Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2687 Crazy alchemy! (1 update)

When leaving the temple and walking out of the main hall, Ling Feng passed by the statue of Wu Zu outside the hall. Ling Feng bowed to the statue again.

The Zhoutian Chaos Formation that can be understood from this statue will undoubtedly become one of Ling Feng's trump cards.

Going down the long stairs, eight days have passed since Ling Feng entered the temple.

Eight days were enough to make all the disciples of the Witch God Temple jealous.

Eight days!

Could it be that the high priest passed on some special skills to Ling Feng?

Or just accept Ling Feng as a closed disciple?

Of course, these are all speculations, but whether they are the new disciples who entered the temple with Ling Feng or the veteran disciples like Chang Sunxiang, they are all extremely envious.

Especially Zhang Sunxiang, he was so angry that his teeth itched with hatred.

If he was the one who won the first place on the northern battlefield, he would be the one enjoying the envious eyes of everyone now!

Of course, he didn't know that even if he really got first place, he wouldn't be able to get the approval of the witch ancestor to learn the Zhoutian Chaos Formation.

Because he does not possess the power of chaos at all!

All the way back from the stairs to the place where he lives, the disciples he met along the way all had expressions of envy on their faces, and many of them started to have a relationship with Ling Feng and get close to each other.

After all, Ling Feng might be the next high priest!

In the end, Ling Feng was annoyed by these guys, so he had to use the Jiuyou Teleportation Technique to teleport all the way back home, and then got rid of these annoying guys.

"Yan'er, please close the door for me. I want to retreat. During my retreat, not a single mosquito is allowed in!"

Ling Feng confessed to Tuoba Yan and went directly to the retreat room. Compared with establishing friendship with those temple disciples, Ling Feng had more important things to do.

Looking at Ling Feng's leaving figure, Tuoba Yan couldn't help but frown, "What does this guy think of himself?"

The janitor?

Before she could mutter a few words of complaint, sure enough, there was a "bang bang bang" knock on the door outside.

"Senior Brother Ling, is Senior Brother Ling here?"

"Senior Brother Ling, I invite you to have dinner at Zuixianju!"

"Senior Brother Ling, I want to ask you to go arm-in-arm with you and swim together by Yangliu Lake, how about that?"

There was a lot of noise outside the door. Anyway, there were all kinds of people trying to please and flatter themselves, and there were many people who were trying to get Ling Feng's idea.

Tuoba Yan's head went black, he blocked the door completely, and said angrily: "He's not here, he's not free, where did he come from, come back!"

I saw Tuoba Yan looking "ferocious", as if he was a door god.

Everyone saw that Tuoba Yan and Ling Feng actually lived together, and they obviously had a close relationship. They didn't dare to offend this woman. Seeing that she looked like she couldn't get enough of her, they had no choice but to go back home in anger.

"Phew, finally got rid of it!"

Ling Feng let out a sigh of relief. It is said that people are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong.

He has traveled extensively over the years and has seen a lot of the world.

But he never expected that the disciples of the Temple of the Witch God would be so unruly and come here to please him.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that the Witch God Religion is a religion that believes in the Witch God.

In a sense, the high priest is the spokesperson of the Witch God and represents the will of the Witch God. Ling Feng being able to spend eight days with the high priest has explained a lot of problems.

If you please Ling Feng now, you won't be able to please him one day when he flies to the sky.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly for a while, Ling Feng was not interested in enjoying this feeling of being surrounded by stars.

These things are all fictitious, only strength is real!

After all, his vision is not limited to this small Southern Witch Territory, nor even to the entire Xuanling Continent.

From the moment he knew that he was from the Heavenly Dao clan, and from the moment he knew his life experience, it was destined that he must race against time and practice crazily.

Only strength is the foundation for his survival.

"Although Wu Ancestor's Zhoutian Chaos Formation is powerful, it may not be able to accomplish anything in a short period of time. Let's refine the Star Holy Spirit Pill first."

Ling Feng set up a triple barrier around the area, and then took out the heavenly materials and earthly treasures needed to refine the Star Holy Spirit Pill one by one.

From the memory of Zhou Wenyong, the elixir master of that day, Ling Feng obtained the recipe for the Star Holy Spirit Pill. He had refined it several times before, but there had been no progress.

But this time, Ling Feng also obtained the Nine-turn Holy Spirit Flower, and it was time to take this last crucial step.

"Sun-Moon Universe Furnace, Chaos Creation Fruit, Nine-turn Holy Spirit Flower..."

Ling Feng took a deep breath. These three treasures are the key to refining the Star Holy Spirit Pill. In addition, there is also the Qianyang Nine Refining Method.

Cut off a small part of the Chaos Creation Fruit, then turn the petals of the Holy Spirit Flower nine times and tear off a small piece.

Because Ling Feng didn't know the ratio of these two main medicinal materials, he could only try again and again to get the best ratio.

Although Ling Feng can be considered an experienced alchemist, this Star Holy Spirit Pill is, after all, as high as the Immortal Grade. Ling Feng is not sure how many times he can find the correct ratio.

But he knew that every time he failed, he not only wasted part of the Chaos Creation Fruit and the Nine-turn Holy Spirit Flower, but also wasted the various spiritual flowers and spiritual herbs that he spent a huge amount of money to buy back.

Although he had "looted" the treasure houses of many sects and families, it had to be said that the process of refining the Star Holy Spirit Pill was equivalent to burning money.

And every time it fails, it's like throwing millions and tens of millions of yuan crystals directly into the furnace to burn.

Even Ling Feng felt very distressed.

The reason why Wanling Palace is amassing money like crazy is probably because even they are not sure how to refine the Star Holy Spirit Pill.

This elixir recipe is still under testing.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng got rid of distracting thoughts and began to purify the medicinal solution.

His technique was very fast, and he was multitasking. When purifying the medicinal solution, he controlled his own flame swallowing and began to heat the Sun-Moon Universe Furnace.

After continuous evolution, Yan Yan has become comparable to the best exotic fire. Although it is not the most suitable flame for refining elixirs, it is definitely more than enough for refining the Star Holy Spirit Pill.

After quenching the medicinal liquid, Ling Feng mixed the spiritual flowers and herbs one by one and blended them into the alchemy furnace.

All of this is under Ling Feng's control, and the only variable is the ratio of the Chaos Creation Fruit and the Nine-turn Holy Spirit Flower.

The first time of refining, as expected, about half an hour later, what came out of the furnace was a pile of black dregs.


Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. Although all this was expected, refining the Star Holy Spirit Pill was definitely the biggest setback he had encountered in his alchemy career.

Coupled with the dozens of previous failures, Ling Feng began to wonder what it felt like to succeed in alchemy.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng was not discouraged, shoveled away the medicine residue and started over.

Of course, Ling Feng did not waste these medicinal residues, but threw them into the Five Elements Heavenly Palace very unceremoniously.

Although the dregs of medicine that failed to be refined also contained powerful medicinal power, they also contained a large amount of erysipelas. Ling Feng would definitely not try it easily.

Shit Donkey and Zifeng, each more sophisticated than the other, don't want to eat this stuff either.

As for Xiao Qiongqi's small body, Ling Feng was afraid of poisoning him to death.

But Xiaodie is different...

For Xiaodie, the more poisonous the better, and the more poisonous she is, the happier she is.

Therefore, all the dregs of medicine that Ling Feng refined went into Xiaodie's stomach, and she ate them with gusto.

Seeing Xiaodie eating her own medicine residue and growing up day by day, Ling Feng felt a little comforted in his heart.

At least, it's not all wasted.

the second time……


Regain your strength and come again!

The third time, failed!

Only this time, the medicine residue began to take on a slightly more elixir-like shape.

As the saying goes, failure is the mother of success, and Ling Feng is getting closer and closer to the correct ratio.

Of course, time passes day by day as Ling Feng refines...

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