Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2871 Return to the Holy Mountain! (2 updates)

After leaving the lounge where he had stayed for two months, Ling Feng came to the teleportation circle of Fu Mo Yi.

Each Demon-Conquering Station has a transmission channel that can be sent directly back to the major gods. However, if you want to use the transmission channel, you need to pay a certain fee.

Two months have passed since the beast wave broke out that day, and things have become orderly again in the Demon-Conquering Station.

"Master Ling!"

The soul guard responsible for guarding the magic circle was also the guy who Ling Feng saved from Xia Houtao that day. Because Ling Feng saved a small life, he had extra respect for Ling Feng.


Ling Feng nodded towards the soul guard and said calmly: "I want to return to the Demon Sealing God Clan."

"Demon Sealing God Clan?"

The soul guard blinked his eyes. He had seen that Ling Feng and Yu Junyao had a close relationship before, and thought that Ling Feng was also a member of the Jiuli Divine Clan.

However, he didn't ask any more questions, he just smiled and said, "Okay, no problem, please, Mr. Ling."

Ling Feng walked onto the teleportation platform and glanced at the Yuan Shen guard, "How many Yuan Crystals?"

"No, no, no, how can I collect money from you, Master Ling?" The soul guard quickly waved his hand and said, "Master Ling saved my life last time, and I didn't have time to repay you. I asked."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, then strode into the teleportation circle.

However, when his figure disappeared into the teleportation array, a bag was thrown out of it, and it landed in the hands of the soul guard with great accuracy.


The soul guard opened his pocket, and there were several high-grade soul crystals inside!

His vision went dark, and no one knew how long it had passed before Ling Feng finally returned to the Demon-Sealing Holy Mountain.

To him, three months had passed, but to the outside world, it was only nine days.

The imprisonment on his body was completely lifted, giving Ling Feng the urge to look up to the sky and scream.

His level of cultivation may not have improved, but his strength has increased exponentially.

After stepping out of the teleportation array, Ling Feng did not stop, but flew away in the direction of Tianxiang Peak.

The harvest this time was not small, and he had to thank Li Chunyang, the cheap master.

He did point him to a good place.

However, before Ling Feng could return to Tianxiang Peak, he found that on his way, there were several warriors standing in front of him with their hands crossed and cold expressions on their faces.

And one of them turned out to be Chen Wang, who had a conflict on the Hunyuan Stage that day.

For Ling Feng, three months had passed since that incident, and he had almost forgotten about this person. But for Chen Wang, that shame only happened nine days ago.

"You are finally back!"

Chen Wang had brought many people with him. His injuries had not fully recovered, but the murderous aura flashing in his eyes was like ten thousand sharp swords trying to pierce Ling Feng's heart with thousands of arrows.

Ling Feng frowned, stared at Chen Wang, and said coldly: "Why, weren't you beaten enough last time?"

Mentioning what happened last time, Chen Wang gritted his teeth with hatred, clapped his hands, and saw a few thugs pushing out a man who was bound and beaten with a bruised nose and face.

This person turned out to be Qin Ming!

"I said, this is not over yet, I will remember you!"

Chen Wang kicked Qin Ming to the ground, stepped on Qin Ming's face with one foot, stared at Ling Feng coldly, and said in a cold voice: "Your scene will soon become like him." !”

"Brother Qin!"

Ling Feng's eyes turned cold. This Chen Wang was too courageous.

Chen Wang is also a true disciple. Who gave him the courage to deal with a true disciple like this?

Ling Feng stared at Chen Wang and said coldly: "One person does the work and the other takes responsibility. I am the one who beats you. If you have the guts, come to me!"

"Hmph, you bastards, I won't let any of you go!"

Chen Wang gritted his teeth and said, "Don't think that you can sit back and relax just because your woman is hiding on Tianxiang Peak. Let me tell you, I am not afraid of even that old guy Li Chunyang!"

"Brother Ling, leave me alone!"

Qin Ming spat out a mouthful of blood and said loudly: "They don't dare to do anything to me. Chen Shidao is nearby. Go back to Tianxiang Peak quickly. With Elder Li here, he doesn't dare to do anything!"

"Shut up!"

Chen Wang kicked Qin Ming's lower abdomen several times, and said with a ferocious expression: "Did I let you talk? You do not know how to live or die!"

"I said, how dare you be so bold? It turns out there is someone behind you to support you!"

Ling Feng's eyes turned cold. He had already heard of Chen Shidao's name.

According to Qin Ming, Chen Shidao's strength can be regarded as the best among the entire younger generation of the Demon Sealing God Clan.

If before entering the realm of demon-slaying, Ling Feng really had no confidence that he could fight against such strong men.

But now...

It doesn’t matter whether it’s Chen Shidao or Chen Goudan, if you dare to provoke me, everyone will be defeated!


At this moment, something seemed to fall from the sky. With a "boom", it hit the ground heavily, and a puff of smoke and dust rose up within a few hundred meters.

The next moment, the smoke and dust dissipated, and a huge piece of black ice appeared in front of everyone.


The black ice shattered, and a pale-faced man walked out of it, with bloodstains hanging from the corners of his mouth. It was Yan Jinghong!


As soon as Yan Jinghong appeared, he immediately spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his breath was extremely weak.

Apparently, he was seriously injured!

"Yan Jinghong?"

Ling Feng was slightly stunned, how could he appear here, fight with someone, and even suffer such serious injuries.

The next moment, all the answers will be revealed naturally.

I saw a figure in the distant sky, like a rainbow breaking through the sun. The next moment, I saw a man in golden clothes wearing a light golden robe, standing with his hands behind his hands, suspended in the air, with a look of disdain on his face. It was as if he was the only one in this world.


Chen Wang shouted loudly and laughed loudly: "My cousin is really awesome!"

But it turned out that when Chen Wang and others took action against Qin Ming, they happened to be bumped into by Yan Jinghong.

Because Yan Jinghong had met Qin Ming before, he did not sit idly by and was about to teach Chen Wang a lesson when he met Chen Shidao.

Although his strength has improved a lot, there is still a considerable gap compared to Chen Shidao.

In fact, if it were not for the power of Xuntian Ice Soul, he would have been defeated by Chen Shidao long ago.

"How dare you try your best to do everything in front of me despite your small skills?"

Chen Shidao ignored Chen Wang and just stared at Yan Jinghong, with disdain flashing in his eyes.

Although Yan Jinghong relied on the power of Xuntian Bingpo to manage a few moves with him, judging from the results, it was a complete crushing situation.

Of course, this does not mean that the power of surveying the sky is not as good as his power of Hunyuan, but the power of surveying the sky that Yan Jinghong obtained is really insignificant.

Yan Jinghong wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, clenched his fists, but said nothing.

"Chen Shidao, right? It depends on the owner to beat a dog. First you asked someone to hurt my friend, and now you hurt my follower. It seems that I must teach you a lesson today!"

Ling Feng's eyes were fixed on Chen Shidao.

The current situation is not complicated. As long as Chen Shidao is defeated, everything will be solved naturally.

"Teach me a lesson?"

Chen Shidao laughed, "It seems that I haven't been back for so long that you new guys have forgotten my name, Chen Shidao!"

"Cousin, he is that Ling Feng!"

Chen Wang on the side pointed at Ling Feng's nose and said through gritted teeth: "He was the one who injured me last time!"

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