Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2734 The details! (1 update)

Finally, after Ye Xiu also defeated his opponent, the top four spots were finally confirmed.

Wu Xuan, Ye Xiu, Ling Feng, Zhu Yan!

"The top four contestants have been confirmed. It's getting late. Please go back. Tomorrow morning, the ranking of the final three will be revealed."

The referee smiled and announced that today's game was over. According to Tianhe Yanwu's previous rules, the game was basically divided into three days.

On the third day, the top four players will compete for the final ranking.

"Oh my god, I can't wait to see who among them can win the championship!"

"Hey, it's really tempting to show off at this juncture!"

The audience present grumbled and complained for a while, but then left one after another.

The rules are the rules. Even if they had a hundred courages, they would not dare to challenge the Ji Dao God Clan.

In the preparation area, the only four people left looked at each other with awe-inspiring fighting intent.

Of course, except Ye Xiu.

When he wasn't taking action, he did look like a terminally ill patient with no cure, but after seeing his ability to kill Zhu Wushuang instantly, no one dared to underestimate him.

"No matter who my opponent is tomorrow, I will definitely be the winner in the end!"

Wu Xuan glanced at the other three, then flicked his sleeves and walked away.

When he walked to the exit of the preparation area, a tall figure flashed out and put his arm around Wu Xuan's arm, looking quite intimate.

"Seventh Brother (PS: I mentioned before that Wu Xuan is the Seventh Prince), if you meet that guy tomorrow, you must teach him a lesson for me!"

As he said that, he pointed at Ling Feng, his beautiful eyes filled with evil energy.

This woman is not exactly the little princess of the Jidao God Clan, Wu Yue.

Wu Xuan shook his head and smiled bitterly, "A martial arts competition is just a martial arts competition, there is no lesson to be learned!"

"I don't care, wuwu, Brother Qi, you don't hurt Yue'er anymore."

Wu Yue held Wu Xuan's arm and got into a fuss.


Wu Xuan's forehead darkened, "Okay, okay, I'm scared of you."

Wu Xuan gave a bitter smile, looked back at Ling Feng, and gave him an apologetic look, "Brother Ling, you have also seen that if we meet him tomorrow, I will not show mercy!"

"me too."

Ling Feng smiled casually. What he wanted was a hearty battle. If Wu Xuan held back, it would be boring.

The game is over and everyone returns.

Ling Feng returned to the inn surrounded by the disciples of the Witch God Temple.

Now Ling Feng is the last hope of the Witch God Temple. It can be said that since Duan Lingtian, only Ling Feng has reached the throne of the top four, which has already made a big difference to the Witch God Temple.

For the Temple of the Witch God, Ling Feng was a great contributor. Even the great wizard Brahma had a friendly attitude towards Ling Feng.

He finally began to understand why the high priest valued Ling Feng so much.

I have to say that the high priest's vision is indeed extraordinary.

"Boy Ling Feng, the glory of our Witch God Temple depends on you alone!"

These were the exact words of the great wizard Brahma. He even gave Ling Feng some pills that increased the power of his spiritual consciousness and energy, so that Ling Feng could be in the best condition to cope with tomorrow's game.

As for Murong Zijie and other contestants who competed with Ling Feng, although they were eliminated early and were somewhat decadent and dejected, such a result was also expected.

Instead of being dejected, it is better to place all your hopes on Ling Feng.

If Ling Feng can win the championship, it will be a great and proud event for the entire Witch God Temple.

Jidao Palace, in a main hall.

Right in front of the main hall, the Holy Emperor of Jidao was sitting on the throne, his eyes were deep, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

The so-called emperor's mentality is to accompany the emperor like a tiger. Naturally, the thoughts of the superior cannot be understood by ordinary people.

In the main hall, the elders of the Jidao Divine Clan stood on both sides with solemn expressions, while the referee of this Tianhe martial arts performance held a list of names in his hands and seemed to be waiting for instructions from the Jidao Holy Emperor.

After a long while, the Jidao Holy Emperor slowly said, "How is the investigation going on that Ye Xiu?"

"Reply to His Majesty the Holy Emperor!"

Among the ministers, a lean old man wearing a robe walked out, stepped forward and bowed, and then said: "My subordinates have sent many spies to investigate. Unfortunately, so far, there is nothing about Na Ye. Xiu’s information is still...still not making much progress.”


The Jidao Holy Emperor frowned, "Is it possible that someone else will appear out of thin air? Huh, the power contained in this person is absolutely extraordinary. Such a special person, with the power of extreme cold, is it possible that there is no such thing? Leave any trace?"

The lean old man took a deep breath and said: "My subordinates have never inquired about warriors with the power of extreme cold, but they only heard that fifty or sixty years ago, a small tribe in the southwest was born. A child with extraordinary talents seemed to be born with a very strange cold energy. Then, when the child was about six years old, the entire tribe was wiped out due to the cold energy in his body. "

"Then, the child was completely lost."

The old man paused, and then continued: "Judging from the power of the cold air and age, it is somewhat consistent, but other than that, there are no clues..."

"Disappeared out of thin air and appeared out of thin air again? A child only six years old?"

The Jidao Holy Emperor took a deep breath, gently tapped the throne with his index finger a few times, and then said, "Where is Ling Feng? What's the details?"

"About this Ling Feng, we have quite a lot of effective information."

The lean old man immediately reported how Ling Feng entered the Mingguang Palace, how he was promoted to the Witch God Palace, and some of his achievements.

"In other words, this person was directly promoted from Mingguang Temple to Temple disciple in just a few months, and he also got the attention of the high priest and got a place in Tianhe martial arts?"

The Jidao Holy Emperor narrowed his eyes, "The speed at which this child is growing is a bit scary!"

"Not only that……"

The lean old man took a deep breath and said, "I also heard a rumor!"

"What rumors?" The Jidao Holy Emperor stared at the lean old man, "Tell me about it!"

"My subordinates heard that this boy named Ling Feng is very likely to be the reincarnation of the witch ancestor!"

"The reincarnation of the witch ancestor?"

The Jidao Holy Emperor laughed loudly, "The theory of reincarnation is nothing but a myth. But..."

After a long while, the Jidao Holy Emperor looked at the referee and said slowly: "Tomorrow's match will be arranged between Xuan'er and Zhu Yan from the Red Flame God Clan, and then Ling Feng will face off against this Ye Xiu! These two people, There is no doubt that they are all Xuan'er's strong enemies, so let them go first and both sides will suffer!"

The corner of the Jidao Holy Emperor's mouth curled up. Ling Feng and Ye Xiu, no matter who wins or loses, it will probably be a miserable victory.

Let alone Ling Feng, after Ye Xiu exploded with all his strength, the cold energy came back. In that state, he would definitely lose against Wu Xuan.

"My subordinate understands!"

The referee bowed and bowed. This was not considered any form of favoritism, it was just taking advantage of the rules.

After all, the right to host this Tianhe martial arts performance has always been in the hands of the Jidao God Clan. It seems transparent to let them compete with whom. In fact, it is not the Jidao Holy Emperor who has the final say.

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