Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2714 Tianhe performs martial arts! (1 update)

Putting down the "List of Talents", Ling Feng's lips curved slightly.

This year's Tianhe martial arts show, Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger, includes not only Wu Xuan, Zhu Wushuang and other long-established masters, but also dark horse talents like Zhu Yan who hide their strength but cannot be underestimated.

However, this made Ling Feng even more interested in it.

"I will decide this championship!"

A ray of light flashed in Ling Feng's eyes. The more powerful the opponent, the more able to stimulate Ling Feng's fighting spirit.

Of course, he has not forgotten the most important purpose of participating in the Tianhe martial arts performance.

Divine Desolate Picture Book!

If it is among the Ji Dao God Clan, there is really a piece of the Divine Desolation Picture Book hidden there.

Then, this piece of the Divine Desolate Picture Book will inevitably fall into his own hands.

Soon, the "List of Talents" was circulated in Jidao King City, and the candidate for the Tianhe martial arts performance this year became a hot topic among the warriors in the city after dinner.

Although many warriors are not qualified to go on stage to participate in the competition, they still come all the way just to catch a glimpse of the most outstanding genius of the contemporary era in the Southern Witch Territory.

In a blink of an eye, it was the day when the Tianhe martial arts competition was held.

The day before Tianhe's martial arts performance, the great wizards from the Temple of the Witch God finally brought a group of grand ceremony disciples to watch the ceremony.

As a grand event held only once in thirty years in the Southern Witch Territory, the higher-ups of the Witch God Temple also attach great importance to it, and it is quite normal for them to send great wizards to watch the ceremony.

Although the ranking of the Temple of the Witch God has not been high, after all, the opponent is the God Clan, and it is already very good to have the opportunity to stand on the stage.

However, the high priest can only stay inside the temple, so the disciples of the Temple of the Witch God who came to watch the ceremony were led by the great wizard Brahma and several other great wizards.

"Don't be stressed, just be normal."

"As long as it's not a countdown, it's a victory."

"Just do your best..."

These are the words of encouragement given by the great wizards to Ling Feng and others.

I don't feel confident when I hear it.

Especially for Ling Feng...

Although Ling Feng defeated Qiu Duanyue, he also showed quite amazing talent.

But talent is just talent after all, and it would be too early to send him out now.

If it were to be the next Tianhe martial arts show, maybe Ling Feng could become as famous as Duan Lingtian.

But now, I'm afraid...

Including the great wizard Brahma, all the great wizards are not too optimistic about Ling Feng.

However, every martial artist can only participate in the Tianhe martial arts performance once. If you participate this time, you will not have the chance next time.

But there was no way, this was the high priest's wish, and they had no choice but to comply.

In their view, this was a waste of Ling Feng's talent.

With everyone's expectations, the Tianhe martial arts performance was finally officially held.

All the participating geniuses came to the Tianhe martial arts performance venue and prepared to participate in the martial arts performance.

This is a huge open-air square with countless seats around it, which can accommodate 100,000 spectators at the same time.

In the middle of the square, there is a huge arena, which is a hundred feet long and wide, allowing the contestants to display their strongest fighting power.

At this time, in the preparation area, the contestants were taking part one after another as usual.

Except for the four people from the Temple of the Witch God, the other players are all strong men from the God Clan.

A total of thirty-six protoss geniuses were each sitting in their own camp. Even if they were not intentional, they still exuded a sharp edge. They gathered into one and filled the entire space, which was shocking.

Wu Xuan's eyes glanced at Ling Feng intentionally or unintentionally.

Although he didn't think that Ling Feng had the strength to compete with him, Ling Feng had defeated him once.

Even though it wasn't a true clash of strengths, Ling Feng defeated him during the Xiao Wushan trial!

This is a shame for Wu Xuan!

Ever since he was young, he has never lost. No matter what the competition is, he is the absolute king.

However, he lost to Ling Feng once.

Therefore, this is why he cares about Ling Feng so much.

He wants to win it back!

Otherwise, this will always be a hurdle in his heart.

In addition to Wu Xuan, there were also several very unfriendly eyes, all of which were also stared at Ling Feng.

Among them were Zhu Rong of the Red Flame God Clan, and the fat-headed and big-eared genius of the Jidao God Clan, the son of the great general, whose name seemed to be Wu Zhen.

There is no need for Zhu Rong to say anything. When he was in Tianxialou that day, he was knocked unconscious by Ling Feng and suffered serious injuries. If the Red Flame God Clan had not had many heavenly materials and earthly treasures to help him recover, he might not have been able to recover. None of them can participate in this Tianhe martial arts performance.

Therefore, Zhu Rong naturally hated Ling Feng deeply.

In his opinion, the reason why he lost to Ling Feng was only because he was plotted by Ling Feng and he suppressed his cultivation.

If we really have to fight, Ling Feng will definitely lose!

Of course, this is just his naive personal opinion.

As for the big-eared wizard Wu Zheng, although he looks fat, his ranking on the list of outstanding people is not low, even higher than Zhu Rong.

This guy was robbed of the Purple Dew Orchid by Ling Feng last time, so he naturally set his sights on Ling Feng and vowed to disgrace Ling Feng in the ring.

The competition has not yet started, but many people have already regarded Ling Feng as their target.

"Boy, last time I used conspiracy to plot against you. This time, you won't have such a chance!"

Zhu Rong raised his right hand, gave a thumbs up to Ling Feng, then rotated it 180 degrees, with his thumb pointing downwards, pressed down hard twice, and coldly uttered, "You - die - -deal!"

Wu Zheng also stared at Ling Feng with extremely hostile eyes, his expression full of provocation.

Facing the two provocations, Ling Feng just shrugged and didn't take it seriously.

He didn't look down on these stinky fish and rotten shrimps.

At this time, the entire audience had become extremely agitated, and the focus of the discussion was undoubtedly Wu Xuan, who had the highest voice for winning the championship.

"Is that Prince Wu Xuan? He is indeed a dragon among men."

"I saw it. It's majestic and majestic. It's worthy of being a unique talent of the Jidao God Clan that only appears once in a thousand years."

"I'm sure that the champion of this year's Tianhe martial arts performance must be Prince Wu Xuan. If not, I will pluck out his eyeballs and stomp on them!"

"Haha, I remember what you said!"

"Tsk, besides Prince Wu Xuan, who else is qualified to win the championship?"

"Zhu Wushuang and Huang Yu are both strong competitors. Have you eaten them all?"

"Although Zhu Wushuang and Huang Yu are strong, how can they be compared with Prince Wu Xuan?"

"Okay, okay, anyway, the winner is one of these three!"

"That's not necessarily true. What if a dark horse appears?"

"Dark horse? Haha, are you kidding? No matter how dark the dark horse is, it cannot be the opponent of Prince Wu Xuan!"

"That's true. Is it possible that the Witch God Temple can produce a second Duan Lingtian? Hahaha!"

There was a burst of laughter from the entire audience. Duan Lingtian had indeed created a myth.

It's a pity that he is just a glimpse of a myth.

Since Duan Lingtian, there has never been a proud king worth mentioning in the Temple of the Witch God.

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