Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2618 Colorful fighting spirits! (3 updates)

However, Sima Junting and the others seemed to have not given up.

While chasing Wu Xuan, the chiefs of each palace were also competing with each other.

Speaking of which, in fact, as long as you reach the summit within seven days, there is no big difference between who goes first and who comes last.

However, for warriors, being first is an honor.

Similarly, it is not only their glory, but also represents the Witch Clan branch temple behind them.

Realizing that the people behind him suddenly accelerated and gradually closed the distance, a trace of disdain suddenly flashed in Wu Xuan's eyes.

"Are you worthy of competing with me, Wu Xuan?"

With a sneer, Wu Xuan accelerated again.

And this is already the place after the 250th step. At each step, the pressure has reached an unimaginable level.

Sima Junting and others also felt mentally weak after climbing several steps in a row. They could only sit down cross-legged and adjust their breathing before they dared to continue climbing.

Before this, the fastest record was three days, but from the beginning to now, it only took less than half a day.

They still have a protracted battle to fight, and fighting to death now is not a wise choice.

At sunset, most people were exhausted and sat down directly on the steps.

After a day of climbing, they had almost reached their limit and no longer had the strength to even move a finger.

"No, I'm going to die from exhaustion if I keep climbing down!"

"Let's rest for a night before we talk!"

"Yes, there are still six days to go, don't worry!"

Now basically everyone is around the 150th step, and more than 30% of the warriors have reached the 200th step.

As for Wu Xuan at the front, he has already reached Erbai's 70th step, which is fifty steps ahead of the chiefs of the halls in the second echelon.

For Wu Xuan, this level 50 only takes half a day, but if it were anyone else, it would probably be difficult to climb up in a whole day.

What was waiting for him was the last sixty steps.

He asked himself that he was absolutely sure that he could surpass the previous records and create a new record.

Wu Xuan also sat down cross-legged and looked at the chiefs of the major witch clans behind him, with a trace of contempt on his face.


Ye Wushang, the chief of the Dark Witch Clan, slapped the ground, stood up suddenly, and was about to continue climbing, but was held down by Xia Houjie, the chief of the Wind Witch Clan, on his shoulders.

"Senior Brother Ye, please be patient. At night, due to the influence of the tide of the moon, the array on the Cloud Platform will undergo some changes. Just stay in the original position, but if you choose to continue climbing at night , the pressure of each step is equivalent to the pressure of the last three steps of the Cloud Climbing Platform."

Xia Houjie said in a deep voice: "It's just a gradual increase in the soul pressure. If it suddenly increases to the last three levels, it will be fatal. Senior Brother Ye, you should also understand, right?"

Regarding this point, in fact, the elders of each palace or the elders of the family will remind you before going to the Dengyuntai, so it is not a secret.

In fact, as long as you take a step, you can feel the terrible pressure change, which is enough to scare everyone away from taking the next step.

Therefore, even a madman like Wu Xuan would not dare to continue climbing at night.

Ye Wushang clenched his fists, "I'm just angry at the face of that guy from the Extreme God Clan!"

"In any case, it's not too late to wait until tomorrow morning to compete with him again."

Sima Junting on the side slowly closed his eyes. It would be a good choice to use the pressure of the soul from the Cloud Climbing Platform to condense his own fighting spirit.

However, at this moment, on the climbing platform, there was a figure who was still moving forward!


After all, Ling Feng had only become a monk halfway, and no one had reminded him of the specific situation of the Cloud Climbing Platform. As night fell, everyone stopped in unison. Although Ling Feng didn't know the situation, he had a premonition of something.

However, Ling Feng still took a tentative step.

However, the moment he raised his leg, an invisible weight swept over him, almost tearing his soul into pieces in an instant.


Ling Feng took a deep breath, this taste was so exciting!

His whole body trembled unconsciously, and Ling Feng felt that his scalp was numb.

This kind of pressure seems to have increased a hundred times in an instant!

Originally, Ling Feng didn't even sacrifice his fighting spirit, but under this pressure, the fighting spirit automatically condensed and formed, protecting his soul.

However, even though Ling Feng had been raising his fighting spirit from the black iron level to the gold fighting spirit level, the terrible pressure still did not slow down by half.

His step seemed to be frozen in mid-air. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't step down.

However, Ling Feng is such a guy who doesn't believe in evil.

The more challenging it is, the more he likes to face difficulties head-on.

The next moment, streaks of colorful light flashed up.

Under that terrible pressure, Ling Feng's colorful fighting spirit could no longer be hidden.

As the colorful fighting spirit rose, Ling Feng finally stepped on it.


Ling Feng took a heavy step, and what followed was a terrifying pressure that increased hundreds of times in an instant!

This is the terrifying mental pressure of the last three levels of the Cloud Summit.


With a muffled groan, Ling Feng felt as if his chest had been hit by a heavy punch, and he spurted out a mouthful of blood.

"what's the situation?"

"Is someone continuing to climb at night? Are they crazy?"


Because it was night, it was almost invisible on the Cloud Platform, and everyone was concentrating on meditating and adjusting their breath. At first, no one noticed that there were actually guys who were not afraid of death, wandering around at night.

And Ling Feng's step almost caused the entire climbing platform to tremble slightly.

One after another, everyone looked at each other, and then everyone was dumbfounded.

Because, they saw an extremely shining, colorful glow.

Moreover, they knew very well what this colorful glow meant.

That is, the legendary colorful fighting spirit!

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