Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2753 True Dragon Cave! (3 updates)

"Princess Wuyue, you were walking too fast just now, and it is inevitable that your energy and blood were not flowing smoothly. I do know some massage techniques. I wonder if Your Highness the Princess dares to let me try it?"

Ling Feng smiled lightly and glanced at Wu Yue.

If you want to ask about some inside information, you have to let Wu Yue speak.

Seeing how she looked like she wanted to eat him, Ling Feng realized that maybe he should get close to her.


Wu Yue glared at Ling Feng, "What a beautiful idea you have!"

Wu Yue's cheeks felt slightly hot. What did this guy want to do? He finally showed his fox tail!

Pretending to be sanctimonious, you don't want to take advantage of this princess.

However, Wu Yue felt an inexplicable secret of joy in her heart, or a sense of accomplishment.

I am quite attracted to this brat.

However, she still thought too much.

"Don't you dare, princess?"

Ling Feng has rich experience in dealing with such unruly princesses.

"What does this princess dare not to do!"

Wu Yue bit her silver teeth and said, "You can come on, bang!"

Ling Feng smiled faintly, reached out and grabbed Wu Yue's ankle, and gently opened the trouser leg above, revealing a calf that was as white and as smooth as jade.

Ling Feng didn't squint as he slowly circulated his energy. A stream of heat poured into Wu Yue's ankles and into his body. For a moment, a comfortable feeling spread from his limbs.

A slight blush appeared on Wu Yue's face, and she gritted her teeth and glanced at Ling Feng.

This guy is quite charming when he is focused and not talking.


Suddenly, Ling Feng raised his head, and Wu Yue quickly looked away, pretending to look around.

Ling Feng shrugged and said calmly: "Your Highness, the Xianyu Tower that we just passed by is very impressive, and there are many guards there. What is that place?"

Wu Yue was thinking wildly in her mind. When she heard Ling Feng's question, she gritted her teeth and said, "Xianyu Tower is where some treasures, immortal weapons and some special treasures of our Ji Dao God Clan are hidden. Naturally, it is heavily guarded. What are you doing? Are you interested?"


Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, "I'm just curious."

"Humph, the security levels of Xianyu Tower and Zhenling Academy are almost the same, so if I open the way, I can take you in to see what you have to say. What do you think? Do you want to go? Please beg me!"

Wu Yue said proudly.

"Is it just about the same level as the True Spirit Academy..."

Ling Feng shrugged. It seemed that Xianyu Tower could be eliminated.

"Speaking of alert levels..."

Ling Feng changed the subject and said: "How many levels are there in the palace's security level? It sounds quite interesting."


Seeing that Ling Feng had no intention of begging her to take him to Xianyu Pavilion, Wu Yue felt depressed again. She wanted to leave Ling Feng aside and ignore him, but she still seemed to be a misunderstanding and couldn't help but said: "The Imperial City's alert The levels are divided into five levels, such as Xianyu Pavilion and Zhenling Academy, which belong to the third level. "

"Oh, is the True Spirit Academy only the third level?"

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose, "Where's the taller one?"

"Tianhe Pond is the second level. In addition to Tianhe Pond, there are two training places specially provided for royal clansmen or foreign clansmen who have made great achievements."

Wu Yue was very honest with Ling Feng and had no reservations.

In other words, this woman does not have too much vigilance. Although she is a little more unruly, she is still innocent.

"What about the first level?"

Ling Feng continued to ask.

"Even I have never been to a first-level place."

Wu Yue blinked, "It is said that only the clan leader of each generation can enter it. Not only is it heavily guarded outside, but the key to enter is also in the hands of the father. Therefore, unless the key can be stolen from the father, otherwise It’s definitely inaccessible, and it’s also the most mysterious place within our Ji Dao Clan, the True Dragon Cave!”

Wu Yue thought for a while and then said: "When I was a child, I wanted to ask my father to take me in. Unfortunately, although my father always loved me the most, he still refused to agree to it no matter how much I cried, made trouble, or hung myself. "

"Crying, making trouble, and hanging yourself, haha..."

Ling Feng couldn't help but shook his head and smiled.

Unknowingly, Wu Yue actually told the embarrassing story of her childhood. Her face turned red and she quickly covered her mouth. The next second she clenched her fist and punched Ling Feng hard on the shoulder, frowning and saying. : "You brat, if you dare to tell me, you'll be dead."

Ling Feng shrugged, "I won't tell you."

After a while, under Ling Feng's massage, Wu Yue felt that all her fatigue had dissipated. However, she still missed the warm and comfortable feeling, so she did not interrupt Ling Feng for a long time.

Ling Feng felt helpless and had no choice but to squat in front of Wu Yue and massage her for half an hour.

It wasn't until more and more maids and guards gathered around that Wu Yue was so shy that she let Ling Feng let go and continued to tour the palace with him.

One day passed by in a flash.

Ling Feng has collected all the information he needs. The True Dragon Cave is probably the most likely place to store the Shenhuang Picture Book.

After sending Wu Yue back to the princess' mansion, Ling Feng didn't stay long and walked away directly.

"Hey, smelly... cough, Ling Feng."

When Ling Feng turned around, Wu Yue suddenly called out to Ling Feng, biting her silver teeth and looking a little hesitant.

"What's wrong? Is something wrong?"

Ling Feng looked back at Wu Yue, his expression still calm.


Wu Yue took a deep breath, and after a while, she mustered up the courage to say: "You...are you dating me?"

"Cough cough cough..."

For a moment, Ling Feng seemed to be possessed by Ye Xiu and coughed violently, "A date...?"

Wu Yuefeng frowned and glared at Ling Feng. She suddenly walked up to Ling Feng in three steps and then kissed him on the cheek like a dragonfly. Then, her cheeks turned crimson and she rushed into the princess's house as if she was running away. .

Ling Feng's whole body froze, and his whole mind suddenly became confused.

What's going on?

Ling Feng was completely stunned. Didn't this Princess Wuyue hate herself the most, and she hated him so much that it made her teeth itch?

What's going on!

Why did you kiss yourself suddenly? Could it be that she put poison on her lips and wanted to poison herself? (PS: The brain circuit of straight men is so awesome!)

However, it is obviously not poisonous!

After a long while, Ling Feng trembled all over, wiped his cheeks hard several times, then took steps and walked quickly to his residence.

It's over now, it's time to get angry.

Ling Feng made up his mind that he would never have any contact with Princess Wuyue again, otherwise, he would be detained as the consort of the Jidao God Clan, and that would be the end of the world.

It wasn't until he returned to the east wing where he lived that Ling Feng recovered a little from the shock.

Wiping the sweat from his forehead, Ling Feng just walked into the yard, only to find a violent vitality that was extremely chaotic!

But on the horizon, a black cloud is billowing, but it is Tuoba Yan who has broken through the bottleneck and is finally about to break through the cultivation base again.

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