Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2656 City in the Clouds! (2 updates)

"Okay, if there's nothing else, I'll leave first!"

The Second Hall Master took a deep look at Ling Feng, thought for a while, and then said: "By the way, that little guy Duan Lingtian is my disciple. Although he has become a great witch now, and his status is higher than me, but this Once a teacher, always a father. If you need anything when you arrive at the Temple of the Witch God, just go to him!"

"Haha...disciple knows."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. With Duan Lingtian's tyrannical strength, it is estimated that only the second hall master dared to call him a brat.

After a few more words of explanation, the second hall master strode out of Tianyin Hall.

Elder Chuyan said nothing from the beginning to the end, just playing the guqin in front of her, as if all external objects had nothing to do with her.

As for Ye Keren, he looked at Ling Feng with envy.

She has been a disciple of Mingguang Temple for more than ten years, but she has never been qualified to become a disciple of the temple. At most, like Shentu Xuance, she went to the Temple of the God of Witches to listen to the preaching of the great witches, and she was just a disciple of a certain great witch. .

But Ling Feng has officially entered the Witch God Temple!

This is completely different.

Ling Feng glanced at Ye Keren and saw her envious and jealous expression. He couldn't help but shake his head and smile, "With your talent, Senior Sister Ye, I believe it won't be long before you can be promoted to a temple disciple. "

"Humph, you don't have to say it!"

Ye Keren bit her silver teeth, frowned, glared at Ling Feng, turned around and rushed out of the hall.

As for Ling Feng, he quietly listened to the music played by Ye Chuyan.

In the past month, Ling Feng had failed to refine alchemy one after another, and he was inevitably a little upset.

And when he heard the music played by Ye Chuyan, his mood finally calmed down again.

After a long time, the sound of the piano stopped.

Ye Chuyan picked up the guqin, thought about it, glanced at Ling Feng again, and said slowly: "Congratulations!"

Ling Feng stood up and bowed deeply to Ye Chuyan, "Thank you, elder!"

Soon, the news that Ling Feng and Zhang Haoran were nominated by the Temple of the Witch God and would be promoted to disciples of the temple spread throughout the Mingguang Temple.

It is not surprising that Zhang Haoran was nominated. After all, he is already the chief true disciple, and it is reasonable for him to be promoted to a temple disciple.

As for Ling Feng, he seemed like a mysterious man.

The guy who broke Duan Lingtian's record as soon as he paid homage to Mingguang Hall, happened to be a mixed bag of eight elements.

This kind of "wasted body" is nothing more, but he is also known as the number one person in the Xiaowushan trial!

It can be said that Ling Feng was promoted to a temple disciple, which was both an accident and a matter of course.

"Brother Ling, you are so envious of me!"

As soon as Shentu Xuance heard the news, he immediately rushed over without stopping.

Ye Wuxin, who was a close friend of Ling Feng, Yi Tianxing, who had fought against Ling Feng on the Guangming Martial Arts Stage, and many true disciples all came to visit and congratulate Ling Feng on his promotion to the temple disciple.

"Brother Shentu, you have to hurry up."

Ling Feng patted Shentu Xuance on the shoulder and smiled lightly.

" think everyone is as perverted as you!"

Shentu Xuance sighed lightly, recalling that he was the one who brought Ling Feng into the Mingguang Hall.

I originally thought that Ling Feng could be promoted to a true disciple as soon as possible, and if he had the opportunity in the future, he could go to the Temple of the God of Witches to listen to the teachings of the great witch.

But who would have thought that in just a few months, Ling Feng would have left him far behind and was one step ahead of him. No, that was hundreds of steps ahead of him, and he was directly promoted to become a temple disciple.

Ling Feng just smiled lightly and said nothing.

When I master the Star Holy Spirit Pill, I will naturally not forget my old friend Shentu Xuance.

However, these are all things for later.

"Okay, today we celebrate Brother Ling's promotion to a disciple of the temple. We won't return until we get drunk!"

Shentu Xuance raised his wine glass high and laughed loudly.

Ye Wuxin also came up to Ling Feng with a wine bottle, "Come on, Brother Feng, I'll pour you some wine! Speaking of which, on the Cloud Climbing Platform, thanks to your help, Brother Feng!"

Ling Feng smiled lightly. When he first met Ye Wuxin, he only thought he was a playboy. After getting along with him later, Ling Feng realized that he was not only a playboy, but also a very shameless playboy!

Well, he and Shentu Xuance were the same. They were not so much rivals as they were arrogant and dissatisfied with each other.

However, no matter what, after today, he will go to the Temple of the Witch God.

As for these new friends, I am afraid there will be no chance to meet again in the future.

Three days later.

Ling Feng made some repairs before embarking on the journey to the Temple of the Witch God.

Traveling with him were Zhang Haoran, the chief true successor, and of course, Tuoba Yan, who had always been inseparable from Ling Feng.

The Temple of the Witch God is far away from Mingguang City. Ling Feng was a little worried about leaving Tuoba Yan alone in Mingguang City. After all, he had offended the Wanling Palace badly. If the people from the Wanling Palace took Tuoba Yan as a hostage, Oneself, oneself will inevitably throw the enemy into the trap.

After much deliberation, it was better to take Tuoba Yan with me.

Anyway, when we arrived at Wuzu King City, if Tuoba Yan couldn't be brought into the Wushen Temple together, we could settle her in the city or throw her directly into the Five Elements Heavenly Palace. Anyway, there are many ways.

"Junior Brother Ling, I never thought that in the end, you and I would be promoted to temple disciples together."

Zhang Haoran glanced at Ling Feng. If it weren't for Ling Feng's appearance, the person who was promoted to a temple disciple with him would have been Jiang Shanyi, who ranked second.

He has a good personal relationship with Jiang Shanyi. If he and Jiang Shanyi can be promoted to temple disciples together, it will be considered as a way to take care of him.

It's a pity that the decision of the higher-ups of the Witch God Temple is not something he can influence.

"In the future, when we enter the Temple of the Witch God, we two brothers and sisters will have to look after each other and help each other."

Zhang Haoran smiled lightly.

"Of course, of course."

Ling Feng responded casually, but he was secretly amused. His goal was to go to the Temple of the Witch God to steal the Divine Desolate Catalog. Do you dare to "help each other" with me in this matter?

Then I really respect you as a man!

"By the way, Junior Brother Ling."

Zhang Haoran couldn't help but glance at Tuoba Yan, and then said slowly: "Junior brother, beauty has been confusing people's hearts since ancient times. Let's go to the Temple of the Witch God. It's for practice. You can bring your concubine with you. I'm afraid it won't be the best." OK?"


Ling Feng's old face turned red, and when he saw Tuoba Yan looking like he was about to have an attack, he quickly corrected him: "The maid, it's the maid!"

The difference between a maid and a concubine is a world of difference.

The maid takes care of daily life, but the concubine is used to warm the bed!

"That's not the same thing."

Zhang Haoran showed an ambiguous smile: "As a man, it is normal to like beauty, but junior brother, don't be too obsessed with it, otherwise it will not be a good thing."


Ling Feng's forehead went dark. This Haoran looked serious and serious, but he didn't expect that he was also a flirtatious and gossipy guy inside.

Rolling his eyes, Ling Feng didn't bother to talk to Zhang Haoran and just silently quickened his pace.

As for Tuoba Yan, his face was even more heated. Why did he become Ling Feng's concubine?

Obviously that guy hasn't even touched a finger of his, right?

High in the sky, with thousands of miles of clouds, a huge palace is hidden deep inside, looming.

Only when a corner of the palace is occasionally revealed does one realize how huge this palace is.

Rays of light and shadow flew from a distance and flew straight into the sky, heading towards the palace that was shrouded by thousands of miles of floating clouds and stood atop a huge white cloud.

And this palace in the clouds is a temple that is regarded as a god by countless powerful witch ancestors. Only the best and strongest among the witch clan are qualified to step into it.

After ten days, Ling Feng and his party finally arrived at the "legendary" Temple of the Witch God.

And this temple is actually a temple suspended in the sky.

The so-called Wuzu King City is also a city in the clouds!

Of course, this kind of city built in the air is not very rare, but just maintaining the operation of the floating magic circle is a huge expense in itself.

The three of them, Ling Feng, slowly landed on a staircase made of floating clouds. What they saw was a huge and majestic city, towering into the sky, majestic like a mountain, majestic and everlasting.

Ling Feng was stunned for a moment and was shocked by the majesty of this majestic city.

Is this the Wuzu King’s City!

Also shocked was Tuoba Yan, who was also deeply shocked by the memorial of the years and the historical foundation.

"Although this is not the first time I have come to Wuzu King City, I am still deeply shocked every time I see this city."

Zhang Haoran is obviously much better than Ling Feng and the other two. Obviously, this is not the first time he has been here before.

"Only those who are related to the Temple of the Witch God can enter this King's City of the Witch God."

Seemingly considering the existence of Tuoba Yan, Zhang Haoran specifically explained to Ling Feng: "Theoretically, after becoming a disciple of the temple, you can bring your family members to settle in the Witch Ancestor King's City, so Junior Brother Ling also There’s no need to worry, Miss Tuoba can also live in the city.”


Ling Feng smiled coquettishly. Anyway, this guy has identified Tuoba Yan as his woman, so he has nothing to explain.

"However, non-disciples of the Temple of the Witch God are not allowed to enter the temple, so after we enter the city, it is better to let Miss Tuoba settle down first. After you officially become a disciple of the Temple of the Witch God, you will naturally be assigned an independent building. The other courtyard.”

Zhang Haoran continued.

Ling Feng nodded. Since the Wuzu King's City was so heavily guarded, there was no need to worry about Tuoba Yan's safety.

"Haha, speaking of it, this is quite suitable for you, Junior Brother Ling, who is hiding in the golden house."

Zhang Haoran couldn't help but joke again.


Ling Feng rolled his eyes. Does this guy think he is humorous?

Shaking his head and smiling, Ling Feng saw many people coming and going in front of the city gate. As soon as he approached the city gate, his body would naturally emit a colorful divine light. This should be similar to an identity check, but it was very convenient.

Zhang Haoran took out the jade-colored token, held it in his hand, and said calmly: "This token is our pass to enter the city. In a moment, you can take Miss Tuoba with you and you will pass the test."

(PS: I’m a little stuck, I’m a little cold, and I’m not in good condition. These are the two updates today. Tomorrow is the first day of 2020, so I wish you all a happy New Year first...)

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