Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2621 The Throne of the Witch Ancestor! (3 updates)

Ling Feng slowly walked to the mirror, but his figure was not there.

In his arms, the Wu Lingbi burned slightly. Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, as if guided by an unknown force, he stepped forward and walked towards the mirror.

The blue light swayed for a while, and the next moment, Ling Feng seemed to have walked into the world in the mirror, and his figure disappeared from the place.

"He's in!"

"Let's speed up too!"

"Come on!"

Those warriors who were still climbing up like crazy saw Ling Feng directly entering the mirror world, and they couldn't help but speed up.

It's a pity that under the heavy pressure of the Cloud Platform, no matter how much you speed up, the improvement is still very limited.

Wu Xuan, who was rushing at the front, began to curse and sprint wildly. Compared with the proud posture yesterday when he was far ahead of everyone, today he looked more like a crazy wild dog.

The chiefs of each palace were obviously stimulated by Ling Feng, and they all speeded up their pace, not wanting to fall too far behind Ling Feng.

And those Wanling Temple believers who had been in the middle reaches also received instructions to increase their climbing speed a lot.

Under the influence of Ling Feng, everyone mustered up their energy, which can be considered a feat.

On the other side, after Ling Feng entered the mirror world at the top of the cloud platform, he felt that things around him were changing and moving, as if he was traveling through time and space. It was an incomparable artifact experience.

I don't know how long it took, but the Wu Lingbi that Ling Feng held tightly in his hand suddenly disappeared.

The next moment, Ling Feng landed in a place that looked very dreamy.

This is a colorful world. From a distance, there seem to be peaks of different colors standing there.

Gold, red, cyan, blue,…

The steep and sharp peaks are like long upright swords, piercing the sky.

"Could this be Xiao Wushan?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly. Suddenly, he felt a breeze floating in the air. The whole world was suddenly filled with countless bubbles, big or small, and the color of each bubble was different.

This seems to be a dream world, completely different from the so-called ancient ruins in Ling Feng's impression.

Before that, the ruins he had entered were only battlefields, ruins, ruins, etc...

And those ancient inheritances are left behind in those dilapidated buildings.

But this time, it was obviously very different from before.

"The so-called inheritance of the ancient witch clan, the so-called forbidden curse, where is it?"

Ling Feng was slightly dazed. This was obviously very different from the Xiao Wushan he had heard from Shentu Xuance and the others.

This doesn't even feel like a real world.

Just when Ling Feng was in a daze, a blue bubble suddenly enveloped Ling Feng.

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched and he wanted to struggle, but found that these bubbles did not seem to be dangerous, as if they were taking him somewhere.

"They come, the security!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and let the bubbles drift in the wind. After a while, Ling Feng's eyes widened and he saw a huge throne.

Around the throne, there are twelve seats of different colors, forming a circle around the throne.


When the bubble reached here, it suddenly burst, and Ling Feng fell from the high sky, landing on the platform where the ancient thrones were placed.

Invisibly, there seemed to be a force calling Ling Feng, step by step, towards the gorgeous and ancient throne in the center.

By some strange coincidence, Ling Feng raised his hand and gently touched the armrest of the throne. Then, a strange feeling arose spontaneously.

The next moment, the throne seemed to produce an invisible suction force. Ling Feng was momentarily distracted, and then sat firmly on the throne. Pictures of warriors and horses suddenly appeared in his mind.

It seemed to be an ancient battlefield. In the picture he saw, wizards who cast forbidden spells were fighting bloody battles with hideous and terrifying demons!

a long time……

a long time……

Ling Feng's mind was unable to extricate himself from the battle. That tragic battle seemed to be imprinted in his mind, making him unable to let it go for a long time.

Suddenly, a majestic voice, as if coming from the distant void through time and space, sounded in Ling Feng's mind.

"This is the scene of the battle between the ancient witch clan and the demon clan when the demon clan invaded Xuanling Continent in ancient times."

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched and he suddenly jumped up from his seat.

In this world, besides myself, is there anyone else?

His eyes searched everywhere, and the next moment, he saw a figure with a shining golden light sitting on the seats around him.

His clothes were very strange, very similar to the costumes of the ancient witches in the pictures he had just seen.

"You...senior, who are you, and where is this place? Xiao Wushan?"

Ling Feng swallowed hard, a wisp of spiritual thought left by the strong man of the ancient witch clan?

So, what level of power is he?

However, the figure in the golden robe suddenly disappeared. The next moment, next to the seat, an old man wearing dark green robes condensed.

"We are just some remaining obsessions."

The dark green figure disappeared, and then, a purple shadow condensed on another seat.

"This is not Xiao Wu Mountain, but a more mysterious place than Xiao Wu Mountain."

The purple figure disappeared, and then, on the red throne, an old man wearing a red robe condensed and said loudly: "Little guy, you have passed the hidden test of the Cloud Climbing Platform, and you have the opportunity to enter here."

"The twelve thrones here are all the thrones of the twelve wizard gods, and the throne sitting under your butt is the throne of the wizard ancestor!"

The red figure disappeared, and a dark figure appeared next to him, with a hint of evil in his voice.

The corners of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly.

Twelve witch gods, witch ancestors...

If Ling Feng remembers correctly, Shentu Xuance once said that the believers of the Witch God Sect, the statues they worship in the temple, seem to be these twelve Witch Gods!

Today, there are only eight branches of the Witch Clan left in the Temple of the Witch God, but in ancient times, the Witch Clan actually had a total of twelve branches!


Ling Feng suddenly became restless and jumped up from his seat, "Sorry, I didn't know this seat was the throne of the Witch Ancestor..."

Depend on! He was actually sitting in the seat of the witch ancestor!

Ling Feng was frightened for a moment, this seat would burn his buttocks!

After all, every time someone spoke, a figure appeared on the throne.

Could it be possible that there is actually a sad thought in the position of the witch ancestor...

You are sitting on the body of the Witch Ancestor?

When Ling Feng thought of this, sweat suddenly broke out on his forehead.

That is the ancestor of witches, the ancestor of all witches. Even if there is only a trace of thoughts and a little finger left, he can make himself irreversible!

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