Wanling Palace competing for the alchemy techniques of the Nine Yang Grand Master?

Also, who is the Hall of All Souls that is able to create "false saints"?

Originally, when Ling Feng heard about the existence of the Ten Thousand Spirits Hall, he didn't want to cause trouble, but this time, it seemed that he had unintentionally formed a conflict with the Ten Thousand Spirits Hall.

"Ten Thousand Spirits Hall? What Ten Thousand Spirits Hall?"

The Ye family siblings were completely confused and had never heard of such a force.

It stands to reason that all the major forces in the Southern Witch Territory are led by the Witch God Sect. The establishment of any force requires instructions from the Witch God Sect's branch temples in various places.

However, neither the Ye family siblings nor Shentu Xuance, as a descendant of the first-class family in the Bright Witch Clan, knew anything about the Ten Thousand Spirits Palace before this.

This in itself is a very strange thing.

However, this Ten Thousand Spirits Palace seems to be quite influential and has accumulated a lot of financial resources.

There must be some huge secret hidden in this.

Ling Feng took a deep breath and said slowly: "Be careful after you go out. I'm afraid that guy won't give up easily."

"If you have the guts, just let your horse come over. My aunt is still afraid of him!"

Ye Keren snorted softly, with a fierce look on his face. This guy must have been itching for a long time and wanted to find someone to give him a slap in the face.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, not to mention that he had several companions around him now, and they were not weak. Even if he was alone, he would not be afraid of the Ten Thousand Spirits Hall.

"Let's go!"

Ling Feng took the lead. He really wanted to see how much noise the Ten Thousand Spirits Hall could make.

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