Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2718 A little cold light! (2 updates)

"Fuck, can such a person pass the selection?"

"His opponent was so lucky, he was just giving away points!"

"I envy that Yueqiu!"

Qiu Duanyue was sitting on pins and needles in his seat, still in intense mental activity.

At this time, a palm patted his shoulder, "Brother Qiu, come on."

Qiu Duanyue turned around suddenly, and the person who spoke was Ling Feng.

Seemingly influenced by Ling Feng, Murong Zijie, Jiang Yunfan and Han Lingxiang also cast encouraging glances at Qiu Duanyue.

Qiu Duanyue clenched his fists, took a deep breath, and finally flew up and jumped onto the ring.

"It turns out he is the lucky one."

"Haha, if he meets a sick man directly, he is lucky."


There was a lot of discussion in the audience. In their opinion, this game should be without any suspense.

A frail and sickly guy like Ye Xiu was probably able to advance to the Saint level by eating all kinds of heavenly and earthly treasures.

"The battle begins!"

After the referee finished speaking, Qiu Duanyue clenched his fists, and an earthy yellow stone pillar formed in his palm.

"Hey, even if you are not in good health, I will not show mercy."

Qiu Duanyue glanced at Ye Xiu and said loudly: "If you don't want to get hurt, just admit defeat."

"Cough cough cough cough..."

Ye Xiu was still coughing violently, as if he was about to shed tears, but he still insisted: "I can do it. Brother Yue, please take action."

"Damn it!"

Qiu Duanyue cursed secretly in his heart, took a deep breath, and began to mutter something.

He didn't think this was a "send test", nor did he think it was good luck to meet Ye Xiu.

Although Ye Xiu looked sick and about to die, from his conversation with Ling Feng, he firmly believed that this Ye Xiu was anything but ordinary.

Therefore, he will never be careless or show mercy.

Bang bang bang!

For a moment, stone pillars rose into the sky one after another on the arena, and the entire arena suddenly became filled with rocks, forming a large formation of rocks, surrounding Ye Xiu.

"Damn it, do you need to be so serious when dealing with a sick man?"

"Has this guy never won?"

"He's not afraid of hitting too hard and beating that Ye Xiu to death? Hahaha!"

The audience burst into laughter again. In their opinion, "Yueqiu" was so serious and it was really unnecessary.

It was obvious that Ye Xiu himself was almost dying of coughing.

Qiu Duanyue frowned deeply, clenched his fists tightly, took a deep breath, and did not rush to launch an attack, but gritted his teeth and said: "Hey, boy named Ye, I will give you another chance to admit defeat."

Ye Xiu actually coughed up a few bloody ice scum, and then he calmed down a little. An innocent smile appeared on his baby face that looked too young, "Thank you for your kindness, but no need for it."

"All right……"

Qiu Duanyue gritted his teeth and waved his hand. The stone pillars on the field began to move rapidly, and the entire arena was filled with smoke and dust.

Faintly, he seemed to see giant dragons of earth, roaring up to the sky, and pounced on Ye Xiu.

However, in this flash of lightning.

Everyone only saw a cold light flash past.

It was a speed that could not be captured by the naked eye. In an instant, it passed through the sky above the Tianhe Arena and flew dozens of meters in an instant.

Qiu Duanyue's eyelids twitched, and he only saw a gleam of cold light, filling his pupils from far to near. The world in front of him seemed to disappear, and only the cold light quickly grew in size, making him feel that he could not avoid it, and the terrifying edge invaded. To, scalp numbness.


For a moment, the whole world seemed to shatter.

The large formation of rocks formed by Qiu Duanyue just now with the help of sorcery was instantly shattered.


Qiu Duanyue knelt on his knees, his eyes blank.

The outcome is decided!

"what's the situation?"

"That brat, did he win?"

The whole audience was stunned. It was obvious that he was just a sick man, and no one saw what he had done. However, he won like this?

"Cough cough cough cough..."

Ye Xiu coughed violently, but still stood where he was.

Qiu Duanyue, on the other hand, was as dumb as a wooden chicken, kneeling on the ground.

Although he was not injured, he seemed to have seen something terrible. His body was trembling!

Even Ling Feng only saw a little bit of cold light, nothing more.

"Ye Xiu, win!"

The referee silently counted ten times, but Qiu Duanyue did not stand up again. Then, the referee announced the result of the game.

"I accept it, Brother Yue."

Ye Xiu coughed and bowed in the direction of Qiu Duanyue.

Qiu Duanyue felt as if he had just woken up from a dream. He took a deep look at Ye Xiu and clenched his fists, seeming to be unwilling but helpless.

He took a deep breath, turned around and walked off the ring.

His steps are heavy, and he has longed for this ring for many, many years.

He just hopes that by hiding his identity, he can win honor for the Temple of the Witch God before revealing his identity.

Even if it just makes it into the top fifty, that's fine!

Unfortunately, he was eliminated in the first round.

His dream was completely shattered.

This is cruel, but the world of martial arts has always been so cruel.

Qiu Duanyue did not return to his seat. According to Tianhe's martial arts rules, he could only go to the auditorium to watch the battle as a spectator.

There is no room for him in the preparation area.

Ling Feng looked at Qiu Duanyue's lonely figure, shook his head and sighed.

However, when meeting a "monster" like Ye Xiu, he would not lose unjustly.

But at this time, when everyone looked at Ye Xiu, they no longer just regarded him as a sick man who was almost dying.

So much so that even Wu Xuan, Zhu Wushuang and Huang Yu, the three favorites to win the championship, couldn't help but be a little curious about this Ye Xiu.

However, it is just some curiosity.

They didn't think that Ye Xiu had any chance of walking in front of them.

Soon, Ye Xiu returned to his seat, coughed a few times, and then sat down.

"Sorry, Brother Lingfeng, I seem to have defeated your friend..."

Ye Xiu glanced at Ling Feng, with a trace of apology on his face.

"Winning or losing is a common thing for a military strategist. What's more, your strength is indeed very strong."

Ling Feng took a deep look at Ye Xiu, and was even more curious about this Ye Xiu.

According to the rules of Tianhe Yanwu, these forty players from the three major divine clans and the Temple of the Witch God are equivalent to the recommended quota, so they will not meet each other in the previous rounds of selection.

But Ye Xiu was different. If he was unlucky, they would most likely meet in advance.

Although Ling Feng really hoped to fight Ye Xiu to see his true strength, he also hoped that this battle could be saved until the end.

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