Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2623 Ancient Monument of Time! (2 updates)

After entering Xiaowu Mountain, Wu Xuan was instructed by the Wu Lingbi in his hand to fly directly to one of the golden peaks.

Soon, Wu Xuan discovered a cave within the mountain peak, and found some murals of various shapes on the rock walls of the cave.

When he saw these murals, Wu Xuan suddenly trembled as if struck by thunder.

The next moment, Wu Xuan laughed like crazy again, "Hahaha, I am indeed the son of fate. What is recorded on this mural is an illusion forbidden spell! Ancient forbidden spell, hahahaha!"

The ancient witch clan actually had twelve branches, but now, only eight of them remain.

The twelve ancient branches are: light, darkness, water, fire, ice, wind, thunder, mountain, sound, illusion, space, and time.

The first eight attributes, which have survived to this day, respectively represent the current Light Witch Clan, Dark Witch Clan, Water Clan, Fire Clan, Wind Witch Clan, Thunder Witch Clan, Frost Witch Clan and Mountain Witch Clan.

The last four, sound (magic sound), illusion (illusion), space (space), and time (time), have already gradually disappeared in the long river of history.

And the mural in front of me actually records the forbidden curse of an ancient fantasy clan!

The so-called illusion is the most powerful branch of soul attack among the major branches of witchcraft. It has a clear purpose and specializes in attacking the origin of the opponent's soul.

As a genius of the Ji Dao God Clan, he has a peak-level golden fighting spirit. With his extremely powerful divine soul talent, he is definitely qualified to comprehend this illusory forbidden spell!

Taking a deep breath, he stared at the murals and sat down cross-legged.

Gathering his mind, he began to comprehend the murals on the rock wall.

As long as he successfully comprehends these murals, even if Ling Feng is the first to enter Xiaowu Mountain, so what?

He was still the big winner in the end.

Of course, he didn't know that what Ling Feng got was beyond his imagination.

In a blink of an eye, a night passed.

On the third day, the chiefs of each palace mustered up their energy early in the morning and sprinted like crazy.

First, Sima Junting, then Zhang Haoran, Ye Wushang, Baili Yunxi and others also climbed to the top of the Dengyuntai.

Until dusk, more than thirty people came one after another, surpassing the previous record of three days.

I have to say that this situation is strange, but it is also easy to understand.

There has never been a monster of Ling Feng's level before, and it caused tons of irritation to everyone.

Under Ling Feng's stimulation, everyone rushed to the top and performed at an extraordinary level, which is understandable.

It is worth mentioning that the Ye family siblings and Shentu Xuance are also included in this list.

Ling Feng's poke at them really helped them a lot.

As for Tuoba Yan, she also successfully condensed the silver fighting spirit. However, because it took a long time to upgrade the fighting spirit, she could only fall at the back of the team.

However, as long as they can reach the top of the Cloud Climbing Platform within seven days and enter Xiaowu Mountain, everyone's starting point will be the same.

Of course, Xiao Wushan is only open for about half a month. The sooner you enter, the sooner you can find opportunities, and the chance of obtaining inheritance will be slightly higher.

time flies.

In the blink of an eye, seven days passed.

On the Cloud Climbing Platform, basically all the warriors have completed the climb and entered Xiao Wu Mountain.

"All in."

An elder looked at the empty climbing platform and breathed a sigh of relief. This time, the situation was much better than before.

In the past, only about 80% of people could successfully enter. However, among the eight major witch clan branch halls, there would occasionally be a few unlucky guys who failed to successfully enter Xiao Wushan, thus wasting one or two places.

And this time, everyone entering also means that they all have the opportunity to understand the ancient forbidden curse witchcraft.

"I wonder who will be the first person to leave his name on that ancient monument this time."

The second master of the Mingguang Hall looked at the huge stone tablet next to the Dengyuntai and sighed.

There is still a large blank space on the stone tablet with the words "Xiao Wushan" engraved on it. If you look closely, you will find that there is a dense string of names at the top of the stone tablet.

This is the magic of this "Ancient Monument of Time". Every genius who enters Xiao Wushan has a chance to leave his name on the Ancient Monument of Time.

However, only the genius who wins first place in each session can leave his name on it forever.

Otherwise, every time Xiao Wushan is opened next time, the name on it will disappear again and become blank.

Only the genius who wins first place can leave his name at the top of the ancient monument of time.

On that dense row of names, three characters could be vaguely discerned, Duan Lingtian!

This person is the genius who set the entry record of Mingguang Palace before Ling Feng.

Now, Duan Lingtian is the youngest great wizard in the Temple of the Witch God.

Therefore, those who can leave their names forever on the ancient monument of time, without exception, are all immortal heroes!

"Although I don't want to admit it, this first person will probably be Wu Xuan from the Jidao God Clan!"

An old man next to him, who was exuding a cold air, said slowly that this man was an elder of the Frost Witch Clan, giving people the feeling of frost that had never melted for thousands of years.

"That's not necessarily the case. Don't forget that there is a disciple of Mingguang Hall who reached the summit before Wu Xuan."

The elder of the Divine Thunder Palace immediately retorted, "By the way, what is that boy's name?"

"Ling Feng!"

The second hall master stroked his long beard and said with a smile: "I have great confidence in this son. He must be the number one person."

"I'm afraid that some people's wishes will come true!"

A neither yin nor yang voice came, but it was an old man wearing a black robe, who said with a hint of ridicule: "Being the first to reach the top does not mean that you have the highest qualifications, although that kid was lucky enough to condense the colorful fighting spirit. , but in Xiao Wushan, inheritance cannot be obtained by relying on fighting spirits!"


The second hall master laughed heartily, "I say Qiu Laogui, you are so open to talking, why don't you get a colorful fighting spirit to come out and play with it?"

The old man in black robes who was called Old Ghost Qiu was the elder of Dark Soul Hall. Hearing the words of the second hall master, he suddenly became furious.

Colorful fighting spirits, this is really not something you can just have.

Let alone him, even if we look at the entire Witch God Temple, there are only a few strong men with colorful fighting spirits.

Not to mention, Ling Feng is just a junior!

"Okay, okay, it's a discussion, we all belong to the same sect, don't hurt the harmony."

An old man wearing a blue robe next to him smiled and said: "Speaking of which, I have also heard about this young man named Ling Feng. I heard that when your Mingguang Palace recruited new disciples a while ago, it was this little guy who defeated Duan Lingtian. The boy’s record?”


The second hall master nodded, with a proud look on his face, "There are many geniuses in our Mingguang Hall, which you cannot envy."

Both Duan Lingtian and today's Ling Feng are both disciples of Mingguang Hall, which makes the Second Hall Master very proud.

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