Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2601 An unexpected gain! (1 update)

"Run, why don't you run?"

Ling Feng turned over and jumped down from behind Zifeng. With a sneer on his lips, he approached the man in black robe step by step.

"Boy, don't be too pushy!"

The man in black robe gritted his teeth and threatened again: "I am the three-star protector of the Hall of All Souls. If you kill me, you will definitely suffer revenge from the Hall of All Souls!"


Ling Feng smiled disdainfully, "When you sent someone to attack me, it was already doomed that you must die. Even a thousand or ten thousand Ten Thousand Spirit Halls cannot save you!"

Not to mention the mere Ten Thousand Spirits Temple, Ling Feng was not afraid of even the Witch God Temple.

Tsk tsk tsk!

Several rays of sword energy penetrated the body of the man in black robes, but perfectly avoided all the vital points, only nailing all his limbs to the ground, making him unable to move.


The man in black robe let out a heartbreaking scream and cursed, "Boy, you have to die! Your fate will be a thousand times more miserable than mine! Ten thousand times!"

"It's better to worry about yourself first."

Ling Feng shrugged, stepped on his chest, and heard a "wow" sound. The man in black robe spit out a mouthful of blood, his eyes were blurred, and he was basically hanging with only his last breath.

"look into my eyes!"

The next moment, in Ling Feng's eyes, the yin and yang fish floated, the divine patterns of heaven condensed, and he exerted the ability to read memory.

The man in black robe felt dazed for a while, and then, the sea of ​​consciousness was invaded by Ling Feng with incomparable cruelty.

After a while, Ling Feng searched the black-robed man's spiritual sea for a while, but his brows became tighter and tighter.

From the memory of this man in black robe, he is indeed a three-star protector of the Hall of All Spirits.

But above him, there are the so-called six-star guardians and nine-star guardians, which are considered three levels.

As the lowest level protector, he didn't know much about the high-level affairs of the Hall of All Souls.

However, the small three-star protector was able to mobilize ten assassins with saint-level strength. This Ten Thousand Souls Palace does not look simple.

The biggest secret in the Hall of All Souls is that it can use a special method to give some emperor-level experts the power of saints, allowing them to directly cross the threshold of the saint level and possess saints without having to undergo a tribulation. Power.

This is undoubtedly a heaven-defying method. You can directly overcome numerous calamities and be promoted to the Saint level.

Although he is only a false saint, he has already added nearly a thousand years of life.

In the huge Southern Witch Territory, there are countless warriors who are limited by their talents and are trapped in the Imperial Realm, unable to go any further.

Instead of watching oneself waste his life in vain and never make any progress, it is better to pay some price and obtain the power of a saint. Even if he is just a false saint, he can finally step into the realm of the saint.

The black-robed man knew very little about the method of creating false saints. Their tasks as three-star guardians were mostly to secretly contact some peak emperor or semi-saint experts who needed to obtain the power of saints.

Then, after paying an expensive fee, they will be secretly taken to the main altar of the Hall of All Souls to perform the so-called "Baptism of All Souls".

After baptism, those ordinary great emperors and semi-saints do possess the power of saints. Although they are weaker than the power of saints trained in the Eight Sutras, they can indeed be regarded as powerful saints.

Moreover, through self-cultivation, you still need to survive the tribulation of nine deaths, but this method can be said to be very safe.

In the Hall of All Souls, there are a large number of saint-level experts, but in fact, they are all just false saints.

The so-called "baptism of all spirits" can be divided into three levels. The last level can even directly create the power of a saint at the level of a saint!

"It seems that I underestimated this secret organization before."

Ling Feng took a deep breath. This Ten Thousand Spirits Palace can be created even by the Holy Master. In time, wouldn't it be possible to overthrow the rule of the Witch God Sect and become the overlord of the Southern Witch Territory?

After all, if the Holy Lords can be mass-produced, it shouldn't be difficult for hundreds of Holy Lords to join together and sweep across the Temple of the Witch God.

Of course, Ling Feng didn't know if there was anyone more powerful than the Holy Lord at the top of the Witch God Temple.

However, Ling Feng didn't care who was in charge of the Southern Witch Territory. His purpose was just to recapture the Divine Desolate Catalog as soon as possible.

In addition, Ling Feng also learned that the reason why the man in black robe came to bid for the alchemy technique of the Nine Yang Grand Master seemed to be because of the so-called baptism of all spirits, which was related to alchemy. As for the specific , this man in black robe didn’t know much about it either.

This guy is just an errand boy at best.

"It seems that we can't get any valuable information from his memory."

Ling Feng shook his head and withdrew his spiritual consciousness. The time when his overbearing spiritual consciousness invaded the black-robed man's sea of ​​consciousness was enough to turn him into an idiot.

"I'll give you some relief!"

Ling Feng raised two fingers of his right hand and pierced the heart of the man in black robe with one finger. The sword energy burst out and the sharp energy directly crushed his heart into pieces.

The man in black robe stiffened, his dull eyes gradually lost their luster, he was already dead and could no longer die.

Then, Ling Feng took off the black-robed man's spiritual ring. There were nearly two billion high-grade Yuan Crystals inside. In addition, there were some pills, some spiritual flowers and spiritual herbs, and some Witchcraft secrets and more.

Even the secret technique he used to avoid his own Xuantian Poyun Sword was among them.

However, this kind of secret skill is basically useless to Ling Feng, but it can be sold at the auction house, which is also a huge income.

Suddenly, Ling Feng was overjoyed. It turned out that there was a Witch Spirit Bi hidden in the black-robed man's robe!

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