Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2710 Scrooge! (3 updates)

"Oh well."

Ling Feng nodded and asked calmly: "If there is any damage to both parties during the test, there is no need to pay for it, right?"


Manager Na Hua was stunned for a moment, then said after a while: "Generally speaking, there shouldn't be any damage, but..."

He couldn't help but glance at Zhu Rong. If Zhu Rong took action, it would be hard to say.


Zhu Rong laughed loudly, "Boy, are you scared? Don't worry, I won't beat you to death. If you are injured, I will pay your medical expenses. How about it? You don't have to worry about it now, right?" "

"No no no."

Ling Feng stretched out a finger and shook it gently in front of his face. "You misunderstood me. What I want to say is that if I cripple you, I don't want to pay for the medical expenses."

"Boy, you are looking for death!"

Zhu Rong was so angry that his teeth itched. This kid was on the verge of death, yet he still dared to speak so brazenly!

"Let me tell you in advance, I won't pay you a penny, not even a penny!"

Ling Feng snorted softly, he wanted to use his Yuan Jing to buy medicinal materials for refining the Star Holy Spirit Pill, but he didn't have any spare money to compensate Zhu Rong.

Everyone's mouths twitched.

Is this guy a miser?

Zhu Rong was so angry that he glared at Manager Hua, "Fat man, why don't you arrange a venue quickly?"

Manager Hua shrank his neck, this is really a disaster. Your conflicts have nothing to do with me. Why do you call me fat!

I don’t want any self-respect!

After a while, Manager Hua arranged the venue for Ling Feng and the two of them, and repeatedly warned: "Master Zhu, you must abide by the rules. You must suppress your realm to the fifth level of the Nine Transformations Realm, and you can only throw one punch!"

"It's so annoying, it never ends!"

Zhu Rong glared at Manager Hua, patted his chest a few times, and said coldly: "Okay, I have used my clan's special techniques to suppress the realm. Is it okay?"

"No problem, no problem."

Manager Hua sighed softly, this relationship was finally settled, and he could only wish Ling Feng good luck and good life, but don't die in the world.

"Boy, I will make you kneel very rhythmically!"

Zhu Rong frowned and jumped onto a not too big arena.

This is also a place specifically used for testing, so the venue is not large, and there is just a simple protective cover around it.

"I'll say it again, I won't compensate you even a penny!"

Ling Feng was still struggling with the issue of "compensation", and Zhu Rong's face turned the color of pig liver with anger.

"Boy, you think too highly of yourself!"

Zhu Rong's whole body was filled with aura, and in an instant, his entire aura had reached its peak.

A domineering and blazing power of flames condensed in the fist.

With this punch, he gathered all his strength.

Although this punch suppressed the realm, even an ordinary powerful Saint could only drink hatred when faced with this punch.

Ling Feng was only at the third level of the Ninth Transformation Realm. In Zhu Rong's view, Ling Feng was already half dead.

Because he would not kill Ling Feng directly, but would beat him into a cripple!


Ling Feng stood on the spot, the clouds were calm and the wind was gentle, and he just lightly stamped his feet.

A circle of light red light radiated with Ling Feng as the center.

Then, the blazing flame on the Zhu Rong Fist blade went out!

Yes, when it came within three feet of Ling Feng, it went out in an extremely strange way!

"You are also proficient in the rules of fire?"

Zhu Rong snorted, but was not too surprised.

Because his fist edge has already locked Ling Feng.

Even without the power of flame explosion and burning, the destructive power of the fist alone is enough to turn Ling Feng into a useless person.

Unfortunately, he was still too naive.

His punch was impartial and real, hitting Ling Feng on the chest.

Ling Feng was actually defenseless.

His fist pierced Ling Feng's chest, crushing half of his body to pieces.

At the same time, Ling Feng's right fist, which contained the domineering dragon-elephant power, also exploded in his chest.


With a loud noise, Zhu Rong's figure flew out upside down and hit the wall hard, even making a huge human-shaped dent.

And Ling Feng, although half of his body was penetrated, still stood firmly on the spot, motionless.

"Is this guy crazy?"

Everyone was dumbfounded, Ling Feng actually gave up his defense completely!

Is he a madman?


Zhu Rong kept vomiting blood, stared at Ling Feng with his eyes, and yelled: "You madman, madman!"

But when he saw the blood on Ling Feng's body, he laughed ferociously, "Even if you tried to injure both of us and severely injured me, but even your heart was broken by me, you still lost! Hahahaha !”

Manager Hua's scalp was numb when he saw it, and Murong Zijie, Jiang Yunfan and Han Lingxiang were all panicked.

Ling Feng, isn't this too crazy?

Only Tuoba Yan was not surprised by this kind of battle.

"Who said I was hurt?"

Just when Zhu Rong laughed wildly, half of Ling Feng's body healed rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the blink of an eye, he was back to his original state, as if he had never been injured!

"How can this be?"

Zhu Rong was dumbfounded, and so were Murong Zijie and others.

As for Manager Na Hua, he rubbed his eyes tightly and could hardly believe what he saw.

The onlookers all around looked at Ling Feng dumbly. Isn't this recovery ability too incredible?

Reminiscing that Ling Feng was able to extinguish Zhu Rong's flame before, and then gave up his defense and resisted Zhu Rong's blow.

All of this was obviously planned by him!

"I passed it, right?"

Ling Feng smiled faintly and looked at Manager Hua, who was stunned.

"Pass, pass."

Manager Hua swallowed hard. If this doesn't count as passing, can anyone else pass?

"Fart, you're cheating!"

Zhu Rong was so angry that he vomited blood and stared at Ling Feng with his fierce eyes, "Boy, I want to compete with you again, I want to destroy you!"




Ling Feng stretched out three fingers and counted down three times. Zhu Rong, who was still shouting, suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood and fainted.

This guy's internal organs were severely damaged by Ling Feng's blow. He could be considered cruel if he could hold on for so long before passing out.

However, he was so anxious that he suffered more injuries. He might not be able to fully recover if he didn't rest for three to five years.

The young man who came to Tianxialou with Zhu Rong looked at Ling Feng, then walked to Zhu Rong, helped him up, and turned towards the exit.

When he reached the stairs, he looked back at Ling Feng and said meaningfully: "Your name is Ling Feng, right?"

"You don't change your name when you're working, and you don't change your surname when you sit down."

Ling Feng stood with his hands behind his back, also looking at the young man named Zhu Yan.

Although he is also a descendant of the Red Flame God Clan and seems to be much younger than Zhu Rong, he has not been involved in Zhu Rong's affairs from the beginning to the end.

Even when Zhu Rong was knocked down by Ling Feng, he only flashed a hint of surprise for a moment.

That's all.

"I remember you."

Zhu Yan nodded, then turned around and left with Zhu Rong on his shoulders. He left very simply, as if he didn't want to get entangled in Zhu Rong's matter.

"This person is probably a powerful enemy."

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes, looked at Zhu Yan's leaving back, and murmured to himself.

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