Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2847 The difference has been made! (2 updates)

At this time, the Yujunyao sisters seemed to have heard the commotion here, and they all rushed over. As for Bai Xiaotong, because his injury was relatively serious, he had already rested and slept.

When Sister Yujunyao arrived, she was shocked when she saw Ling Feng fighting with a disciple of the Tai'a God Clan.

"Oh my God!"

Yu Qiulin's eyes widened and she exclaimed: "Yao'er, what...what's going on? How could Master Ling have a conflict with the Tai'a God Clan?"

"You ask me, who should I ask?"

Yu Junyao rolled her eyes, "However, this brat is reincarnated as a troublemaker, and he looks the same wherever he goes. Don't worry, sister, although this brat likes to cause trouble, he won't easily fight without confidence."


Yu Qiulin's forehead darkened, and she said speechlessly: "This is not a matter of uncertainty. He really shouldn't provoke the Tai'a God Clan..."

Among the three high-ranking protoss, the Tai'a protoss may not be the strongest, but they are definitely the most vengeful and vengeful.

Ling Feng provoked a disciple of the Tai'a God Clan, which was equivalent to poking a hornet's nest.


Yu Junyao smiled coquettishly and thought to himself: Not only the Tai'a Clan, but also his relationship with Qianxue is destined to have direct conflicts with the other two major Clan.

Yu Junyao didn't dare to think about it anymore.

If Ling Feng really faced off against the three high-level gods alone, he would really have no way to go to heaven and no way to go to earth.

Shaking her head, Yu Junyao could only pray that Ling Feng had better not be too impulsive.

"Kill him! Kill him!"

Not far away, Wang Yue was still yelling like a mad dog.

Yu Junyao frowned when she heard Wang Yue's voice, "This guy is not dead yet! Damn it, it seems that the reason why things turned out like this has nothing to do with this guy!"

Yu Junyao clenched her fists, feeling a little regretful in her heart. She should have killed him directly if she had known before!

"Wang Yue, go to hell!"

Yu Junyao flew up and kicked Wang Yue directly, trampling him heavily on the ground.

Wang Yue was already injured, but after being kicked by Yu Junyao, he rolled his eyes again and fainted.

"Damn it!"

The more Ye Hui fought, the more frightened he became. Ling Feng's swordsmanship was actually so terrifying.

He would not hold back any longer, and he would strike fiercely with every strike, with the purpose of killing Ling Feng.

Under the close swordsmanship competition, Ling Feng actually felt a sense of difficulty.

After all, Ye Hui's Tai'a divine pattern is still powerful, and although his own divine pattern is definitely not low in grade, it has only just been condensed after all.

Moreover, the brute force that Ye Hui can exert is obviously greater than that of Ling Feng.

It can be seen that his divine patterns have greatly increased his physical strength.

If it were in the outside world, Ling Feng would be able to crush Ye Hui with the help of the Dragon Elephant Hegemony Body Technique and the divine power of two thousand dragon elephants.

But this was the realm of demon-suppressing, and he actually lost to Ye Hui in terms of physical strength.

The two sides fought fiercely, and the fight was inseparable.

The onlookers around him became more and more frightened as they watched.

This boy with the one-word divine pattern does not seem to be a weakling!

Yu Qiulin also widened her eyes and opened her mouth so wide that she could stuff an egg into it.

The current Ling Feng is far different in strength from the Ling Feng who fought with the three-headed demon snake.

Only Yu Junyao pursed her lips, folded her hands on her chest, and smiled.

She saw with her own eyes that Ling Feng, after condensing the divine patterns, instantly killed the mutated bone wolf.

The power Ling Feng exerts now is far from what it was back then.

In other words, even Ling Feng himself may not know the power hidden in Ling Feng's body.

After a fierce battle, the two sides could not tell the winner.

But Ling Feng was already confident.

Just now, he tried his best to compete with Ye Hui in swordsmanship, just to find out the mystery of the swordsmanship of the Tai'a God Clan.

And the means he possesses are not limited to swordsmanship.

"Almost! It's time to end!"

After a swordsmanship competition that lasted for about half an hour, the two were almost indistinguishable in terms of swordsmanship. Ling Feng even had a slight disadvantage because of Ye Hui's divine pattern and the increase in his physical strength.

But this does not mean that Ling Feng is inferior to him.

It's just that in the special environment of the demon-subduing field, Ling Feng's strength was really suppressed.

"Damn waste!"

Ye Hui's eyes were full of viciousness. He had obviously used all his methods, but he still couldn't take down a mere Ling Feng.

The Ling Feng at this moment was completely different from the Ling Feng he had seen outside the Demon Subduing Domain that day.

Could it be that there is some secret hidden in his simple divine pattern?

Obviously, it's just an extremely simple divine pattern. How could it be able to compete with his Tai'a divine pattern?

This is impossible!

"The universe is in chaos!"

The yin and yang fish floated in Ling Feng's eyes, and he finally used the ability of the Eye of the Emperor.

Although the chaos of the universe was not enough to completely affect Ye Hui, as long as that moment of trance was enough, it was enough.

Sure enough, under the shroud of the reverse chaos of the universe, Ye Hui suddenly lost his sense of direction, because the power of divine consciousness was completely suppressed in the field of subduing demons, and he could not break through the interference of the reverse chaos of the universe in an instant.

Therefore, his sword was messed up!

Ling Feng seized the opportunity and struck Ye Hui's sword-holding arm hard with his sword.


Blood was spilled, and Ye Hui's entire right arm was cut off at the root. A scream rang out, and Ye Hui let out a roar like a killing pig.

Ye Hui was defeated!

Ling Feng's eyes turned cold, and he stabbed out his sword, aiming at Ye Hui's heart.

"No! Stop! Stop!"

Ye Hui was so horrified that he shouted quickly, moved his feet at the same time, used some kind of magical footwork, and retreated quickly, not even caring about his broken arm.

However, Ling Feng's movement was faster than him!

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