Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2869 Please be a human being! (3 updates)

The war between humans and monsters finally came to an end with Yu Junyao's spiritual light cannon.

As soon as the white-haired giant ape died, the entire tide of monsters became chaotic again.

Under the siege of the spiritual light cannon and the human warriors, in the end, except for a few escaped magic beasts, almost all the magic beasts died in front of the Demon-Conquering Post.

You won’t know if you don’t count them, but you will be shocked if you count them.

Outside the Demon-Conquering Station, there are actually the corpses of nearly 50,000 monsters!

The most unbelievable thing is that they persisted.

This is not only because of the spiritual light cannon, but also because of their fighting spirit.

If they hadn't persisted until the last moment without fear of death, I'm afraid even with the help of the spiritual light cannon, the Demon-Conquering Station would eventually perish.

This is a victory for everyone.

It also includes those who have fallen on the battlefield forever.

In this battle, more than 60% of the human warriors died, and the cruelty exceeded all the beast tides that had occurred in the past thousand years.

After the battle, everyone almost collapsed on the ground.


This will be an unforgettable memory for all warriors who survived.

Because Sun Datong was dead, the last person responsible for cleaning up the battlefield was the deputy general next to Sun Datong.

With so many magical beasts, it is natural to dissect a large amount of soul crystals.

The final distribution issue fell on Ye Xuan and Ling Feng.

The two of them are undoubtedly the biggest contributors to saving the Demon Fuyi.

However, it will take some time to clean up so many corpses.

"Ye Xuan, I want to take you to meet someone! About Ye Hui's death."

After a short rest, Ling Feng looked at Ye Xuan. It was time to let him know the truth about Ye Hui's death.

Ye Xuan glanced at Ling Feng and his eyelids twitched slightly, "Do you know who killed Ye Hui?"

Ling Feng smiled faintly, "Why, don't you insist now that I killed Ye Hui?"

"From the moment you rescued me, I already believed that you were not the murderer."

Ye Xuan looked at Ling Feng and said slowly: "This is an intuition. You are not the kind of person who dares to do something but not be responsible."

"Haha!" Ling Feng smiled cheerfully, "I really saw you right! Come with me!"

After a while, under the leadership of Ling Feng, the two came to the forging room.

At this moment, Bitch is, well, "training" Wang Yue.

Because the bitch got the order to guard Wang Yue, but he was bored, so he simply started to entertain Wang Yue.

After these few hours, Wang Yue had been tortured to the point of collapse.

"Save me! Save me, don't let me be tortured by this black donkey anymore, give me a good time! I say, I will say anything!"

Wang Yue crawled to Ling Feng's feet, kowtowed and begged for mercy without falling. Looking at the look of his body being hollowed out, Ling Feng could probably imagine how miserable he was being tortured by the cheap donkey.

However, Ling Feng would not sympathize with him.

The reason why Ling Feng asked Jian Lv to guard him was because Ling Feng had great trust in Jian Lv's ability.

Any normal person who is tortured by a bitch would probably be driven crazy by him.

After all, when this guy opens his mouth, his vile anger can blow up people's lungs.

"Come on, talk about it carefully!"

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and glanced at Bitch with satisfaction. This guy did a good job in "training".

Wang Yue knelt in front of Ling Feng and Ye Xuan, slapped himself hard several times, and cried: "It was me, it was I who killed Brother Hui and put the blame on Ling Feng, it was me, I was the one who put the blame on Ling Feng." Brother Hui’s Naling Ring is secretly hidden on Ling Feng’s body, I’m not a human being, I deserve to die!”

"It's actually you!"

Ye Xuan stared at Wang Yue with a cold look in his eyes, "How did you kill Ye Hui?"

"I...I first deceived Brother Hui's trust, and then used the poisoned dagger to kill...killed Brother Hui."

Wang Yue was shaking violently, but when he saw the look in his eyes, he didn't dare to tell a lie.

All he wanted now was to die happily, and that was enough.

As the saying goes, evil people still need to be punished by evil people. Once a cheap donkey takes action, he is still powerful.

Ling Feng smiled lightly, saving himself from using memory reading to deal with this guy.

Ye Xuan took a deep breath, the expression in his eyes changed several times, and then he kicked Wang Yue away, then bowed to Ling Feng and said apologetically: "Brother Ling, I'm sorry, I listened to the traitor's slander before and was almost unjustly accused. Brother Ling, Ye Mou apologizes to Brother Ling here.”

Ling Feng raised his hand to help Ye Xuan, and said with a faint smile: "If Brother Ye treats me as a friend, let this matter be revealed."


Ye Xuan nodded, "It is a worthwhile trip to meet a true hero like Brother Ling this time."

"Brother Ye's fearlessness and courage make him a true hero, and Ling Feng is the one who feels ashamed."

It can be said that if Ye Xuanhan was not afraid of death and rushed to the front of this beast wave, the entire Demon Subduing Station would have been doomed long ago.

"What's wrong with courage? Even if I don't stand up, I think, Brother Ling, you will stand up."

Ye Xuan smiled, "It's just that what you need to do is more important than the courage of a common man like me."

"Okay, okay, you two, stop bragging about each other in business!"

Yu Junyao on the side made an exaggerated and disgusting expression, and whispered in a low voice: "I beat you to death a few days ago, but today it's like wearing a pair of pants!"


Ye Xuan smiled awkwardly, Ling Feng also smiled bitterly, shook his head and smiled, and said lightly: "There are still some people who took advantage of the chaos to close the barrier and killed the soul guards guarding the barrier. These things, I’ll leave it to you, Brother Ye.”

Ye Xuan nodded, laughed and said: "It's okay, if you survive this disaster, you two may have a lot of secret things to say. No wonder Miss Yu is rushing to drive me away!"

"No, Brother Ye, you misunderstood!"

Ling Feng's old face turned red, and just when he was about to explain, Ye Xuan already showed a "you understand" expression, grabbed Wang Yue with one hand, and strode away.

Yu Junyao was so embarrassed that her ears felt hot, and she glared at Ling Feng, but she didn't know how to break the embarrassment.

"Forget it, let's make it clear next time."

Ling Feng shrugged and said calmly: "Miss Yu, thank you for repairing the spiritual light cannon's formation in time this time, otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous."

"whispering sound!"

Yu Junyao pouted her little lips and hummed softly: "This girl has always been so good, and you just discovered it?"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. He remembered that when Xia Houtao attacked him before, Yu Junyao stood in front of him and said, "With me here, you can't even think of hurting him." His eyes couldn't help but soften a little. .

"Thank you..." Ling Feng took a deep look at Yu Junyao, "Also, don't be so stupid next time, don't use your body to block in front of me!"

Yu Junyao's pretty face turned hot at Ling Feng's gaze. She wanted to scold him a few words, but when the words came to her lips, she swallowed them again. She just whispered in a voice as subtle as a mosquito's groan: "I... ...Don't get me wrong, I...I just...I just..."

Ling Feng lightly bumped Yu Junyao with his shoulder and said with a smile: "I know, we are good brothers!"

The corners of Yujunyao's mouth twitched slightly, she glared at Ling Feng fiercely, and then said in a hateful voice: "Smelly Lingfeng, how do I not look like a woman anymore? I'm going to kill you!"

With that said, he rushed towards Ling Feng with all his teeth and claws.

Ling Feng was about to cry but had no tears, so he ran away in all directions. The two of them chased and hid, and started fighting for a while.

The bitch sat in the corner with a melancholy look on his face, with a look of displeasure on his face, and cursed in a low voice: "Please be a human being! I have only heard of dog abuse, these two guys, so good at it, actually started to abuse donkeys! Bah bah bah! Bah, this divine beast is not a donkey! This divine beast is a divine donkey!”

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