Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2633 My World! (3 updates)

In a quiet valley, there are countless stones, large or small, scattered randomly.

Ling Feng sat cross-legged on one of the stones. The stone was flattened by a sword and became as smooth as a mirror. It was then covered with a futon and became a place for practicing.

As for Tuoba Yan, she was not far away from Ling Feng and was studying a witchcraft she had learned since childhood in Wushan.

The so-called witchcraft, to put it bluntly, is actually an application of the power of divine consciousness combined with attribute rules.

Tuoba Yan's original soul is far beyond that of ordinary people, and he naturally has the qualifications and talent to practice witchcraft.

The witchcraft that Ling Feng chose for Tuoba Yan was of the frost lineage. Although her physique had completely changed, she was once a disciple of the Huiyue Holy Lady and had certain control over the rules of frost.

In addition, the essence of Huangquan is actually a mutated power of water.

To some extent, they have something in common.

Coupled with Ling Feng's guidance, it was not difficult for her to get started.

"It's almost time."

Suddenly, Ling Feng opened his eyes and a playful curve appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Three days have passed since we separated from the Second Hall Master and the others.

In the past three days, Ling Feng has not strayed far from the vicinity of Xiao Wushan. It seems more like he has been staying here, waiting for something.

From Bai Fenghan's words, he had already learned that Wanling Palace sent a Nine-Star Protector to deal with him.

Therefore, if they were with the Second Hall Master and the others, these nine-star guardians would not have any room to attack.

If you want them to show up, of course you have to be alone.

Moreover, in order to facilitate them, he didn't even move much distance, as if he was waiting in place.

Those killers from the Hall of All Souls are quite cautious.

After confirming that the Second Hall Master and the others had indeed left, they finally decided to take action.

"Ling Feng..."

Tuoba Yan, who was practicing on the side, suddenly opened his eyes, walked quickly to Ling Feng, and lowered his voice: "You... feel it?"

"Even you found out, what do you think?"

Ling Feng smiled faintly, Tuoba Yan bit his lips and glared at him, "Is it possible that you have been staying here these days just to wait for them?"

"if not?"

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth curled up, and he immediately let go of his voice and said loudly: "Everyone, you are here, why don't you show up yet? Is it possible that the nine-star protector of Wanling Hall is still afraid of me, a young boy like me? ?”

swish swish...

There was a rustling sound in the surrounding bushes, and soon, several figures emerged from the dense forest.

Wearing all black clothes and robes, they are the same as those all-powerful killers we encountered before.

The first three people have a dark six-pointed star logo on their left shoulder.

This symbol means the nine-star protector of the Hall of All Spirits.

Suddenly, three Nine-Star Guardians and a dozen All-Spirit Killers appeared, surrounding the place.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, the three nine-star protectors, Wanling Palace really think highly of me!"

Ling Feng crossed his arms and held the nine-star protector, which must be a saint-level strength.

In other words, he was surrounded by the three great saints.

If this had been the case before entering Xiao Wushan, Ling Feng would have run away immediately.

But now, he has some confidence.

"Boy, you knew we were coming, but you're still waiting here. Do you really think we won't kill you?"

In the middle, a slightly bloated Nine-Star Guardian stared at Ling Feng and said in a cold voice: "Young Master Bai has not come out since he entered Xiaowu Mountain. I think he has died in your hands, right?"

Ling Feng shrugged, noncommittal.

"In that case, I'm afraid that the Sun-Moon Universe Furnace will also fall into your hands!"

The leader said coldly: "That's good. The rubbing crystals from Qianyang Jiulian, plus the Sun Moon Universe Furnace, are all here at once."


Suddenly, Ling Feng burst out laughing, and the three nine-star protectors all frowned.

"why are you laughing?"

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose, and said with a smile: "Because there are three fools who are about to die, but they are still thinking about my things. Do you think it's funny?"

"you wanna die!"

The nine-star guardian on the left frowned and was about to rush towards Ling Feng, but the nine-star guardian in the middle held his shoulder. "Don't be impulsive. Since he dares to wait here, I'm afraid he has another conspiracy."

"Since you are scared, then hurry back and shrink back into the arms of the master of the Hall of All Souls to drink milk!"

With that said, Ling Feng casually tore open a void passage, grabbed Tuoba Yan's arm, and jumped directly into the passage.

"Want to run?"

No matter how calm those nine-star protectors are, if they want to flee when they see Ling Feng, they will never allow him to succeed.

The next moment, these guardians, together with their subordinates, all jumped in before the void channel was closed.

I have to say that their response was very quick.

However, when they got in, they discovered something bad.

Because this place is not a void passage at all.

What comes into view are twelve peaks shining with various colors of light.

If the warriors who entered Xiaowu Mountain for trial before saw this scene, they would definitely be very surprised.

Because, isn’t this Xiao Wushan!

"What is this place?"

The killers from the Hall of All Souls suddenly panicked.

Even if it's a void passage, why don't you even feel like traveling through the void and come directly to this weird place!

"Welcome to my world!"

A cold voice came from the sky.

Surprisingly, it was Ling Feng's voice.

"Boy, where are you? Pretending to be a ghost, come out if you have the guts!"

The nine-star guardian headed by him began to curse.


What responded to them was Ling Feng's cold laughter.

"Yan'er, let me show you something interesting."

Ling Feng's voice came again, but it seemed to come from the sky. Everyone looked at the sky, but there was no shadow of Ling Feng at all.

"The wind is coming!"

Ling Feng gave an order, and suddenly a strong wind blew up in the whole world.

"Rain coming!"

Then, heavy rain followed.

"Lightning, hit him!"


At the end of the day, thunder clouds rolled in, and thunderbolts as thick as the mouth of a bowl directly tore the sky apart and exploded down.


A All-Soul Killer was directly pierced by the thunder. His whole body was suddenly blackened, black smoke was spitting out from his mouth, and he fell straight down.

"How about it, it's fun!"

Ling Feng's voice came again, and the guardians of Wanling Hall were all extremely angry and panicked at the same time.

In this mysterious space, why Ling Feng is like a god, able to control everything.

What on earth is going on in my world that he just said?

However, the misfortune that awaits them is just the beginning...

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