Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2849 A poisonous plan! (1 update)

After resting for a while, Ling Feng felt that after about a night, his physical strength and energy had been replenished and restored, he asked Yu Junyao to leave the Demon-Conquering Station together.

Within the demon-suppressing realm, since there is no distinction between day and night, even the passage of time cannot be sensed.

According to Yu Junyao, the demon-suppressing realm is a very special space, and the speed of time passing is ten times slower than that of the outside world.

In other words, ten months in the demon-suppressing field is equivalent to one month in the outside world.

However, each time you enter the Demon-Subduing Domain, you cannot enter the Demon-Subduing Domain for more than three months at most, because within the Demon-Subduing Domain, your own elemental and spiritual power are suppressed. If the time is too long, it will have negative effects on your body and soul. origin, causing irreversible damage.

In other words, each time you enter the demon-suppressing realm, the maximum time is three months, which is equivalent to the short nine days in the outside world.

Knowing this, Ling Feng would not waste time in the field of subduing demons.

After all, what he lacks most now is time. The field of subduing demons provides him with extra training time. Such opportunities are rare.

With Ling Feng's current strength, coupled with Yu Junyao, there is almost no pressure to deal with the monsters in the fourth level area.

However, Ling Feng didn't rely on him. Anyway, he still had plenty of time, so there was no need to rush to the fifth floor area.

The two of them worked together to kill the monsters, and Ling Feng did not take advantage of Yu Junyao. The two of them took turns absorbing the soul power of the monsters. As for good things like soul crystals, they were distributed in a ratio of three to one.

After all, Ling Feng is the main force.

But even so, Yu Junyao's efficiency in absorbing the soul power of those monsters is much higher than that of the previous team.

It seemed that after seven or eight days, Yu Junyao's Jiuli divine pattern had obviously become much more condensed.

Ling Feng has accumulated more than twenty soul crystals in his hand, but unfortunately, they are all low-grade soul crystals.

Things like soul crystals are really rare!

What makes Ling Feng a little strange is that he and Yu Junyao have been hanging around outside the Demon-Conquering Station for so long, but Ye Hui didn't come to take revenge on him.

Could it be that he is afraid?

Or is this guy gathering other helpers?

But no matter what, as long as he dares to come, Ling Feng will dare to destroy him!

Inside the Demon Subduing Station.

Ye Hui had one of his arms torn off by Ling Feng, and the broken arm was also burned to charcoal by Jiuli Divine Fire.

That's his right hand for wielding a sword!

For a swordsman, his strength is undoubtedly greatly reduced if his right hand is disabled.

Although the Etaia Protoss have vast magical powers, it is not difficult to regenerate a broken limb and grow an arm again.

However, the strength of the regrown arm is simply not comparable to the previous one, and it will take a long time to get used to it again. (PS: The situation of Ling Feng’s immortal golden body is different. He was rebuilt directly with the power of Qi and blood, while using drugs to regenerate a severed limb is to slowly grow a small arm into a normal arm, similar to the process of rebirth. )

At this moment, Ye Hui was in a very depressed mood. Although he had saved a small life, his face was completely ruined.

His lackeys were afraid of provoking the Jiuli God Clan, so they all fell into disarray and left him one after another.

"What a fucking reality!"

Ye Hui banged the table, picked up the wine bowl, and drank the wine in one gulp.

He glanced at the guy opposite him. He was covered in bandages and his face was swollen into a pig's head. It was Wang Yue.

Although he despised Wang Yue from the bottom of his heart, he didn't expect that the one who could stay by his side at this time was actually Wang Yue!

"Wang Yue, you are so damn loyal!"

He also glanced at Wang Yue and said, "As for the other bastards, don't even think about getting any benefits from me."

Wang Yue said with an apologetic smile: "That's because those idiots have no vision! Who is Brother Hui? It's just a little setback, how can he defeat Brother Hui!"

"That's right! I won't be unable to get up from a small pit!"

Ye Hui slapped the table and looked at Wang Yue. The more he looked at him, the more he felt that this guy was his damn confidant!


Wang Yue took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and said: "Brother Hui, when are we going to find that boy to take revenge! That damn breeding pig, I want him to die without a burial!"

Wang Yue's face was full of evil spirit and gloomy, and his eyes were full of malice.


Ye Hui frowned, "The relationship between that boy and the Jiuli God Clan is not simple. Although I, the Tai'a God Clan, are not afraid of him, but..."

In the final analysis, Ye Hui is just a branch disciple, not a direct descendant of the Tai'a God Clan.

Not only did he lose to outsiders in swordsmanship, he also lost his right hand.

To the Tai Ah Clan, he was already a shame.

It may not be easy to get the strong men of the Tai'a Protoss to help him.

Not to mention, this may also cause conflicts with the Jiuli Divine Clan.

He could only endure this tone for the time being.

"Not urgent!"

Ye Hui took a deep breath and said, "Now is not the time, but that kid must die!"

Wang Yue tightened his fists, and seeing Ye Hui's look, he knew that he had already given up.

Although the words were harsh enough, he was already a little scared!

He is afraid of Ling Feng!


Wang Yue cursed secretly in his heart, but did not dare to show it on his face. He took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Brother Hui said, it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge in ten years! Just let that boy be free for a few days." "

"Not bad, not bad!" Ye Hui chuckled, "You still understand me!"

Wang Yue snorted in his heart, but he still had a flattering look on his face, "Brother Hui, let's put Ling Feng aside for now, but I got news that there is a burial site of a magical beast in the northwest of the fourth floor of the Demon Suppressing Domain. There seems to be a lot of Warcraft Soul Crystals stored in the Bone Land, and there may be high-grade Soul Crystals among them!"


Ye Hui's eyes lit up. If there really were a large number of soul crystals, after he absorbed the soul crystals, the power of the divine pattern would definitely increase by leaps and bounds.

At that time, if we meet Ling Feng again, we can avenge our shame!

After all, this is the realm of demons!

As long as the power of the divine pattern is strong enough, it is not difficult to shake the ancestral realm!

"Damn it, Wang Yue, I really have you! Take me there!"

Ye Hui burst out laughing, raised his hand and patted Wang Yue's shoulder hard several times, laughed loudly and said: "Wang Yue, if you really harvest high-grade soul crystals this time, I will ensure that you will prosper in the future!"

"Thank you, Brother Hui, haha..."

Wang Yue had a smile on his face, but a ray of cold light flashed in his eyes, which was extremely vague, but Ye Hui, who was getting carried away, didn't notice it at all.

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