Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2826 Flexible and flexible! (2 updates)

Finally, the most important moment has come. The most important condition that determines whether he can become a direct disciple is whether he has the talent to cultivate the power of Hunyuan.

And the end result is...

Ling Feng not only has this talent, but he is also several times stronger than the direct descendants of ordinary demon-sealing gods!

"Okay, okay!"

Gu Qingfeng took back the Hunyuan Celestial Body with a smile on his face, "Li Chunyang, you really found a treasure this time!"

The other ancestors and elders also nodded repeatedly. A talent like Ling Feng's is a rare sight in thousands of years.

As for the young man, the great-great-grandson of one of the elders present, his expression turned even uglier, with subtle jealousy and hostility flashing through his eyes.

Li Chunyang narrowed his eyes and smiled, "It seems like this little guy is definitely qualified to become a direct disciple, right?"

"This is natural!"

All the old men on the scene had their eyes and minds turning, as if they were thinking about something. For a moment, no one spoke, and the entire hall fell into silence, which made the atmosphere a little depressing. Ling Feng felt that his breathing was not smooth.

These old men are all respected elders and strong men in the ancestral realm. Although they did not deliberately emit aura, they inadvertently revealed it while thinking, but it also caused an obvious and strong impact on the surrounding space, as if the light was extracted. Like peeling off.

These people are basically the backbone of the Demon-Sealing God Clan. With just a stomp of their feet, they are big shots who can cause a huge wave in the entire Demon-Sealing God Domain.

Finally, one of the old men in green robes smiled heartily and said, "Elder Li, this is not because I want to compete with you for disciples. Among the five elements, wood can make fire. Among the various powers of this little guy, the power of fire is the strongest. He is powerful and suitable for becoming my disciple. I taught him the method of raising fire with wood. In a short time, he will be able to transform Hunyuan with the power of fire and his strength will be doubled!"

"You can pull him down!"

The red-haired old man sneered, "Why do you, a green guy like you, use the Jiuli Divine Fire in this kid's body to go in the opposite direction from you and learn those useless things? Boy, don't you learn your talent from me? , that’s a waste!”

"That's wrong. The power of my flame is already strong enough, but I need more balance between water and fire. It's time for me to practice the Way of Water and use water to enter the Hunyuan!"

"Fart! It's time to use earth to enter Hunyuan. Only the thick spiritual power of earth can suppress so many talents in him!"

"Gold entering Hunyuan can greatly improve your attack methods!"

"It's time to use wood to enter Hunyuan!"




Above the main hall, a group of Ancestral Realm experts actually staged a scene of bargaining and endless competition, even quoting scriptures to enhance their persuasiveness.

This scene made Ling Feng stunned. Are these people from the ancestral realm?

Fortunately, they were quarreling and did not take action. Otherwise, the hall would have been demolished by them in minutes.

As for the young dancer named Lu Yide, he was shocked and more filled with jealousy. When his eyes occasionally glanced at Ling Feng, they would be filled with deep hostility.

Just now, his grandfather brought him here for a test. Although the elders praised him a few times, they mostly did it for his grandfather's sake.

It's not like this, they are quarreling here over a Ling Feng.

The most speechless thing is that even his grandfather has joined the fight!

Finally, Li Chunyang stood up and snorted: "You are arguing, did I bring this kid to you to fight for? I brought him here, which means that I have long been prepared to accept him as my wife." You are a direct disciple, why should you argue with each other?"

"Li Chunyang, you are too shameless. You are guarding the Demon Sealing Tower all day long. Of course you are the first to see this good young man. Just because of this, you want to snatch him away?"

"That is to say, why!"

The other elders also looked unconvinced.


Li Chunyang raised a fist and said, "You can't beat me, okay?"

For a moment, all the elders were silent.

That's really unbeatable!

Don't look at Li Chunyang napping next to the Demon-Sealing Tower all day long. In fact, it is precisely because of this that he proves his incomparable strength.

If it were other elders, they would not have the confidence to deal with various emergencies in the Demon Sealing Tower.

"Li Chunyang, you are too domineering!"

One of the elders gritted his teeth with hatred.

"Did you meet me, Li Chunyang, on the first day?" Li Chunyang sneered, "I'm so overbearing, it's not just a day or two anymore!"

The other elders' mouths twitched slightly. They had forgotten that Old Li had been guarding the Demon Sealing Tower all these years. He was a restless and ruthless man!

"Don't say I don't take care of you. There is another seedling next to the Demon-Sealing Tower. It's not bad. He has passed the seventh floor of the Demon-Sealing Tower. It's first come, first served!"

Li Chunyang chuckled, and before he finished speaking, he heard a few "swish, swish, swish" sounds, and all the elders in the hall flew out in a hurry.

Ling Feng and the others are out of reach, and the remaining one cannot be let go easily.

After all, if you can break through the fifth level, you are already qualified to become a true disciple.

If you can get through the seventh level, you can be considered a direct disciple.

Of course, whether it is qualified or not needs to be tested.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. It seemed that Yan Jinghong should also get some opportunities in the Demon God Clan.

As for myself...

Ling Feng glanced at Li Chunyang. This guy could scare off so many Ancestral Realm Elders by himself. He was definitely a ruthless person!

Of course, Ling Feng is also a principled person and will not become a disciple easily!

"Little guy, I am Li Chunyang, are you willing to worship me as your teacher?"

Li Chunyang's eyes were fixed on Ling Feng, and the domineering aura of a strong man in the ancestral realm swept over him, making Ling Feng tremble all over.

This guy is ridiculously strong!

Ling Feng took a deep breath, knelt down and bowed, "Disciple Ling Feng, pay your respects to the master!"

That's right, I, Ling Feng, am a principled person, unless I can't beat him!

After all, as the old saying goes, a real man can bend and stretch!

The light breaks through the sky.

Ling Feng only felt that the scene in front of him suddenly changed, and he suddenly came to the top of a mountain from the main hall.

"This is my hilltop. There are not many people on weekdays. You can just live here by yourself."

Li Chunyang said calmly: "You are lucky. I don't have any other disciples, and I have to go to the Demon Sealing Tower to guard it on weekdays. Therefore, you can occupy an Elder Peak by yourself. Although you are only a direct disciple in name, your treatment is better than that of ordinary elders." ”


Ling Feng secretly sneered in his heart. To put it bluntly, this cheap master was just planning to leave him alone here.

However, this is exactly what Ling Feng meant.

Anyway, he doesn't really need other people to give him advice.

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