Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2791 Encounter! (3 updates)

After discussing the action plan, Ling Feng and Brahma Witch took action separately.

The mission of the great wizard Brahma is to help those innocent people, while the mission of Ling Feng is to find Princess Wuyue first.

She is the only one who knows the current situation in the city best.

With the drop of brand blood he left for her, it was not difficult for Ling Feng to find her.

After flying out of the inn, Ling Feng followed the induction of the branded blood and went to look for Wu Yue.

Not long after, Ling Feng stopped outside the palace wall.

"It seems that she is still in the imperial city..."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. Fortunately, he knew the defenses within the imperial city well before, so it was not difficult to sneak into the imperial city.

At the same time, in the princess mansion where Wu Yue lived.

The maids in the mansion all looked like they were in a hurry, and from time to time they brought out basins of bright red liquid from a closed secret room.

That one was obviously stained red with blood!

Not long ago, the princess suddenly brought back a young man covered in blood, which made these maids feel very frightened.

However, the princess issued a death order, and no one was allowed to leave the princess's mansion, nor could they seek help from Taoist doctors.

Their only way was to keep wiping the wounds on the injured person.

However, the water has been replaced several times, but the blood is still flowing.

"You guy, you won't die here, will you?"

Wu Yue looked at the half-dead young man on the bed. His whole body was obviously hot, but a thin layer of frost had condensed on his temples and hair.

Sometimes it's cold, sometimes it's hot, and there's black air lingering on his face from time to time, which makes people completely confused about his condition.

Although she didn't know any medical skills, looking at this situation, she knew that this boy was not optimistic.

However, before he fell into coma, he gave her numerous instructions not to do anything.

Just get some sleep.

Just get some sleep and you'll be fine!

However, looking at him like this, I'm afraid he won't be able to sleep.

"Don't die. I still have many doubts that I haven't figured out yet?"

Wu Yue bit her lip, why did this young man say that the current Jidao Holy Emperor was no longer her father?

Also, why is this mysterious young man locked in that secret room?

His body was covered with wounds, with almost no intact place to be found, and many of them were old wounds that had been left a long time ago.

It is impossible to imagine what this young man has experienced.

"Princess, what should we do now? If this continues, will he really die?"

A maid who was wiping the wounds of the unconscious boy couldn't help but turn pale when looking at the shocking wounds in front of her.

"Otherwise, why don't we ask the Taoist doctor in the palace?"

The maid suggested.

"No, if he is exposed, I'm afraid it will be more dangerous!"

Wu Yue bit her lip. This young man was a prisoner imprisoned by "Father" in private.

If he was discovered, not only would he be dead, but she might not be able to protect herself.

After all, the current Jidao Holy Emperor is no longer the previous Jidao Holy Emperor.

At this moment, a figure jumped in from outside the high wall, but it was Ling Feng, who was looking for the sense of the brand blood and found it all the way here.

As expected, this woman is still in her princess mansion.

Avoiding the eyes of others, Ling Feng found the secret room. He frowned as he looked at the maids coming in and out carrying blood.

Could it be that Princess Wuyue was injured?

No, my branded blood did not issue a warning.

After sneaking into the room, Ling Feng discovered that there was a seriously injured young man lying in the trauma room in the secret room.

It's just that that guy looks...

The next moment, Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, wasn't that Yan Jinghong?

"Why is he here?"

Ling Feng couldn't help blurting out.


Princess Wuyue was startled, turned around suddenly, and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Ling Feng appearing in front of her, " did you get here?"

"Of course I walked in."

Ling Feng was proficient in the rules of time and space, and had secret techniques such as the Jiuyou Teleportation Technique. In addition, Wu Yue and the others were all busy, so even if Ling Feng passed by them, they would not react at all.

"I'm asking you, why are you here?" Wu Yue frowned.

"Didn't you ask Manager Nahua to come to me?"

Wu Yue pursed her lips. When she found Manager Hua, she had no hope at all, but she never expected that Ling Feng would actually come!

She looked at Ling Feng, her eyes flashing with excitement, "I didn't expect you to actually..."

Ling Feng interrupted her, "Let's not talk about this for now."

Ling Feng looked at Yan Jinghong on the bed and saw that he was so seriously injured. He couldn't help but frown and asked, "Why is he here with you, and why is he so seriously injured?"

"You know him?"

At this moment, Wu Yue began to be surprised.

"They're considered 'old friends'."

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose, "Princess Wu Yue, can you tell me what is going on?"

Immediately, Princess Wu Yue made a long story short and told how she found Yan Jinghong in the secret room of the Jidao Holy Emperor.

"I just suspected that something was wrong with my father, so I followed him secretly. Unexpectedly, I met this guy."

Wu Yue gritted her teeth, "He also said... said..."

"What did he say?"

"He said that the current father is no longer my father." Wu Yue said in a deep voice.

"It seems that he should know a lot of things."

Ling Feng glanced at the unconscious Yan Jinghong.

In terms of personal grudges, he and Yan Jinghong were once enemies who would never stop fighting.

However, Yan Jinghong has died in his hands twice. If there is any grudge, it is probably settled.

And his rebirth this time is naturally inseparable from his grandfather.

Grandpa asked him to send the Shenhuang Atlas, which means that the reason why grandpa cultivated Yan Jinghong may be that he hopes that he can become his helper.

Take a step back and say that the current Yan Jinghong is no longer the Yan Jinghong he used to be.

"Yan Jinghong, you are lucky."

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows. Although Yan Jinghong was seriously injured, he met him and his life was saved.

"Princess Wu Yue, I'm going to give him acupuncture. You guys go out first." Ling Feng glanced at Wu Yue and said lightly. "Then I'll leave it to you..." After Wu Yue finished speaking, she motioned for the other maids to leave, and then looked at Ling Feng deeply, then left the room and closed the door. After everyone left, Ling Feng looked at Yan Jinghong, and couldn't help shaking his head and smiling, "I didn't expect that you and I were enemies in the past, but today, I will use this Taixuan acupuncture to save your life." After speaking, Ling Feng took out a row of gold needles from his arms and gave Yan Jinghong acupuncture treatment...

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