Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2775 Thousands of clues! (1 update)

"I'll take you away!"

The yin and yang fish floated in Ling Feng's eyes, directly opening the eyes of the emperor. Those undetectable filaments gradually became clear under the infinite vision.

It was like a spider web, densely overlapping, layer by layer, entangled together behind Yue Yunlan.

And the end of every filament did not penetrate into Yue Yunlan's flesh and blood.

As long as those filaments fluctuate even slightly, they will bring intense pain to Yue Yunlan.

Ling Feng took out Shifang Jiannie, took a deep breath, and said slowly: "I'm going to cut off these threads, Yun Lan, please bear with me."

The Destruction of All Directions has already reached the level of an immortal weapon. In addition, it was fused with a fragment of the Heavenly Punishment Blade before. In terms of sharpness, it is rare in the world.

Ling Feng clenched the hilt of the sword tightly. He did not dare to use too much force, otherwise the toughness of those threads would inevitably tear Yue Yunlan's body into pieces.

Yue Yunlan is not like himself, who can regenerate from severed limbs, or even regenerate with a drop of blood.

If it was dismembered, Yue Yunlan would be gone.

Ling Feng almost held his breath. Above the ten directions, the sharp edge flowed and began to cut on a thin thread.

However, Shi Fang Mie, who had always blown his hair and cut off his hair, could not easily cut off those thin threads. Ling Feng did not dare to use too much force, so he could only use Shi Fang Mie to gently cut off those filaments like a saw. filaments.


Yue Yunlan let out a low cry of pain, and her facial features were almost twisted into a ball. It was obvious that Ling Feng's movements caused the threads to ripple, causing her to suffer a lot.

But she gritted her teeth and held back from screaming.

There was a slight sweat on Ling Feng's forehead. This was the first time he felt so nervous, because in the process of rescuing Yue Yunlan, if he was a little careless, he would personally cause Yue Yunlan's death.

Time passed bit by bit, and for a full quarter of an hour, Ling Feng used all directions to destroy less than ten filaments, and there were thousands of filaments wrapped around Yue Yunlan's back!

With the current efficiency, even if it takes three days and three nights, it is impossible to cut off all the filaments.

As for Yue Yunlan, her face was pale and her whole body was soaked with sweat.

Although she could hold back the pain and not cry out, the pain that came from the depths of her soul almost tore her soul apart.

Ling Feng didn't dare to move anymore.

He was afraid that Yue Yunlan would have died from the pain before he had cut off all the filaments.


Ling Feng wiped the sweat from Yue Yunlan's forehead. Seeing her in so much pain, there was nothing he could do.

"I'm fine..."

Yue Yunlan smiled weakly, "It's enough to see you here again. You go, don't take risks for me..."

"No, I said, I want to take you out!"

Ling Feng grabbed Yue Yunlan's hand tightly and gritted his teeth and said, "I always keep my word."

With a thought, Ling Feng released the swallowing flames. Since the ten directions could not cut off these filaments, he used the swallowing flames to melt them.

However, the filaments were not afraid of flames at all. No matter how Ling Feng urged the swallowing flames, he could not burn off the filaments. The blazing and overbearing high temperature made the already weak Yue Yunlan even worse. .

"Damn it!"

Ling Feng had no idea what kind of material this filament was made of, and it was so tough that he was completely helpless.

However, what made Ling Feng even more anxious was that the voice of the dungeon commander came from outside the door, urging: "His Royal Highness, the time is almost up. Come out quickly and don't embarrass me."

Has half an hour passed?

Ling Feng clenched his fists tightly. For half an hour, he couldn't bring Yue Yunlan out from here!

It couldn't even relieve her pain at all!

Could it be that he could only watch Yue Yunlan suffer here?


Ling Feng frowned, he didn't want to give up just like that.

"Master Ling, please leave quickly."

Yue Yunlan looked at Ling Feng and smiled weakly: "Get out of here and leave me alone."

"I will never leave you!"

Ling Feng gritted his teeth, stretched out his hands, and grabbed the threads directly.

The tough silk thread directly cut Ling Feng's palm open at the moment of contact. Blood flowed down the palm. The cut made by the silk thread on Ling Feng's palm was so deep that the bone was visible.

However, Ling Feng firmly grasped both ends of the silk thread, and the dragon elephant's magical power was used to pull the thread off.

It worked!

Ling Feng's power is strong enough, and because his hands are fixed, the power will not be transmitted to the other end and affect Yue Yunlan's body.

Moreover, the efficiency is much faster than the previous use of Shifangniu Saw to cut the thread.

The only drawback is that it hurts my hands too much.

Every time Ling Feng grabbed those threads, there was an extra wound on his palm, and Ling Feng's fingers even fell off several times.

Although Ling Feng could use his severed limbs to regenerate and continue to recover, he was not immune to the pain.

Ling Feng's forehead was covered with sweat, but the dungeon commander's urging kept coming from outside the door, "His Royal Highness, come out quickly! The time is almost up!"

"His Royal Highness the Holy Son, there is no time! You'd better come out quickly!"

"If the Lord finds out, it will be the end for me!"

"Your Highness the Holy Son, if you don't come out, I'm going to come in!"


After the words fell, the stone door slowly opened, and the dungeon leader looked into the room anxiously.

However, he saw an astonishing scene.

The "Holy Son" he mentioned was actually destroying the Thousand Threads Blood Spirit Formation!

The silk thread behind Yue Yunlan was the core of these formations, which continuously converted the spiritual power of the Ten Thousand Blood Spirit Pearl and the blood in Yue Yunlan's body.

Yue Yunlan now had the powerful spiritual power of the Ten Thousand Blood Spirit Pearl in her body, and her blood was constantly gathering through these silk threads and flowing into the end of the formation.

In other words, Yue Yunlan's body was like a furnace for refining pills. The power of the Ten Thousand Blood Spirit Pearl was being refined in her body, and her blood was like a pill that had already formed.

Therefore, Yue Yunlan was called the most special "medicine man".

This was the formation designed by the master of the Ten Thousand Spirits Hall based on Yue Yunlan's physique. If it was destroyed, he would probably be furious.

"Holy Son, what are you doing!"

The dungeon commander was so scared when he saw the scene in front of him that he almost collapsed to the ground.

"Can't you see?" Ling Feng frowned and said, "Get out, don't stop me!" The dungeon commander was trembling with fear, "Your Highness, stop it quickly. This blood spirit array is connected to the master's mind. If you continue, it will definitely disturb the master." Ling Feng frowned, and at this moment, a hoarse voice came from outside the secret room, "Xiu'er, are you really going to betray me for this woman?"

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