Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2800 Queen Wuyue! (3 updates)

"This time, you win..."

After a long while, Yan Jinghong clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and said, "If you have any requests, just tell me!"

"Let's call it a tie."

Ling Feng shook his head, coughed a few times, and then said slowly: "Without your final self-sacrifice, I wouldn't have had the chance to kill the dragon. You and I cooperated to kill the dragon, so we can only It’s a tie.”

Yan Jinghong said nothing, acquiescing to Ling Feng's statement.

"Still, I'd like you to tell me something."

Ling Feng looked at Yan Jinghong with a sincere look in his eyes.

"What do you want to ask? Just ask."

Yan Jinghong said calmly with a cold expression.

"Recover from your injuries first, then let's talk..."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. Right now, there was still a lot of mess to clean up.

The entire Ji Dao God Clan has suffered heavy losses. I am afraid that it will suddenly change from the leader of the three major God Clan to the last of the three major God Clan.

In the blink of an eye, three days passed.

The Jidao Imperial City was completely reduced to ruins, but things like house construction were not difficult to build as long as there was manpower.

As the saying goes, if you keep the green hills, you won't have to worry about running out of firewood.

However, this disaster was indeed too heavy a loss for the Yakuza Protoss.

The three great princes, as well as the ancestors who had hidden themselves from the world, all died in the belly of the Asura Demonic Dragon. It can be said that for a long time, the Ji Dao God Clan will be unable to recover.

Although the Jidao Holy Emperor was lucky enough to save a small life, due to such misfortunes in his clan, his three most outstanding sons were all killed. Under the combination of grief and anger, coupled with the exhaustion of his soul, he could not even get sick. , lived for three days with a hanging breath, and finally died suddenly.

Before he died, he passed on the position of Holy Emperor of the Jidao to his daughter, Wu Yue.

For Wu Yue, this throne has no meaning at all.

After losing her brother and her father, how could she hold on to her position as a prostitute? Let alone bring the Ji Dao God Clan back to its former peak?

Who would have thought that the once prosperous Jidao Divine Clan would end up in such a situation due to unpredictable circumstances.

"Princess Wuyue, my condolences..."

As the night grew darker, Ling Feng couldn't help but sigh as he looked at Wu Yue, who was kneeling in the mourning hall. She was dressed in plain white and looked haggard.

This was originally the mourning hall for her three brothers and some elders in the clan, but today, there are memorial tablets for the Holy Emperor of the Jida.

The Holy Emperor of the Supreme Dao, a lifelong hero, ended up being pissed to death on his sick bed. It was so unpredictable.

Wu Yue did not look back, with tears rolling down her cheeks. The burden of the Jidao God Clan was just placed on her fragile shoulders. How could she carry it?


Ling Feng sighed softly, walked to Wu Yue's side, bowed three times to the memorial tablet in the mourning hall.

"I came to say goodbye to you."

After doing all this, Ling Feng turned to look at Wu Yue. After three days, most of his injuries had recovered, and it was time to leave here.

"You want to leave too?"

Wu Yue bit her red lips and said, "My brothers are gone, and my father is also gone. Do you... want to leave too?"

"After all, I..." Ling Feng took a deep breath, shook his head and said, "After all, I am just an outsider."


Wu Yue held her hand firmly, "What if I want you to stay? If you marry me, you will be the new Jidao Holy Emperor, and everything in the Jidao Divine Clan will be yours."

"Princess, I said, I just treat you as a friend, just a friend."

Ling Feng glanced at Wu Yue. Although he sympathized with her plight, sympathy was sympathy. He would not marry her because of this.

A teardrop slipped down Wu Yue's cheek, she slowly let go of Ling Feng's hand, and choked slightly, "I... alone... how can I... I don't have this ability at all... I... wu wu wu …”

"Everyone has his own way to go, and no one can help him. Maybe the road ahead will be broken into pieces, or maybe there will be a new world, who knows?"

Ling Feng patted Wu Yue's shoulder gently and said slowly: "But if you have already retreated before you even took the first step, I don't know what is at the end of the road, but even if you are shattered into pieces, , it’s more vigorous than spinning around in place, isn’t it?”

Wu Yue raised her head, blinked her eyes, and looked at Ling Feng, a little confused.

"Believe in yourself, you can do it!"

Ling Feng smiled faintly at Wu Yue, "What I said will always count. I will always be your friend and your solid support!"

Wu Yue bit her silver teeth and spread her palms, where there was a drop of bright red blood.

This is Ling Feng's branded blood.

"You will become a greater queen than your father, because my Ling Feng friends are not weak!"

Ling Feng smiled faintly and sat down next to Wu Yue.

He didn't know what to say to comfort this poor woman who had just lost a loved one.

The only thing I can do is probably sit next to her, stay with her for a while, and listen to her pour out her sorrows.

One night passed by in a flash.

Ling Feng stood up, bowed towards the memorial tablet in the mourning hall, turned to look at Princess Wu Yue, and said solemnly: "Princess Wu Yue, oh no, maybe I should call you Her Majesty the Queen. Her Majesty the Queen, I I really have to say goodbye, believe in yourself, you can do it!”


Wu Yue nodded. Ling Feng's words gave her great confidence and courage.

After sending Ling Feng out of the mourning hall, Wu Yue said goodbye to Ling Feng again, looking at his back as he gradually went away, tears filling her eyes again.

"I will do it, because I am your friend..."

Unfortunately, they are just friends.

After bidding farewell to Wu Yue, Ling Feng had no other friends among the Jidao God Clan who needed to bid farewell.

Returning to the place where he stayed temporarily, Zifeng, Jianlu, and Yan Jinghong were all recovering here.

The bitch was seriously injured, but this guy was thick-skinned and thick-skinned, so if he couldn't die, it would be basically nothing serious.

As for Zifeng, he can recover as long as he sleeps, which is very worry-free.

Yan Jinghong, on the other hand, was seriously injured and almost burped.

Fortunately, he had Ling Feng's medical skills, otherwise he would have had to stay in bed for at least several months.

"I am preparing to leave the Jidao King City today."

Ling Feng glanced at Yan Jinghong and said calmly: "So, before leaving, I have a few questions. I hope you can enlighten me."


Yan Jinghong looked indifferent and did not give Ling Feng any good looks just because he saved him.

Ling Feng shrugged, this guy had always been like this, he was already used to it.

After throwing Zifeng and Jianlu back to the Five Elements Heavenly Palace, Ling Feng said: "First question, what is the relationship between you and him...?"

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