Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2616 Use your strength! (1 update)

At this time, Ling Feng and Tuoba Yan were already at the bottom of all the warriors who had climbed onto the Cloud Climbing Platform.

On the sixty-sixth step, Tuoba Yan simply sat down cross-legged, because this place was already the ultimate pressure that she could withstand while maintaining the energy in her body.

Continuing up, although Tuoba Yan can bear it, she can no longer use this pressure to condense the fighting spirit. Instead, it will cause serious damage to her soul.

After all, Ling Feng's initial breakthrough method, which was almost masochistic, was not suitable for everyone.

As Tuoba Yan sat down, Ling Feng gently pressed his palm on Tuoba Yan's eyebrows to help her condense her fighting spirit.

For Tuoba Yan at this time, Ling Feng was like a bright light in the darkness, constantly guiding her forward.

Compared to Ling Feng who had to grope in the dark by himself, Tuoba Yan was undoubtedly lucky.

Moreover, the origin of her soul is already strong enough and has a profound foundation. It is a matter of course for her to gather her fighting soul.

Coupled with Ling Feng's guidance, there were almost no bottlenecks or obstacles. In about thirty breaths, Tuoba Yan successfully condensed his fighting spirit.

Moreover, it was not just the black iron fighting spirit. With Ling Feng's help, her black iron fighting spirit became more and more condensed. In just a few blinks, wisps of silver light flickered from the dim black light.

That is the sign of the Black Iron Fighting Spirit, which is about to be promoted to the Silver Fighting Spirit!

The next moment, Tuoba Yan slowly opened her eyes and felt relaxed all over. The pressure of the sixty-sixth level of the soul was no longer enough pressure for her.

"Thank you!"

Tuoba Yan bit his lower lip and took a deep look at Ling Feng.

"Why should we be so polite between you and me?"

Ling Feng helped Tuoba Yan stand up, smiled faintly, and looked at the large army in front. Basically everyone had surpassed the one hundred steps, and Wu Xuan at the front had even surpassed the two and thirty steps. !

However, after the two hundred steps, Wu Xuan's speed suddenly slowed down.

"Okay, it's time for us to exert our strength."

Ling Feng smiled faintly at Tuoba Yan. The so-called latecomers are at the forefront. Being at the forefront for the time being does not mean being the first in the end.

Tuoba Yan nodded slightly, didn't say much, and just followed Ling Feng quietly.

As long as he is around, even if the sky falls, there seems to be nothing to fear.

Soon, Ling Feng and Tuoba Yan easily crossed the 100th step and caught up with the last echelon.

After passing the 100th step, the pressure suddenly doubled.

Tuoba Yan's speed slowed down again, and Ling Feng looked back at her and said lightly: "Yan'er, you have to rely on yourself on the way down there. If you can, try it and break through the Silver Soul here! "


Tuoba Yan nodded. With Ling Feng's help, she was just one step away from the silver fighting spirit.

Breakthrough is not difficult.

After giving Tuoba Yan a few more words, Ling Feng suddenly accelerated and easily surpassed the dozens of warriors listed at the end.

Most of these people were true disciples of the eight major witch clans. Seeing Ling Feng catching up, they all secretly competed to catch up with Ling Feng again.

Unfortunately, they broke out, and the rhythm was suddenly disrupted, making the climb even more difficult.

Only then did they understand that the reason why Ling Feng fell behind was because he had hidden his strength from the beginning.

It is worth mentioning that the believers in the Hall of All Souls are basically only in the middle of the team, neither too high nor too low. They seem to be deliberately keeping a low profile and not wanting to attract other people's attention.

Moreover, these people seemed to pretend to be completely unfamiliar with each other. If Ling Feng hadn't been able to detect the unique aura of pseudo-sages in them, he might not have been able to discover that they were all from the Hall of All Souls. Believers.

Soon, Ling Feng surpassed Bai Fenghan, who was in the middle.

When this person saw Ling Feng, his expression obviously changed slightly.

He knew how powerful Ling Feng was, and in Ling Feng's hands, there were two crystal energy cannons!

He clenched his fists and secretly sent a warning signal to the surrounding believers.

If Ling Feng dares to take action, everyone will join forces to kill him first, even if they are exposed.

However, Ling Feng didn't seem to be very interested in Bai Fenghan.

He was not interested in what the Wanling Palace had planned, but if there was something good, Ling Feng would not miss it in vain.

By allowing these people to sneak into Xiao Wushan, Ling Feng naturally had the idea of ​​​​fishing in troubled waters.

If the water is not muddy enough, how can I fish?


With a hint of teasing on his lips, Ling Feng jumped directly past Bai Fenghan.

At this time, Ling Feng had already passed the 160th step!


Bai Fenghan clenched his fists, and Ling Feng's disdainful look made him even more angry.

Taking a deep breath, Bai Fenghan gestured to the others, instructing everyone to act according to the original plan.

After a while, Ling Feng caught up with Shentu Xuance and the others.

With Ling Feng's help, Shentu Xuance and Ye Wuxin's battle spirits have been condensed several times, but after all, their background is a bit poor, and they can barely keep up with Ye Keren's footsteps.

It has to be said that there is naturally a reason why the top management of Mingguang Palace gave one Wu Lingbi directly to Ye Keren, but not to Shentu Xuance and Ye Wuxin.

"Brother Feng, you finally caught up!"

Regarding this, Shentu Xuance and Ye Wuxin were naturally not surprised at all.

If Ling Feng hadn't slowed down on his own, the person taking the first photo now would probably be Ling Feng.

"How come you two..."

Ling Feng looked up and almost stopped laughing when he saw the appearance of these two guys.

These are clearly two pig heads.

However, seeing the two people's expressions of being angry and afraid to speak, and the livid look on Ye Keren's face in front of him, Ling Feng could probably make some guesses.

100% of them were beaten by Ye Keren.

However, although Ye Keren usually beats these two guys, he is still on the cloud platform, with so many elders from various palaces watching below. These two guys, this time, can be regarded as embarrassing and being thrown into grandma's house. went.

Shaking his head and smiling, Ling Feng looked at Ye Keren's back again and couldn't help but said: "You two, it's better not to be on the verge of death and try your best."

"We didn't say anything."

Shentu Xuance said with a mournful face: "We just suggest that you give Sister Keren a poke..."

"You still said that!"

Ye Keren in front suddenly turned around and kicked him.

Ling Feng subconsciously grabbed Ye Keren's ankle and pulled hard. Ye Keren put it on Ling Feng's shoulder and did a big split.


Ling Feng was sweating slightly on his forehead. He seemed to have done something terrible.

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