Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2668 Nine-turn Holy Spirit Flower! (3 updates)

"What a strong medicinal fragrance!"

Ling Feng immediately realized that in this ice valley, there must be a peerless treasure of heaven and earth about to be born.

Without the slightest hesitation, Ling Feng's figure, like a bolt of electricity, flew towards the ice valley ahead.

He can be sure that there must be treasures of heaven and earth born in the ice valley, and the grade may not be lower than that of the Chaos Creation Fruit!

"It's hard to deny that those Zerg tribe will actually attack Yangquan Gorge to attract the attention of the humans. It turns out that they are attacking the east and the west with one hand!"

Ling Feng smiled coldly, fortunately, his intuition was sharp enough!

And on a wasteland not far from the frozen valley.

A tall and burly man, with a dark blade in his hand, directly blasted away a giant beetle, smashing the thick carapace into pieces.

Suddenly, he sensed a sudden movement in the direction of the Frozen Valley, and his eyes immediately looked to the east.


This person turned out to be Chang Sunxiang. Like Ling Feng, he also noticed the strange behavior of the Zerg, and he might have another purpose.

Ling Feng is naturally not the only smart person in the world.

These temple disciples are all elites selected from the eight branches of the temple, and they are the elite among the elite.

And Changsun Xiang is one of the best.

Whether it is talent, perseverance, or wisdom and strategy, they are all unique.

Ling Feng was able to notice the anomalies of the Zerg with his keen intuition, and similarly, others were bound to notice this.

"Senior Brother Changsun, what's going on over there?"

Beside Changsun Xiang, there are two temple disciples who are traveling with him, and they are equally strong.

Those holy-level beetles that have reached the level of the Great Saint are like babies under their hands, being played with in their palms.

Changsun Xiang has a big plan, and his target is those holy-level monsters.

If he could deal with the Holy Lord alone, even if he could kill him, he would have to use all his strength and exhaust all his strength.

And once he is exhausted and falls into the siege of the Zerg, he may only die.

Therefore, he needs teammates and strong enough opponents.

And the companions he chose were all the best among this batch of disciples, which could be regarded as a strong alliance.

"I estimate that the true purpose of the Zerg is not in Yangquan Gorge. It seems that it should be in the Frozen Valley."

Changsun Xiang smiled coldly, "Let's go, I'm afraid a valuable treasure will be born in the Frozen Valley!"

The two companions' eyes lit up, and they were immediately overjoyed, "Follow senior brother, and you will indeed get some meat to eat!"


Approaching the Frozen Valley, sure enough, the source was heavily guarded.

What surprised Ling Feng was that there were both humans and Zerg guarding the Frozen Valley!

And why do those human outfits look so familiar?

Hall of All Spirits!

Ling Feng suddenly realized that these guys were the believers of Wanling Hall!

"You are everywhere I go!"

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth curled up, but according to past experience, whenever he met someone from the Hall of All Souls, he would always have something to gain.

This time, it’s probably no exception!

With more than ten Wanling Palace killers and dozens of Zerg elites, this formation is really not small.

With Ling Feng's strength alone, it may not be easy to break through the siege in a short period of time.

However, Ling Feng didn't have time to spend time with them.

"Asura Blood Shadow Guard! Come out!"

Between the eyebrows, a ferocious vertical pupil opened, the Asura Demonic Eye, burning slightly.

Then, streaks of blood light condensed, and a total of sixty-four Asura Blood Shadow Guards flew out in all directions.

Ling Feng mingled among these Blood Shadow Guards, seemingly facing the enemy, but in fact, he directly bypassed their defense line and rushed directly into a cave on a high cliff.

He could sense that the breath of the treasure was emanating from this cave.

Shortly after Ling Feng entered the cave, three figures also came flying from a distance.

"Huh? What's going on down there?"

Next to Zhang Sunxiang, a man wearing a blue robe frowned slightly. This man was a genius from the Wind Witch Clan. He felt the fluctuations of the wind below and immediately realized that something was wrong.

"It's just right to fight!"

Changsun Xiang narrowed his eyes and smiled, "The mantis stalks the cicada, and the oriole is behind. All we have to do is wait here!"

The other two disciples nodded and laughed, giving a thumbs up to Changsun Xiang, "Senior Brother Changsun is so smart!"

Concealing his aura, Ling Feng walked along the dark passage.

The space inside this cave is extremely huge, and the further you go in, the bigger the space becomes.

Moreover, streams of hot air swept in from the depths of the cave.

It is unimaginable that there is such a strange place in this frozen valley.

Suddenly, there was a voice in front of him, and Ling Feng hurriedly hid himself, expanded his horizons, and began to explore the situation inside.

Not far ahead is the end of the cave.

It was a huge platform. The entire ground was bare, and it exuded an extremely hot atmosphere, just like the depths of a volcano. If the ground was pried open, there would be magma flowing underneath.

However, the next moment, Ling Feng saw a huge flower bud floating in the center of the platform!

That's right, it's so abrupt, suspended in mid-air, with no roots and no green leaves, just a bud, suspended abruptly.

If you look carefully, you can see that there are wisps of blood like filaments underneath the flower buds, clearly connecting it with the entire space.

And under the bud, there is a bloody orb the size of a fist!

From the blood beads, a pure and huge aura emanates, and through those blood threads, energy is continuously infused into the buds.

Under the infusion of this energy, the flower buds seem to be blooming bit by bit at a speed visible to the naked eye!

In front of the flower bud, there were three people surrounding it, a man in gold clothes and two old men in black robes, all of whom were staring at the flower bud with intense eyes and extremely excited expressions on their faces.

Maybe Ling Feng hid it too well, or maybe these people were too focused.

All in all, no one noticed Ling Feng hiding in the dark.

"What kind of treasure is this?"

Ling Feng took a deep breath. The energy contained in the blood-colored beads under the bud was already terrifying, and it was a peerless treasure!

And the value of the buds that these people nourished with this blood bead must be countless times higher!


The void trembles!

A strong and vast aura spurted out from the bud, wave after wave, rippling through the void, which also indicated that this unique flower was about to bloom!

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