Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2614 Climbing the Cloud Platform! (2 more)

"Disciples, you can go to Xiao Wu Mountain!"

The second hall master looked back at the young talent behind him, with a hint of expectation flashing in his eyes.

"Yes, Second Hall Master!"

A group of Mingguang Hall disciples bowed to the second hall master and began to climb towards the Cloud Climbing Platform.

As for Tuoba Yan, he also mingled among the disciples of Mingguang Hall, following Ling Feng's footsteps and setting foot on the Cloud Climbing Platform together.

At the same time, other major witch clan branch halls, as well as other warriors from other forces who had obtained Wu Lingbi, also rushed to the Dengyuntai one after another.

As the saying goes, there is no first in literature and no second in martial arts.

As a warrior, he never wants to be second to others and always strives for the first place!

"I, Wu Xuan, want this first place!"

A figure crossed the crowd and shot straight into the sky.

In an instant, there were thousands of golden lights, so dazzling that no one dared to look at them!

Golden fighting spirit!

"This is……"

"Oh my god, golden fighting spirit!"

In the Southern Witch Territory, the witchcraft practiced by warriors focuses more on the cultivation of the soul. Therefore, most warriors, after entering the holy level, basically have the level of silver fighting souls.

This point is very different from the West Sword Region.

However, although silver fighting spirits are relatively common, gold fighting spirits are very rare.

And this Wu Xuan's golden fighting spirit is clearly and vaguely visible, with a hint of colorful halo.

This also means that Wu Xuan's golden fighting spirit has reached the peak level, and is only one step away from advancing to the level of the colorful fighting spirit.

"It's actually the pinnacle golden fighting spirit!"

Everyone was shocked.

Even the second hall master was completely stunned.

The golden fighting spirit, which is infinitely close to the level of the colorful fighting spirit, is worthy of being a genius of the Jidao God Clan. It is truly incredible!

Even at his age, although he still has a golden fighting spirit, he has only reached the intermediate level of golden fighting spirit.

"The peak golden fighting spirit?"

A smile appeared on Ling Feng's lips.

Is it amazing to be close to the colorful fighting spirit?

I am already a colorful fighting spirit!

Sure enough, when he saw Wu Xuan showing off his golden fighting spirit, Shentu Xuance couldn't help but look up at Ling Feng's back.

He clearly remembered that when Ling Feng passed through the four tribulations of life and death, he already had a colorful fighting spirit!

This monster!

Shentu Xuance shook his head. Seeing that Ling Feng had no intention of exposing the colorful fighting spirit, he couldn't help but shake his head and smile.

This guy is as low-key as ever.

In his impression, Ling Feng had never been an arrogant person and would never reveal his strength or trump cards.

But once things come to a head, they will use thunderous means to quickly kill their opponents to the ground.

This is probably called, ruthless people don't talk much.

No matter what, Wu Xuan, who released his peak golden fighting spirit, successfully frightened the others.

In the blink of an eye, Wu Xuan rushed into the stairs of the Cloud Climbing Platform. His figure suddenly trembled, as if there was an invisible weight acting on him, causing his speed to drop suddenly.

Wu Xuan's expression changed, and he quickly adjusted to adapt to the sudden pressure. His speed increased again, but it was obviously not as fast as before.

The other warriors also woke up from the shock of the peak golden fighting spirit. When they saw Wu Xuan rushing up the stairs to the rooftop, they set off quickly, bursting out at full speed and rushing towards the Cloud Climbing Platform.

Ling Feng shrugged. To be honest, if he wanted to surpass this Wu Xuan, it would only take a matter of minutes.

But he didn't have much interest. Anyway, being the first to reach the top of the Cloud Platform would not be of any benefit. On the contrary, he would be easily stared at by others.


"The Jidao God Clan has produced another terrifying monster!"

The second master of the Mingguang Palace could not help but sigh. After all, the gods were gods, and they did have extraordinary talents that surpassed ordinary mortals.

"The Jidao God Clan is certainly powerful, but this is just the beginning."

Not far away, an old man wearing a blue robe with a thunder logo engraved on his left shoulder narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "Everything depends on what kind of opportunities we can get in Xiaowu Mountain."


Next to him, a man wearing a red robe and long red hair said loudly: "We, the young men of the Fire Clan, will not give in so easily."

While the elders of the eight major witch clans were chatting, the situation on the Dengyuntai was already changing rapidly.

Finally, a group of geniuses arrived at the Dengyuntai.

However, as soon as they stepped onto the steps, many people's expressions changed.

"What a powerful oppression of the soul!"

Those who can obtain the Wu Ling Bi are not weak, and all of them activate their own fighting spirits. Although they are not as exaggerated as that of Wu Xuan, they are all silver-level fighting spirits.

Suddenly, streaks of silver light rose into the sky.

Unlike Ling Feng who uses his own magic form as his fighting spirit, most of the geniuses of the eight major witch clans use the power of their major attributes as their fighting spirit.

For example, for the geniuses of the Fire Clan, most of their fighting spirits are flames of various shapes or fire-type monsters.

Geniuses from the light clan, such as Shen Tu Xuance, have a fighting spirit that is a pair of wings of light.

Or, like Wu Xuan, he uses the form of his own weapon as a fighting spirit.

Of course, this is just a difference in form, and there is not much difference in strength.

However, the stronger the origin of the soul, the more complex the form formed by the battle soul becomes.

Ling Feng's ability to use his own Dharma form as a fighting spirit has, to a certain extent, proven that the origin of his soul is so powerful that it is outrageous.

Stepping onto the Cloud Climbing Platform, Ling Feng also felt a strong pressure, as if there were several mountains pressing down on him.

This kind of pressure acts on one's own soul.

And this is why other warriors have to activate their fighting spirits as soon as they board the Cloud Climbing Platform.

However, this level of soul pressure is basically nothing to him.

Without sacrificing his fighting spirit, or even using the power of his divine consciousness, Ling Feng just strolled forward step by step, as if he was walking in his own back garden.

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