Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2751 The eldest prince! (1 update)

That black shadow was so fast that even Ling Feng's infinite vision could only see a blurry afterimage.

If it were anyone else, even a master of Wu Xuan's level, it would probably be difficult for him to detect it.

"Sure enough, Ye Xiu also has other purposes for participating in the Tianhe martial arts performance."

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes. That day, when the Jidao Holy Emperor held a palace night banquet to entertain the geniuses from the major gods and the Witch God Temple, Ye Xiu had visited the imperial city at night, and Ye Xiu's actions tonight were also Ling Feng expected it.

Otherwise, how could Ling Feng open up infinite horizons while meditating for no reason?

Ling Feng has confirmed Ye Xiu's life experience. He does not have much to do with the Xantian clan. Perhaps it was just a coincidence that he obtained the Xantian divine power, but he was unable to control it.

But what happened to him after that?

Ye Xiu didn't mention this experience, and Ling Feng didn't ask much about it, but his natural vigilance made Ling Feng pay special attention to Ye Xiu.

Everyone has different sides. Ye Xiu has endured the pain brought to him by Xuntian Divine Power, and his personality should be relatively extreme.

And everything Ye Xiu showed seemed a bit too normal.

Sometimes, being too normal is also an abnormality.

With a snap of his fingers, Ling Feng summoned Zifeng.

There was a flash of white light, and a fist-sized pocket pony with a pair of wings landed on Ling Feng's shoulders.

Although he has evolved through shedding his shell and become a light and dark unicorn, Zifeng still retains his original abilities.

Moreover, as long as he is not in a fighting state, he likes to shrink his body to the most comfortable and suitable form for sleeping.

In other words, Zifeng was probably a pig in his previous life.

Suddenly summoned by Ling Feng, Zifeng raised a little hoof, rubbed his sleepy eyes, and muttered and complained: "Master, what's the matter? I'm still sleeping!"

"I'm looking for you to come out, so of course there's something going on."

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows, "Go in that direction, follow Ye Xiu, and observe his every move."

Ye Xiu is far more thoughtful than he appears on the surface, and he acts cautiously. If he follows him by himself, the target will be too big, and he may not be able to hide it from Ye Xiu.

But Zifeng is different. He can directly shrink to the size of a mosquito and no one will notice him.

"Okay! Hum, I have to do all the dirty work!"

Although Zifeng is reluctant, he still obeys Ling Feng's orders compared to the cheap donkey. He doesn't have the bad habit of bargaining like the cheap donkey, so on weekdays, Ling Feng is more willing to order Zifeng!

"He who can do it should work harder."

Ling Feng touched Zifeng's little head and said with a smile: "Go, we won't be able to catch up if it's too late."

"Hey, who are you looking down on!"

Zifeng smiled disdainfully, "I am an elemental life form, and the coldness in that guy's body cannot be hidden from my nose!"

After saying that, Zifeng shrank again, directly becoming the size of a mosquito. Not to mention, this light and dark unicorn shrank to a certain extent, and it really looked a bit like a mosquito.

The next moment, Zifeng flapped his wings and disappeared in front of Ling Feng in the blink of an eye.

In terms of speed, Zifeng now has a complete victory over Ling Feng, his master.

The night is as cold as water.

A black shadow flew between the palace walls at an extremely fast speed, passing by in a blink of an eye, ignoring the imperial city guards as if they were nothing.

Finally, the black shadow fell in a rockery forest. Deep in the rockery, a middle-aged man in brocade clothes stood with his hands behind his back. He seemed to have been waiting here for a long time.

Hearing the movement behind him, the middle-aged man turned around, with a smile on his face, and saluted the visitor with cupped fists, "His Royal Highness the Son of God, congratulations to Your Highness for winning the top three in Tianhe's martial arts performance."

The Holy Son, or rather Ye Xiu, was now wearing a black robe and a somewhat ferocious-looking ghost mask on his face, revealing only a pair of deep eyes.

His eyes were as cold as water, and he ignored the middle-aged man's flattery. He just said lightly: "Prince, have you brought anything?"

The so-called eldest prince is one of the three crown princes among the Ji Dao God Clan who are qualified to succeed to the throne, and the eldest prince, as the name suggests, is naturally the eldest.

Wu Xuan also had the title of Prince, but he was ranked third, so he was also called the Third Prince.

And this eldest prince is Wu Xuan's eldest brother and the eldest son of the Jidao Holy Emperor, Wu Qi.

As the eldest son of the Jidao Holy Emperor, Wu Qi is the oldest, but his talent is relatively mediocre.

His age is more than three hundred years older than Wu Xuan, but his cultivation is slightly inferior to Wu Xuan's.

Therefore, he knew very well that if nothing unexpected happened, the position of leader of the Ji Dao God Clan might not be his turn.

Unless his strength can improve by leaps and bounds, or something unexpected happens to his two younger brothers.

"That thing is heavily guarded and heavily guarded, so it's not easy to get it."

Wu Qi chuckled, "But there is no need to rush the Holy Son. If the Holy Religion helps this prince ascend to the throne, this thing will be within easy reach."

"On the conditions agreed before, you can show enough sincerity by taking that thing. Otherwise, why should I, the All Souls Holy Cult, help you?"

Ye Xiu's eyes were still cold and calm, and he just said slowly: "If His Royal Highness cannot prove his worth, then this deal will be over."

With that said, Ye Xiu turned around and left.


The eldest prince Wu Qi quickly stopped Ye Xiu and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Holy Son. When the Tianhe Pond opens in two days, everyone in the clan will definitely focus on the Tianhe Pond. , I can take the opportunity to take out that thing..."

Ye Xiu turned around, glanced at Wu Qi, and said calmly: "As long as the prince can offer that thing, according to the previous agreement, he will offer ten divine pills!"


A hint of ruthlessness flashed in Wu Qi's eyes, "My two good brothers and the Labor Saint Jiao can handle it."

"Brothers can commit fratricide?"

Ye Xiu looked indifferent and simply said: "The power of blood in the heartless emperor's family, or the prince of the divine clan, does have extremely high research value."

After saying that, Ye Xiu's figure rose into the sky and disappeared into the night in the blink of an eye.

Looking at Ye Xiu's disappearing figure, the eldest prince Wu Qi clenched his fists tightly and said, "No poison, no husband, two dear brothers, don't blame me for being a cruel elder brother. If you want to blame, blame you. Why are you so different?" I am better!"

The next moment, Wu Qi flicked his sleeves and disappeared into the rockery forest.

And all of this fell into Zifeng's eyes, and Zifeng was seen flapping his wings like a tiny mosquito, and after a while, he returned to Ling Feng's side.

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